10.A.Disappointed B.Relaxed C.Amazed D.Exhausted 查看更多



During my last stay in France, I took to biking down a quiet road.Round a   1   , I found a woman sitting in front of a little shabby house.I don’t know why, but something about her attracted my   2   .I waved at her as I went by, and she must have thought I was some   3 

tourist because she didn’t wave back.The same thing happened the second day.But on the third day, the old woman returned a hesitated     4  , and the next day, she   5   got out of her chair as I called out, “Morning, madam!” It became a small ritual(仪式)   6    us.She had no idea who I was, nor   7    I was coming, but she seemed to be    8    for me.

On my last ride, I bought some flowers and    9    down to the house, only to find she wasn’t there.She had gone to hospital for surgeries.  10   , I tied the flowers to her gate as a    11    gift.Back at my place, I    12   Roger, the gardener, of my missed    13   .“The old lady at the corner is suffering    14   injuries, through which walking has been troubling her,” he said,   15    “by the quiet road there used to be a station.Whenever a train passed, the couple would see the passengers waving    16   , especially the children—for them, such a ride was high adventure.  17   , everything is gone except for this couple.”

                  It seems that my bicycle ride    18    mind her past days.As Roger said, “she has    19    the trains and the waves.You brought them back to her.” By reaching out, in a way that cost me    20   , I’d given more than I had realized.

11.A.corner     B.garden        C.hospital        D.shop

12.A.sympathy   B.feeling       C.impression      D.interest

13.A.humorous  B.silly         C.enthusiastic   D.willing

14.A.smile      B.wave          C.look            D.weep

15.A.nearly     B.hardly        C.merely          D.mostly

16.A.from       B.beyond        C.between         D.among

17.A.where      B.whether       C.how             D.when

18.A.applying  B.looking       C.searching       D.waiting

19.A.counted    B.cycled        C.fled            D.drove

20.A.Disappointed  B.Relaxed    C.Amazed          D.Exhausted

21.A.greeting  B.visiting      C.parting         D.celebrating

22.A.asked      B.told          C.reminded        D.convinced

23.A.connection  B.devotion     C.reaction        D.donation

24.A.leg        B.head          C.hand            D.arm

25.A.adding     B.denying       C.predicating     D.concluding

26.A.surprisingly  B.angrily    C.excitedly       D.casually

27.A.Besides    B.Thus          C.However         D.Therefore

28.A.called back  B.called to  C.called by       D.called for

29A.missed       B.forgotten     C.lost            D.passed

30.A.something  B.little        C.much            D.nothing


A gentle wind blew through Jennifer's hair.The golden red sun was  36  .She was on the beach,looking up at the ball.She was amazed by its  37  ,deep red in the middle, 38    fading into yellow. She could hear nothing but the  39  and the seagulls flying up above in the sky.

The atmosphere  40   her.After all she had been through,this is what she  41  .“ It’s getting late,”she thought,“I must go home,my parents will be  42  where I am.”She wondered how her parents would react,when she got home after the three days she was  43 .

The sun had set by now and it was getting  44  .She tried to imagine having her favorite 45  on until she saw her front door It seemed different.   46   had taken care of the outside garden for days.She was  47  : her father was usually so strict about keeping everything clean and tidy, and now…It all seemed  48  .She couldn't understand what was going on.

She entered the  49  .First,she went into the kitchen where she saw a(n)  50  written by her father.It said:“Dear Ellen,there is some coffee ready,1 went  51  .”Ellen was her mother but—where was she? On the right side of the hallway was her  52  room.She went in.Then she saw her mother, lying on the bed sleeping.Her  53  looked so tired,as if she hadn’t  54  for days.She was really pale.Jenny just fell asleep beside her.When Jennifer woke up she found something  55  .She was in her cosy bed in her nightclothes.

It felt so good being back home.Suddenly she heard a voice.“Are you feeling better  now, dear? You know you got us very, very scared.”

36.A.rising              B.setting           C.shining                  D.smiling

37.A.shape                    B.shadow           C.size                       D.color

38.A.quickly           B.partly                     C.softly                    D.probably

39.A.waves             B.boats                     C.trees                     D.sands

40.A.relaxed           B.puzzled          C.disappointed               D.interrupted

41.A.understood    B.considered    C.needed                      D.regretted

42.A.discussing             B.finding            C.asking                   D.wondering

43.A.alive               B.asleep             C.missing                  D.hardworking

44.A.sunny             B.warm                     C.cold                             D.cloudy

45.A.glasses            B.hat                 C.skirt                             D.jacket

46.A.Somebody    B.Nobody          C.Mother                 D.Father

47.A.shocked         B.scared            C.exhausted            D.comforted

48.A.beautified             B.rearranged             C.deserted                      D.destroyed

49.A.garden            B.bedroom         C.yard                             D.house

50.A.book               B.note               C.article                   D.poster

51.A.100king           B.working          C.fishing                  D.sightseeing

52.A.own                B.parents’              C.sister’s                  D.brother’s

53.A.gesture          B.body               C.face                             D.eyes

54.A.studied          B.slept            C.exercised                     D.moved

55.A.different        B.new             C.precious                      D.dangerous


A gentle wind blew through Jennifer’s hair. The golden red sun was  36  . She was on the beach, looking up at the ball. She was amazed by its   37  , deep red in the middle,  38  fading into yellow. She could hear nothing but the  39  and the seagulls flying up above in the sky.

The atmosphere  40  her. After all she had been through, this is what she   41  . “It’s getting late,”she thought,“I must go home, my parents will be    42  where I am.”She wondered how her parents would react, when she got home after the three days she was  43  .

The sun had set by now and it was getting  44 . She tried to imagine having her favorite  45 on until she saw her front door. It seemed different.   46  had taken care of the outside garden for days. She was   47  : her father was usually so strict about keeping everything clean and tidy, and  now… It all seemed    48  . She couldn’t understand what was going on.She entered the   49 . First,she went into the kitchen where she saw a(n)  50  written by her father. It said:“Dear Ellen,there is some coffee ready,I went   51  .” Ellen was her mother but-where was she? On the right side of the hallway was her    52   room. She went in. Then she saw her mother,lying on the bed sleeping. Her

 53  looked so tired,as if she hadn’t   54   for days. She was really pale. Jenny just fell asleep beside her. When Jennifer woke up she found something  55  . She was in her cozy bed in her nightclothes.

It felt so good being back home. Suddenly she heard a voice.“Are you feeling better now, dear? You know you got us very, very scared.”

1.                A.rising          B.setting          C.shining   D.smiling


2.                A.shape          B.shadow         C.size  D.color


3.                A.quickly         B.partly          C.softly D.probably


4.                A.waves          B.boats           C.trees D.sands


5.                A.relaxed         B.puzzled         C.disappointed   D.interrupted


6.                A.understood     B.considered      C.needed   D.regretted


7.                A.discussing       B.finding         C.asking    D.wondering


8.                A.alive           B.asleep          C.missing   D.hardworking


9.                A.sunny          B.warm          C.cold D.cloudy


10.               A.glasses         B.hat            C.skirt  D.jacket


11.               A.Somebody      B.Nobody        C.Mother   D.Father


12.               A.shocked        B.scared         C.exhausted D.comforted


13.               A.beautified       B.rearranged      C.deserted  D.destroyed


14.               A.garden         B.bedroom       C.yard  D.house


15.               A.book          B.note           C.article D.poster


16.               A.looking         B.working        C.fishing D.sightseeing


17.               A.own           B.parents’       C.sister’s   D.brother’s


18.               A.gesture        B.body           C.face  D.eyes


19.               A.studied         B.slept           C.exercised  D.moved


20.               A.different       B.new           C.precious   D.dangerous




A gentle wind blew through Jennifer's hair.The golden red sun was  46  .She was on the beach,looking up at the ball.She was amazed by its  47  ,deep red in the middle, 48    fading into yellow. She could hear nothing but the  49  and the seagulls flying up above in the sky.

The atmosphere  50   her.After all she had been through,this is what she  51  .“ It’s getting late,”she thought,“I must go home,my parents will be  52  where I am.”She wondered how her parents would react,when she got home after the three days she was 53 .

The sun had set by now and it was getting  54  .She tried to imagine having her favorite 55  on until she saw her front door It seemed different.   56   had taken care of the outside garden for days.She was  57  : her father was usually so strict about keeping everything clean and tidy, and now…It all seemed  58  .She couldn't understand what was going on.

She entered the  59  .First,she went into the kitchen where she saw a(n)  60  written by her father.It said:“Dear Ellen,there is some coffee ready, I went  61  .”Ellen was her mother but—where was she? On the right side of the hallway was her  62  room.She went in.Then she saw her mother, lying on the bed sleeping.Her  63  looked so tired,as if she hadn’t  64  for days.She was really pale.Jenny just fell asleep beside her.When Jennifer woke up she found something  65  .She was in her cosy bed in her nightclothes.

It felt so good being back home.Suddenly she heard a voice.“Are you feeling better  now, dear? You know you got us very, very scared.”

1.A.rising     B.setting      C.shining          D.smiling

2.A.shape      B.shadow       C.size             D.color

3.A.quickly        B.partly       C.softly           D.probably

4.A.waves      B.boats        C.trees            D.sands

5.A.relaxed        B.puzzled      C.disappointed     D.interrupted

6.A.understood B.considered   C.needed           D.regretted

7.A.discussing B.finding      C.asking           D.wondering

8.A.alive      B.asleep       C.missing          D.hardworking

9.A.sunny      B.warm         C.cold             D.cloudy

10.A.glasses       B.hat          C.skirt            D.jacket

11.A.Somebody    B.Nobody     C.Mother           D.Father

12.A.shocked       B.scared       C.exhausted        D.comforted

13.A.beautified    B.rearranged   C.deserted         D.destroyed

14.A.garden        B.bedroom      C.yard             D.house

15.A.book          B.note         C.article          D.poste

16.A.1ooking       B.working      C.fishing          D.sightseeing

17.A.own           B.parents’    C.sister’s        D.brother’s

18.A.gesture       B.body         C.face             D.eyes

19.A.studied       B.slept        C.exercised        D.moved

20.A.different B.new          C.precious         D.dangerous



During my last stay in France, I took to biking down a quiet road. Round a   1   , I found a woman sitting in front of a little shabby house. I don’t know why, but something about her attracted my  2  . I waved at her as I went by, and she must have thought I was some   3    tourist because she didn’t wave back. The same thing happened the second day. But on the third day, the old woman returned a hesitated    4   , and the next day, she   5   got out of her chair as I called out, “Morning, madam!” It became a small ritual(仪式)  6   us. She had no idea who I was, nor   7    I was coming, but she seemed to be    8    for me.

       On my last ride, I bought some flowers and    9    down to the house, only to find she wasn’t there. She had gone to hospital for surgeries.   10   , I tied the flowers to her gate as a    11   gift. Back at my place, I  12    Roger, the gardener, of my missed    13   . “The old lady at the corner is suffering    14    injuries, through which walking has been troubling her,” he said,   15    “by the quiet road there used to be a station. Whenever a train passed, the couple would see the passengers waving    16   , especially the children—for them, such a ride was high adventure.   17   , everything is gone except for this couple.”

       It seems that my bicycle ride    18    mind her past days. As Roger said, “she has   19    the trains and the waves. You brought them back to her.” By reaching out, in a way that cost me    20   , I’d given more than I had realized.

1.A.corner                B.garden               C.hospital            D.shop

2.A.sympathy              B.feeling                 C.impression          D.interest

3.A.humorous            B.silly              C.enthusiastic       D.willing

4.A.smile                 B.wave                C.look                  D.weep

5.A.nearly                  B.hardly                C.merely               D.mostly

6.A.from                   B.beyond              C.between             D.among

7.A.where                 B.whether             C.how                  D.when

8.A.applying              B.looking              C.searching           D.waiting

9.A.counted               B.cycled               C.fled                   D.drove

10.A.Disappointed      B.Relaxed              C.Amazed             D.Exhausted

11.A.greeting             B.visiting               C.parting               D.celebrating

12.A.asked                B.told                   C.reminded           D.convinced

13.A.connection         B.devotion             C.reaction             D.donation

14.A.leg                    B.head                  C.hand                  D.arm

15.A.adding               B.denying              C.predicating         D.concluding

16.A.surprisingly        B.angrily               C.excitedly            D.casually

17.A.Besides              B.Thus                 C.However            D.Therefore

18.A.called back         B.called to             C.called by            D.called for

19.A.missed               B.forgotten            C.lost                   D.passed

20.A.something        B.little             C.much            D.nothing

