What can we infer from the passage? A. People can benefit from the need of the approval. B. Both the want and need for approval are unhealthy. C. The need for the approval is a destructive feeling and people must get rid of it. D. Since everyone enjoys praise and compliment, it’s natural for us to need approval. 查看更多



A recent survey shows that the alarming rate of child suicide(自杀) in Hong Kong, raising levels of stress and anxiety among young people, increasing conflicts between children and teachers, and children’s complaints that their parents do not understand their problems—all point to a drop in “emotional quotient” (EQ) (情商), the ability to handle relationships.
EQ is defined as the ability to deal with oneself and others effectively. High EQ, psychologists say, is easy to spot. Some of the greatest humanitarian (人道主义的) leaders have high EQ, along with successful managers and inspirational and respected teachers. The problem is not how to spot high EQ but to improve on low EQ, so society as a whole can benefit.
In the United States, declining EQ among young people is seen as one of the factors behind rising young people’s crime because youths fail to understand others’ feelings—one of the key components of EQ. While the situation in Hong Kong is not so bad, there are warning signs that the levels of anxiety among youth may become critical. Declining EQ among Hong Kong teenagers has been acknowledged by several studies including a key study by the education concern group, the Learning-Teacher Association, which found a high degree of anxiety among students over the future and also that young people lacked confidence in dealing with problems. Parents and teachers will also need to develop their own EQ skills in order to deal with them effectively.
Daniel Goleman cites a number of basic elements of high EQ: first, awareness of your feelings as you experience them which is very important to making good decisions in life; second, feeling or awareness of what others are feeling. “90% of emotional information is expressed non-verbally and people vary in their ability to pick it up,” Dr. Goleman says in his book.
Dr. Goleman argues that without high EQ even highly-educated, highly-intelligent people will not find success in life. Or those with low EQ, even though they may be brilliant, tend to lack feeling and impulse control. They fail easily, and they are easily intolerant and often aggressive in interpersonal relations. Some educational psychologists believe work on EQ may be important in Hong Kong with its high rate of suicide among school children. EQ test may be able to help predict those most at risk, and those least able to deal with their own emotions or unable to deal with others, including parents and teachers.
【小题1】According to the passage, children in Hong Kong commit suicide at an alarming rate as a result of _______.

A.parents not understanding their children
B.the rising levels of stress and anxiety among young people
C.the inability of dealing with relationships
D.increasing conflict between children and teachers
【小题2】We can infer from the passage that people with low emotional quotient _______.
A.are least likely to become good leaders
B.can deal with oneself and others effectively
C.are beneficial to society
D.are more likely to be respected
【小题3】The word “its” in the last paragraph refers to ________.
A.the work on EQ
B.Hong Kong
【小题4】Daniel Goleman believes that _______.
A.one can be just as successful without having a high EQ
B.only people with both high EQ and high IQ will be successful in life
C.people with low intelligence will not get a successful life
D.people not having high EQ may not be successful in life despite being extremely intelligent


A recent survey shows that the alarming rate of child suicide(自杀) in Hong Kong, raising levels of stress and anxiety among young people, increasing conflicts between children and teachers, and children’s complaints that their parents do not understand their problems—all point to a drop in “emotional quotient” (EQ) (情商), the ability to handle relationships.

EQ is defined as the ability to deal with oneself and others effectively. High EQ, psychologists say, is easy to spot. Some of the greatest humanitarian (人道主义的) leaders have high EQ, along with successful managers and inspirational and respected teachers. The problem is not how to spot high EQ but to improve on low EQ, so society as a whole can benefit.

In the United States, declining EQ among young people is seen as one of the factors behind rising young people’s crime because youths fail to understand others’ feelings—one of the key components of EQ. While the situation in Hong Kong is not so bad, there are warning signs that the levels of anxiety among youth may become critical. Declining EQ among Hong Kong teenagers has been acknowledged by several studies including a key study by the education concern group, the Learning-Teacher Association, which found a high degree of anxiety among students over the future and also that young people lacked confidence in dealing with problems. Parents and teachers will also need to develop their own EQ skills in order to deal with them effectively.

Daniel Goleman cites a number of basic elements of high EQ: first, awareness of your feelings as you experience them which is very important to making good decisions in life; second, feeling or awareness of what others are feeling. “90% of emotional information is expressed non-verbally and people vary in their ability to pick it up,” Dr. Goleman says in his book.

Dr. Goleman argues that without high EQ even highly-educated, highly-intelligent people will not find success in life. Or those with low EQ, even though they may be brilliant, tend to lack feeling and impulse control. They fail easily, and they are easily intolerant and often aggressive in interpersonal relations. Some educational psychologists believe work on EQ may be important in Hong Kong with its high rate of suicide among school children. EQ test may be able to help predict those most at risk, and those least able to deal with their own emotions or unable to deal with others, including parents and teachers.

1.According to the passage, children in Hong Kong commit suicide at an alarming rate as a result of _______.

A.parents not understanding their children

B.the rising levels of stress and anxiety among young people

C.the inability of dealing with relationships

D.increasing conflict between children and teachers

2.We can infer from the passage that people with low emotional quotient _______.

A.are least likely to become good leaders

B.can deal with oneself and others effectively

C.are beneficial to society

D.are more likely to be respected

3.The word “its” in the last paragraph refers to ________.

A.the work on EQ

B.Hong Kong



4.Daniel Goleman believes that _______.

A.one can be just as successful without having a high EQ

B.only people with both high EQ and high IQ will be successful in life

C.people with low intelligence will not get a successful life

D.people not having high EQ may not be successful in life despite being extremely intelligent



A recent survey shows that the alarming rate of child suicide(自杀) in Hong Kong, raising levels of stress and anxiety among young people, increasing conflicts between children and teachers, and children’s complaints that their parents do not understand their problems—all point to a drop in “emotional quotient” (EQ) (情商), the ability to handle relationships.
EQ is defined as the ability to deal with oneself and others effectively. High EQ, psychologists say, is easy to spot. Some of the greatest humanitarian (人道主义的) leaders have high EQ, along with successful managers and inspirational and respected teachers. The problem is not how to spot high EQ but to improve on low EQ, so society as a whole can benefit.
In the United States, declining EQ among young people is seen as one of the factors behind rising young people’s crime because youths fail to understand others’ feelings—one of the key components of EQ. While the situation in Hong Kong is not so bad, there are warning signs that the levels of anxiety among youth may become critical. Declining EQ among Hong Kong teenagers has been acknowledged by several studies including a key study by the education concern group, the Learning-Teacher Association, which found a high degree of anxiety among students over the future and also that young people lacked confidence in dealing with problems. Parents and teachers will also need to develop their own EQ skills in order to deal with them effectively.
Daniel Goleman cites a number of basic elements of high EQ: first, awareness of your feelings as you experience them which is very important to making good decisions in life; second, feeling or awareness of what others are feeling. “90% of emotional information is expressed non-verbally and people vary in their ability to pick it up,” Dr. Goleman says in his book.
Dr. Goleman argues that without high EQ even highly-educated, highly-intelligent people will not find success in life. Or those with low EQ, even though they may be brilliant, tend to lack feeling and impulse control. They fail easily, and they are easily intolerant and often aggressive in interpersonal relations. Some educational psychologists believe work on EQ may be important in Hong Kong with its high rate of suicide among school children. EQ test may be able to help predict those most at risk, and those least able to deal with their own emotions or unable to deal with others, including parents and teachers

  1. 1.

    According to the passage, children in Hong Kong commit suicide at an alarming rate as a result of _______

    1. A.
      parents not understanding their children
    2. B.
      the rising levels of stress and anxiety among young people
    3. C.
      the inability of dealing with relationships
    4. D.
      increasing conflict between children and teachers
  2. 2.

    We can infer from the passage that people with low emotional quotient _______

    1. A.
      are least likely to become good leaders
    2. B.
      can deal with oneself and others effectively
    3. C.
      are beneficial to society
    4. D.
      are more likely to be respected
  3. 3.

    The word “its” in the last paragraph refers to ________

    1. A.
      the work on EQ
    2. B.
      Hong Kong
    3. C.
    4. D.
  4. 4.

    Daniel Goleman believes that _______

    1. A.
      one can be just as successful without having a high EQ
    2. B.
      only people with both high EQ and high IQ will be successful in life
    3. C.
      people with low intelligence will not get a successful life
    4. D.
      people not having high EQ may not be successful in life despite being extremely intelligent


You may be spending far too many of your present moments in efforts to win the approval of others, or in being concerned with some disapproval that you have encountered.We all enjoy applause, compliments(恭维)and praise, and approval in itself is not unhealthy. Approval-seeking is a misleading zone only when it becomes a need rather than a want.
If you want the approval, you are simply happy to have the recognition of the other people. But if you need it, you are going to break down if you don’t get it. That’s when the self-destructive forces move in. Similarly, when approval-seeking becomes a need, you give up a large part of yourself to the “outside person” whose advocacy(拥护)you must have. If they disapprove, then you are immobilized(使丧失机动性)(even in a small way). In such a case, you have chosen to wear yourself——worth on your sleeve for someone to rub or not to rub as they see fit. You feel good inside only if they decide to praise you.
The need for approval of another person is bad enough, but the real trouble comes with the need for the approval of everyone for every act. If you carry around such a need, then you are bound for a great deal of misery and frustration in your life. Moreover, you will be incorporating a wish——washy (软弱无力的)non-person self-image that will result in the kind of self-rejection.
The need for approval must go! No question makes there. It must be completely got rid of from your life if you are to gain personal fulfillment. Such need is a psychological dead end, with absolutely no benefits to you.
1.Approval-seeking is healthy when________
A.you need the approval
B.you only want the approval
C.you need the approval of everyone for every act
D.you don’t care about the approval
2.The self-destructive forces move in when________
A.you need the approval and you get it
B.you want the approval and you get it    
C.you need the approval but you don’t get it
D.you want the approval but you don’t get it
3.What does the sentence” You hven chosen to wear your self-worth on your sleeve for someone to rub or not to rub as they see fit.” mean?
A.You have decided to give up yourself worth in order to get the approval.
B.You have decided to change yourself worth in order to get the approval.
C.You have decided to show yourself worth to others and allow them to make a judgment.
D.You have decided to put yourself worth in other’s hand and allow them to keep it or hurt it as they like.
4.The need for the approval of everyone for every act will enentually result in________
A.self-rejection        B.real troubles    C.misery     D.frustration
5.What can we infer from the passage?
A.People can benefit from the need of the approval.
B.Both the want and need for approval are unhealthy.
C.The need for the approval is a destructive feeling and people must get rid of it.
D.Since everyone enjoys praise and compliment, approval-seeking is a natural human need.



You may be spending far too many of your present moments in efforts to win the approval of others, or in being concerned with some disapproval that you have encountered.We all enjoy applause, compliments(恭维)and praise, and approval in itself is not unhealthy. Approval-seeking is a misleading zone only when it becomes a need rather than a want.

If you want the approval, you are simply happy to have the recognition of the other people. But if you need it, you are going to break down if you don’t get it. That’s when the self-destructive forces move in. Similarly, when approval-seeking becomes a need, you give up a large part of yourself to the “outside person” whose advocacy(拥护)you must have. If they disapprove, then you are immobilized(使丧失机动性)(even in a small way). In such a case, you have chosen to wear yourself——worth on your sleeve for someone to rub or not to rub as they see fit. You feel good inside only if they decide to praise you.

The need for approval of another person is bad enough, but the real trouble comes with the need for the approval of everyone for every act. If you carry around such a need, then you are bound for a great deal of misery and frustration in your life. Moreover, you will be incorporating a wish——washy (软弱无力的)non-person self-image that will result in the kind of self-rejection.

The need for approval must go! No question makes there. It must be completely got rid of from your life if you are to gain personal fulfillment. Such need is a psychological dead end, with absolutely no benefits to you.

1.Approval-seeking is healthy when________

       A.you need the approval

       B.you only want the approval

       C.you need the approval of everyone for every act

       D.you don’t care about the approval

2.The self-destructive forces move in when________

       A.you need the approval and you get it

       B.you want the approval and you get it    

       C.you need the approval but you don’t get it

       D.you want the approval but you don’t get it

3.What does the sentence” You hven chosen to wear your self-worth on your sleeve for someone to rub or not to rub as they see fit.” mean?

       A.You have decided to give up yourself worth in order to get the approval.

       B.You have decided to change yourself worth in order to get the approval.

       C.You have decided to show yourself worth to others and allow them to make a judgment.

       D.You have decided to put yourself worth in other’s hand and allow them to keep it or hurt it as they like.

4.The need for the approval of everyone for every act will enentually result in________

       A.self-rejection         B.real troubles    C.misery     D.frustration

5.What can we infer from the passage?

       A.People can benefit from the need of the approval.

       B.Both the want and need for approval are unhealthy.

       C.The need for the approval is a destructive feeling and people must get rid of it.

       D.Since everyone enjoys praise and compliment, approval-seeking is a natural human need.


