C 把两则谚语的内涵进行比较, 当然用比较级.其中有着更深刻的寓意. 查看更多



Love can be seen here and there in our daily life, and love will be passed on from person to person. Here is the story about 31.

One day, waiting for the airplane to take off , I was happy to get a seat by myself. Just then, an air hostess approached me and asked, “Would you mind 32 your seat? A couple would like to sit together.” The only 33 seat was next to a girl with her arms in casts (石膏绷带), a black-and-blue face, and a sad expression. 34 am I going to sit there, I thought immediately. But a soft voice spoke, “She needs help.” Finally , I 35 to move to that seat.

The girl was named Kathy. She 36 in a car accident and now was on her way for 37 .

When the snack and juice arrived, it did not take me long to 38 that Kathy would not be able to 39 herself. I considered 40 to feed her but hesitated(犹豫), as it seemed too 41 to offer a service to a 42 . But then I realized that Kathy’s need was more 43 than my discomfort. I offered to help her eat, and 44 she was uncomfortable about accepting, she 45 . We became closer and closer in a short period of time. By the end of the five–hour trip, my heart 46 , and the 47 was really better spent than if I had just sat by myself.

I was very glad I had reached beyond my comfort zone to sit next to Kathy and feed her.

Love 48 flows beyond human borders(界线) and removes the fears that keep us 49 . When we 50 to serve another, we grow to live in a larger and more rewarding world.

31. A. a girl   B. help     C. a seat       D. love

32 A. losing      B. taking        C. changing       D. giving

33.A. suitable B. comfortable    C. available(可利用的)D. favorable

34.A. No problem  B. No way         C. Nowhere         D. No doubt

35.A. promised   B. wanted         C. regretted         D. decided

36.A. was           B. would be      C. used to be        D. had been

37.A. treatment   B.pleasure         C. travel           D. business

38.A. know        B. realize       C. say             D. recognize

39.A. eat        B. feed         C. choose              D. support

40.A. offering B. needing         C. stopping          D. trying

41.A.impolite     B. far            C. close            D. fast

42.A. girl        B. neighbor      C. passenger       D. stranger

43.A. unusual     B. direct        C. important        D. shameful

44.A. when        B. although       C. since             D. as

45.A. refused     B. wondered     C. cried             D. did

46.A. had warmed B. had jumped   C. had broken       D.had cheered

47.A. life        B. money      C. time                D. energy

48.A. seldom     B. never       C. hardly         D. sometimes

49.A. separate  B. independent  C. silent          D. upset

50.A. happen     B. stretch(张开)C. wait           D. continue


阅读下面短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从1-25各题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。

    After his meal Lincoln walked over to the War Department to see 1 any more news had come from Sherman's Army. Then   it was time to go to the theatre. In the morning it 2 that   the President and Mrs. Lincoln, together 3 a number of guests, would visit Ford's Theatre to see the 4. The President went into the theatre, and took his seat at the back of the box (包厢). While he 5 the play a young man wanted to 6 him.   He was twenty-year-old John Wilkes Booth, a 7 of a famous   family of actors and a lover of the 8. A few hours 9 the play began he was in the theatre 10 a small hole 11 the door of   the presidential box. Now 12 Booth entered the box. In his 13 hand was a small knife, in his right hand a gun. Aiming the gun at the back of the President's head he fired. Lincoln fell 14 in his seat. Rathbone, one of his guests, threw   himself at the 15. Booth 16 him with his knife, then jumped 17 the box rail (栏杆) to the stage (舞台), eleven feet below, He fell, but   quickly to his feet, shouting, "Sic semper tyrannis." (拉丁语,   意思是" 独裁者的下场总是如此".)For a time there was 18   confusion (混乱). Then a young army doctor climbed into the Presidential box. Mary 19 his arm. "Oh, doctor! Is he 20 ?"The  doctor looked at Lincoln's wound, and his face darkened, The President had badly wounded 21 . There was no 22 . The wounded President was carried across the street to the nearest house, 23 he was laid on a bed.All through the night Lincoln 24 with death. At 7:22 (April 15, 1865) in the 25 it was all over.   The great and good man was at peace (和平) with the world.

1. A. where B. whether C. when D. weather[    ]
2. A. had planned B. has been plannedC. has planned D. had been planned[    ]
3. A. with  B. on C. in   D. by [    ]
4. A. film   B. army    C. Sherman   D. play [    ]
5. A. saw   B. watched    C. looked at  D. observed [    ]
6. A. wound   B. talk to    C. kill     D. hurt [    ]
7.A. number   B. member    C. one   D. woman [    ]
8. A. South   B. North    C. south    D. north [    ]
9. A. after B. as    C. before     D. soon after [    ]
10. A. made   B. making     C. and making   D. or made [    ]
11. A. in   B. on     C. by     D. with     [    ]
12. A. quiet   B. quite   C. quietly   D. quietly   [    ]
13. A. right   B. upper   C. leftD. other [    ]
14. A. quicklyB. happily C. heavilyD. fast[    ]
15. A. murderB. murderingC. murderorD. murderer [    ]
16. A. wounded   B. wound     C. wounding   D. hurt [    ]
17. A. in   B. over     C. on     D. with [    ]
18.A. but nothing B. nothing but
  C. nothing besides     D. except nothing              [    ]
19. A. catches hold of B. gets hold of
  C. take a firm (强有力的) hold of      D. took hold of              [    ]
20. A. death      B. died     C. dead     D. dies           [    ]
21.A. in the head   B. on the head C. in the back D. on the back   [       ]   
22. A. wish     B. hope     C. chances   D. possibilities   [    ]
23. A. when     B. which     C. where     D. on which      [       ]   
24. A. thought     B. brought     C. fight     D. fought         [    ]
25. A. morning   B. afternoon   C. noon   D. night          [    ]



Developing self confidence is one of the most important things you can do to create a more powerful, successful life.It influences all aspects of our lives, from relationships to career. But the journey is long.That's why it's so important to have a long term goal, but to break it up into small manageable parts. 71 

Here are 5 quick tips to make this a confident week:

1.Sit up!

Set your alarm to go off 3 times throughout the day to check in with your posture (姿势). Body language is one of the quickest ways to gain instant confidence.

2.  72 

Have lunch with someone in your office that you don't normally hang out with.Breaking your routine (常规) allows you to jump out of your comfort zone which is a great means for self confidence breakthroughs.

3.Work it out.

73  Whether it be a fast walk for part of your lunch, or a quick work out during the tea break in the afternoon, it will surely do you good.Exercise fills the body with positive energy that you will be projecting throughout the day.Good health is not just an important part of living well —it also happens to be an instant confidence builder.

4.Involve yourself in a social activity that you normally wouldn't

74  Putting yourself out in the world forces you to face situations and meet people.In this way you can slowly build your confidence so you can find your place in it.This is one of the most rewarding things you can do.

5.Knowledge is power.

You have to keep feeding your mind. 75  So whether it's a new language, a new skill, or a new hobby - sign up for something this week that will broaden your knowledge, skill level and happiness.Learning something you can be proud of and providing you happiness is an immediate confidence builder and the recipe for success.

    A.Once you’ve learned something, no one can ever take it away.

    B.Small but achievable victories will have you well on your way.

    C.Make a point to get some exercise during the day.

    D.Have lunch in the office.

    E.Get to know someone new.

    F.Whether you like it or not, the world is a social being.

    G.Sitting at your office does not contribute to confidence building.



A.What about the Gym Swimming Pool?

B.Why do you go swimming?

C.I feel like going swimming in a swimming pool.

D.It used to be free but now you have to pay to get in.

E.I’d like to go there too.

F.I’d rather go to the Public Library.

G.I’d prefer not to go there.

Tom:What shall we do today?The weather is fine.

Mary:  1  

Tom:Which swimming pool would you like to visit?

Mary:  2   So far as I know, it’s free.

Tom:No, not any more.  3  

Many:What about you?What do you feel like doing?

Tom:Personally,   4   It’s said that a large number of science books have just arrived.They’re all about astronomy.

Many:  5   I’m planning to write an article about astronomy next term.Maybe I could find out some useful information.

Tom:Fine!Let’s go.



  There were two interesting news items(新闻两则) in the paper a few years ago. One was about a men who received a bill from the telephone company for £999,999—for three months! The other was about a man who received £2,000 a month—for doing nothing.

  The connection between the two news items is simple: computers—the best invention of the 20th century. The telephone bill came from a computer which made a terrifying mistake: that man's bill was only £23.36. The other item was not so amusing. A man walked into the unguarded(无人看守的) computer room of a large packaged food company(生产袋装食品的公司) and expertly programmed the computer(给计算机编程序) to pay him £2,000 a month for raw meat which he“supplied”to the company. Of course he never sent the meat, but he certainly received the money. The computer wrote out a bill, and even“signed”it. It was only a random(随便的)check that uncovered the trick. It could be happening in thousands of other companies all over the world.

  Computers are not the magical workers that some people say they are. They make mistakes. They are sometimes slower than human beings and they are easily fooled. The US used to conscript(征兵)people with the help of a computer. The army sent out a card, which had to be filled in and sent back. It was easy to avoid being called up simply by spreading candle-wax on the card. The computer couldn't read the card, and did nothing with it.

  It's in our everyday life that computers cause many problems. Let's get back to using people instead of computers, before a mistake that we can't put right.

1.The man received a bill from the telephone company for £999,999 for three months because ________.

[  ]

A.the computer made a big mistake

B.he worked hard

C.he programmed the computer to pay him so much money for raw meat

D.his work was very difficult to do and the pay was certainly high

2.The main idea of the second paragraph is ________.

[  ]

A.the computers are logical workers

B.the computers can do anything as well as man

C.the computers can write out a bill and even sign it

D.the computers sometimes also make big mistakes

3.Computers ________.

[  ]

A.were used to conscript people

B.are usually faster than human beings

C.are not so miraculous(神奇的)as people expect

D.were not easily controlled and always fooled human beings

4.The writer's main idea is ________.

[  ]

A.we'd better use people instead of computers in our everyday life

B.we should not use computers because they always make mistakes

C.computers are widely used in our everyday life

D.if we want to work well, don't use the computers

