4] Also, many banks offer special services for students, like free checking accounts, including a debit card. Debit cards can be used almost anywhere credit cards are accepted. Millions of Americans now use a debit card or credit card, instead of paper money or checks, to make most of their purchases. With a credit card, you are borrowing money every time you use it. . They are linked directly to a checking account so you are paying with your own money. Debit cards, also known as check cards, do not have interest charges. But users are charged if they try to spend more than the amount available in their account. These fees can be costly even if you overspend by just a few cents. 查看更多



     It was a beautiful day. The weather was perfect for a picnic, so when lunch time came, we set our
sights on a small    1   in town. We decided to    2   up by the pond near the entrance.
     Then my friend Robby    3  for a hot dog stand (摊), and I decided to keep her company (陪伴).
We    4   the man put together the perfect hot dog just the way Robby wanted it.    5  when she took
out her money to pay him, the man    6   us. He said, "This is my freebie (免费赠品) of the day." We
thanked him and    7   our friends in the park. On our way back, I was    8   by a man sitting alone
nearby,    9    at us. I could tell by his appearance that he hadn't    10   for days. Another homeless
person, I thought.
     But when Robby and I went to the garbage can to    11   away our lunch bag, I heard a    12   voice
ask, "There isn't any    13   in the bag, is there?" It was the man who had been watching us. "No, I    14    
it already." "Oh" was his only answer, with    15   in his voice. He was obviously   16   . Suddenly Robby
said, "I'll be right back. Please wait for a minute," and ran off. I watched with    17   as she went across to
the hot dog stand. Then I    18   what she was doing. She bought a hot dog and gave it to the man.
     "I was just passing on the   19   that someone gave to me," Robby said. That day I learned how
generosity can go    20  than the person you give to. By giving, you also teach others how to give.
(     )1. A. park      
(     )2. A. show      
(     )3. A. sought   
(     )4. A. watched  
(     )5. A. So        
(     )6. A. frightened  
(     )7. A. reminded  
(     )8. A. attracted
(     )9. A. waving  
(     )10. A. drunk      
(     )11. A. throw    
(     )12. A. serious  
(     )13. A. trash    
(     )14. A. sold    
(     )15. A. doubt    
(     )16. A. hungry  
(     )17. A. admiration
(     )18. A. recognized
(     )19. A. kindness
(     )20. A. wider
B. yard        
B. meet        
B. searched    
B. helped      
B. And         
B. amused      
B. invited     
B. pulled      
B. staring      
B. worked      
B. put          
B. low          
B. paper        
B. fell        
B. shame        
B. angry        
B. curiosity    
B. believed    
B. friendship  
B. further  
C. garden    
C. dress    
C. looked    
C. ordered  
C. But      
C. surprised
C. called    
C. attacked  
C. laughing  
C. exercised  
C. get      
C. sweet     
C. food      
C. ate      
C. pleasure  
C. calm      
C. excitement  
C. imagined  
C. peace    
C. deeper
D. beach        
D. pick          
D. headed        
D. made          
D. Thus          
D. interested    
D. joined        
D. injured      
D. smiling      
D. showered      
D. take          
D. strong        
D. bottles      
D. bought        
D. disappointment
D. nervous      
D. concern      
D. realized      
D. respect      
D. higher 


     After years of searching, the seeker was told to go to a cave, in which there was a well. "Ask the well
what is 1 ", he was advised. Having 2 the well, the seeker asked the question. From the came the
answer: "Go to the village crossroad: there you shall find what you are   4   ."
     The man ran to the crossroad, only to find three rather small   5  . One was selling pieces of metal,
another sold wood, and thin wires were for sale in the third.    6  seemed to have much to do with the
     Disappointed, the seeker returned to the well to    7  an explanation, but he was told only: "You will
   8  in the future."
     Angry about having been made fool of, the seeker   9   his wanderings in search of truth. As years
went by, the   10   of his experience at the well    11  faded until one night, while he was walking in the
moonlight, the sound of sitar (一种弦乐器) music    12  his heart. It was wonderful and it was played
with great 13  .  
     Deeply moved, the truth seeker felt drawn towards the player. He looked at the fingers dancing over
the strings. He became 14 of the sitar itself. And then 15 he let out a cry of joyful recognition: the sitar
was made out of wires and pieces of metal and wood just like those he had 16 seen in the three stores
and had thought them to be without any particular significance. 
     At last he understood the   17   of the well: we've already been given everything we need: our    18  is
to assemble (装配) and use it in the proper way. Nothing is meaningful so long as we    19   only separate
parts. But as soon as the parts   20   , a new entity (实体) will form.
(     ) 1. A. fame   
(     ) 2. A. filled   
(     ) 3. A. height   
(     ) 4. A. seeking
(     ) 5. A. entrances  
(     ) 6. A. Everything
(     ) 7. A. demand   
(     ) 8. A. improve  
(     ) 9. A. treasured
(     )10. A. description  
(     )11. A. gradually
(     )12. A. fixed
(     )13. A. curiosity    
(     )14. A. proud   
(     )15. A. peacefully
(     )16. A. once   
(     )17. A. goal   
(     )18. A. advice   
(     )19. A. finish
(     )20. A. come together
B. life
B. missed
B. depth
B. learning
B. stations  
B. Nothing
B. offer
B. grow
B. ended
B. memory
B. immediately
B. affected
B. surprise
B. afraid
B. suddenly
B. always
B. use
B. interest
B. consider
B. break down
C. truth
C. dug
C. north
C. losing
C. shops
C. Anything
C. make
C. understand
C. started
C. bravery
C. quickly
C. caught
C. difficulty
C. sick
C. regularly
C. never
C. message
C. dream
C. change
C. dry up
D. success      
D. found        
D. south        
D. gaining      
D. offices      
D. Something    
D. write        
D. forget      
D. continued    
D. pleasure    
D. unfortunately
D. broke        
D. inspiration  
D. aware        
D. carefully    
D. also        
D. imagination  
D. task        
D. talk        
D. take over    


      On Monday at 2: 35 p.m., a bus full of passengers was going to Bungalow.It was so   1   that you
had to struggle even to get room to stand-   2   about a seat.
     At one stop, an old lady  3  the bus.She looked tired and I thought she was not  4  also.After a few
minutes, her   5   were shaking slightly.She was looking around to find a  6  .She asked a few guys to
let her sit because she had a problem of arthritis (关节炎)in her knees.  7  responded to her positively,
so she was feeling helpless.
      I noticed she was facing a lot of  8  and she was trying to hide it but did not  9  .I was thinking of
giving her my seat, but was fighting in my mind about why I should give her my seat.I  10  it myself:
Because she is old and it's my duty to help her.But I    11   that this is Mumbai (孟买), where to help
anybody may be dangerous.I was hesitating (犹豫)about it.
     Before I asked the lady to take my seat, an old man stood and   12   her his seat.The man, who
traveled his rest journey standing, had only one leg.
      I found myself in an ocean of    13    and guilt-why didn't I help her?My journey ended but I still
regretted that I wasted my time in thinking when it was the right thing to do.
      Now I   14   travel by bus and have decided to never waste time in thinking to help anybody
whatever it results in.I will help although it is  15  to actually do.
(     )1. A. broken      
(     )2. A. forget  
(     )3. A. got off  
(     )4. A. clever  
(     )5. A. hands            
(     )6. A. stick            
(     )7. A. Nobody            
(     )8. A. damage            
(     )9. A. lie              
(     )10. A. answered        
(     )11. A. introduced      
(     )12. A. passed          
(     )13. A. hope            
(     )14. A. even            
(     )15. A. more beneficial  
B. crowded        
B. talk            
B. broke into      
B. pretty          
B. legs            
B. ticket          
B. Somebody        
B. pressure        
B. agree          
B. asked          
B. noticed        
B. offered        
B. fear            
B. still          
B. more dangerous  
C. small
C. worry  
C. came on  
C. selfish
C. ears        
C. support      
C. All          
C. pain        
C. admit        
C. refused      
C. feared      
C. showed      
C. shame        
C. never        
C. harder      
D. slow        
D. know        
D. looked for  
D. well        
D. shoulders    
D. place        
D. Neither      
D. anger        
D. succeed      
D. suggested    
D. heard        
D. found        
D. sadness      
D. ever        
D. easier      


There are a great many careers in which the increasing emphasis is on specialization. You find these careers in engineering, in production, in statistical work and in teaching. But there is an increasing demand for people who are able to take in a great area at a glance, people who perhaps know too much about any one field. There is, in other words, a demand for people who are capable of seeing the forest rather than the trees, of making general judgment. And the “generalists” are particularly needed for positions in administration, where it is their job to see that other people do the work, where they have to plan for other people, to organize other people's work, to begin it and judge it.

     The specialist understands one field; his concern is with technique and tools. He is a “trained” man, and his educational background is properly technical or professional. The generalist and especially the administrator deals with people; his concern is with leadership, with planning, and with direction giving. He is an “educated” man, and the humanities are his strongest foundation. Very rarely is a specialist capable of being an administrator. And very rarely is a good generalist also a good specialist in a particular field. Any organizations need them in different proportions. It is your task to find out, during your training period, into which of the two kinds of jobs you fit, and to plan your career accordingly.

Your first job may turn out to be the right job for you, but this is pure accident. Certainly you should not change jobs constantly or people will become suspicious(怀疑的)of your ability to hold any job. At the same time you must not look upon the first job as the final job; it is primarily a training job, an opportunity to understand yourself and your fitness for being an employee.

1. There is an increasing demand for     .

A. all-round people in their own fields

B. people whose job is to organize other people’s work

C. generalists whose educational background is either technical or professional

D. specialists whose chief concern is to provide administrative guidance to others

2. The specialist is    .

A. a man whose job is to train other people

B. a man who has been trained in more than one field

C. a man who can see the forest rather than the trees

D. a man whose concern is mainly with technical or professional matters

3. During your training period it is important    .

A. to try to be a generalist

B. to choose a profitable job

C. to find an organization which fits you

D. to decide whether you are fit to be a specialist or a generalist

4. A man’s first job     .

A. is never the right job for him

B. should not be regarded as his final job

C. should not be changed or people will become suspicious of his ability to hold any job

D. is primarily an opportunity to fit himself for his final job



1. ______We pay more attention to what we want to hear. (Bad news travels fast. / Bad news has
2. ______Know which way the wind blows. (People act according to their interests.)
3. ______No act of kindness, however small, is ever wasted. (An act of kindness is never wasted. /
Even the weak have something to offer the strong.)
4. _____A man is known by the company he keeps. (You are known by the company you keep.)  
5. _____Do not attempt too much at once.
     A. A dog used to run up quietly to the heels of everyone he met, and to bite them without notice. His
master put a bell about his neck so that the dog might give notice of his presence wherever he went.
Thinking it a mark of distinction, the dog grew proud of his bell and went tinkling it all over the
market-place. One day an old dog said to him, "Why do you make such an exhibition of yourself? That
bell that you carry is not, believe me, any order of merit, but on the contrary a public notice to all men to
avoid you as a bad-mannered dog."
     B. A man once stood up at a market-place in the east and said, "I have been ordered by the king to
collect all the well-born and well-bred and bring them before him, since he wishes to reward them."
Everybody that heard him joined him, and he went towards the palace, surrounded by the whole town.
Then he suddenly turned round and said, "The king has just sent me word that he means to help only
those that have been ill-born and ill-bred to make up for their misfortunes." The crowd lingered behind
for a while, and then one after another joined the man as ill-born and ill-bred to receive the king's gifts.
The man said, "The world goes as the wind blows!"
     C. A lion was awakened by a mouse running over his face. Rising up angrily, the lion caught the
mouse and was about to kill him, when the mouse begged, "If you would only spare my life, I would be
sure to repay your kindness." The lion laughed at the idea of the mouse being able to repay a favor, but
let him go in the end. Later, the lion was caught by some hunters, who bound him with strong ropes to
the ground. The mouse, recognizing the lion's roar, came and gnawed the rope with his teeth and set him
     D. A fox had long been the dread of the village poultry yard. One day, he was found lying breathless
in a field. The report went abroad that, after all, he had been caught and killed by someone. In a moment,
everybody in the village came out to see the dead fox. The village cock, with all his hens and chicks, was
also there, to enjoy the sight. The fox then got up and said, "I ate a number of hens and chicks last night.
So I must have slept longer than usual." The cock counted his hens and chicks, and found several chicks
were missing. "Alas!" said he, "how is it that I do not know of it?" "My dear sir," said the fox, as he ran
back to the wood, "it was last night that I had a good meal of your hens and chicks, yet you did not
know of it. A moment ago they found me lying in the field, and you knew of it at once."
     E. A boy put his hand into a pitcher (大罐) full of nuts. He grasped as many as he could possibly
hold, but when he tried to pull out his hand, he was prevented from doing so by the neck of the pitcher.
Unwilling to lose his nuts, and yet unable to withdraw his hand, he burst into tears, crying with
disappointment. A person who was passing by said to him, "Be satisfied with half the quantity and you
will draw out your hand at once."
     F. A man wished to purchase an ass (a donkey), and decided to give the animal a test before buying
him. He took the ass home and put him in the field with his other asses. The new ass moved away from
the others to join the one that was the laziest and the biggest eater of them all. Seeing this, the man led
him back to his owner. When the owner asked how he could have tested the ass in such a short time,
the man answered, "I didn't even need to see how he worked. I knew he would be just like the one he
chose to be his friend."

