—Many people in England love to give advice on weather reporting. —Yes, but I think the weather office’s computers be more accurate. A. can B. must C. ought to D. might 查看更多



Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.

A. based      B. schedule      C. individual     D. determined     E. achieving

F. ambitious   G. success       H. studying       I. marvel         J. smarter

The Secret of Success

The secret of success is that there is no secret. Some people succeed because they are just __1__ than other people. Some people succeed because they just work harder than other people. And some people succeed because they are just plain lucky.

  Ma Donghan is a student at Tsinghua University who is __2__ to be successful and she’s not going to leave it to luck. Ma is obviously smart because she’s a student at the best university in China, but her plan for success is __3__ on the old fashion value of hard work. You can see that by the weekly schedule she’s set up for herself which was recently posted online.

  Every hour of every day is accounted for. There is her classroom __4__, of course, but then blocks of time are set aside for __5__ each subject and also for a few activities like playing sports. There are no hours set aside for just relaxing and there are only five hours allotted (分配) each night for sleeping. She has set a very __6__, almost punishing schedule for herself, but it seems to be working.

  Other students __7__ at Ma’s diligence and discipline but doubt that they could achieve the same level of success. Perhaps not, but Ma is obviously a unique and special __8__. She has set high goals, made a plan to achieve those goals, and worked hard to keep to her plan. This is what other students can learn from Ma.

In school, as in life, __9__ is never guaranteed and not everyone will find him or herself at the top of the pyramid. The important thing to remember is that having a plan and working hard to stay with the plan will bring you a level of success that just being smart and lucky cannot.



We were the only family with children in the restaurant. I sat Eric in a high chair and noticed everyone was quietly eating and talking. Suddenly, Eric screamed with 36 and said, “Hi there.” His fat baby hands hit the high chair tray, and his eyes were wide with excitement.

I looked around and saw the 37 of his enjoyment. It was an old man with a worn and oily coat. And his hair was uncombed and unwashed. I was sure he  38 . His hand waved. “Hi there, baby; I see ya,” the man said to Eric.

My husband and I 39  looks. Eric continued to laugh and answer, “Hi, there.” Everyone in the restaurant noticed this. My husband and I were embarrassed.

We finally got through the meal and  40   the door. My husband went to pay the check and told me to meet him in the parking lot. The old man sat between me and the door. “Lord, just let me out of here before he speaks to me or Eric,” I prayed. As I drew closer to the man, I turned my back trying to sidestep him and avoid any air he might be 41 . As I did so, Eric leaned over my arm, reaching with both arms in a baby's “pick-me-up” position. Before I could stop him, he had  42 himself to the man's arms.Eric, in an act of total 43 , and love, laid his tiny head upon the man's torn shoulder.

His  44  hands full of dirt, pain and hard labor gently, so gently, cradled my baby's waist and patted his back. I stood amazed. After a while, he pushed Eric from his chest 45 as though he were in pain, saying “God bless you, ma'am. You've given me the best Christmas gift.”

I had just witnessed a genuine (pure or true) love shown through the innocence of a tiny child who saw no sin, who made no 46 . The ragged old man, unknowingly, had reminded me that a genuine love is one in which the true meaning of love is 47 .

36. A. surprise    B. delight    C. anger        D. nerve

37. A. source         B. reason    C. effect        D. resource

38. A. smiled      B. mopped   C. smelled      D. wiped

39. A. consulted   B. exchanged  C. separated     D. replaced

40. A. ran for    B. headed for    C. sent for     D. accounted for

41. A. breathing   B. fighting     C. creating     D. holding

42. A. thrown      B. devoted     C. driven        D. jumped

43. A. independence    B. desire    C. trust       D. dignity

44. A. allergic    B. strong      C. smart       D. aged

45. A. eagerly    B. violently   C. gladly         D. unwillingly

46. A. judgment     B. decision   C. conclusion      D. choice

47. A. sharpened     B refreshed     C. realized        D. learned



  In what now seems like the prehistoric times of computer history,the earth's postwar era,there was quite a wide-spread concern that computers would take over the world from man one day. Already today,less than forty years later,as computers are relieving us of more and more of the routine tasks in business and in our personal lives,we are faced with a less dramatic but also less foreseen problem.People tend to be over-trusting of computers and are reluctant to challenge their authority.Indeed,they behave as if they were hardly aware that wrong buttons may be pushed,or that a computer may simply malfunction(失误).

  Obviously,there would be no point in investing in a computer if you had to check all its answers,but people should also rely on their own internal computers and check the ma-chine when they have the feeling that something has gone wrong.

  Questioning and routine double-checks must continue to be as much a part of good

business as they were in pre-computer days.Maybe each computer may provide,it should

not be seen as a substitute for fundamental thinking and reasoning skills.

1.What is the main purpose of this passage?

[  ]

A.To look back to the early days of this passage.

B.To explain what technical problems may occur with computers.

C.To discourage unnecessary investment in computers.

D.To warn against a mentally lazy attitude towards computers.

2.According to the passages,the initial concern about computer was that they might

[  ]

A.change our personal lives

B.take control the world

C.create unforeseen problem

D.affect our businesses

3.The passage recommends those dealing with computers to________.

[  ]

A.he reasonably doubtful about them

B.check all their answers

C.substitute them for basic thinking

D.use them for business purposes only

4.The passage suggests that the present-day problem with regard to computers is________.

[  ]



I suddenly heard an elephant crying as though frightened. Looking down,I immediately recognized that something was wrong,and ran down to the edge of the near bank. There I saw Ma Shwe with her three­month­old calf struggling in the fast-rising water,and it was a life­and­death struggle. Her calf was floating(漂浮) and screaming with fear.Ma Shwe was as near to the far bank as she could get,holding her whole body against the rushing water,and keeping the calf pressed against her huge body.Every now and then the rushing water would sweep the calf away.

There was a sudden rise in the water and the calf was washed clean over the mother's body and was gone. Ma Shwe turned quickly to reach it and pressed the calf with her head and trunk (象鼻) against the rocky bank. Then with a huge effort,she picked it up in her trunk and tried until she was able to place it on a narrow shelf of rock.

Just at this moment,she fell back into the river. If she were carried down,it would be certain death. I knew,as well as she did,that there was one spot (地点) where she could get up the bank,but it was on the other side from where she had put her calf.

While I was wondering what I could do next,I heard the sound of a mother's love. Ma Shwe had crossed the river and got up the bank and was making her way back as fast as she could,roaring (吼叫) all the time,but to her calf it was music.

1.The moment the author got down to the river bank he saw    .

A. the calf was about to fall into the river

B. Ma Shwe was placing the calf on the rock

C. the calf was washed away by the rising water

D. Ma Shwe was holding the calf against the rushing water

2.How did Ma Shwe manage to save her calf from the fast flowing water?

A. By putting it on a safe spot.      B. By pressing it against her body.

C. By taking it away with her.       D. By carrying it on her back.

3.How did the calf feel about the mother elephant's roaring?

A. It was a great comfort.       B. It was a sign of danger.

C. It was a call for help.        D. It was a musical note.

4.What can be the best title for the text?

A.A Mother's Love         B.A Brave Act

C.A Deadly River           D.A Matter of Life and Death



A little old couple walked slowly into McDonald’s one cold winter evening. They were so old that they looked out of place amid the young families and young couples eating there that night.

  Some of the customers looked admiringly at them. You could tell what the admirers were thinking. “Look, there is a couple who has been through a lot together, probably for 60 years or more!”

  The little old man walked right up to the cash register, placed his order with no hesitation and then paid for their meal. The couple took a table near the back wall and started taking food off the tray. There was one hamburger, one order of French fries and one drink. The little old man unwrapped the plain hamburger and carefully cut it in half. He placed one half in front of his wife. Then he carefully counted out the French fries, divided them in two piles and neatly placed one pile in front of his wife. He took a sip of the drink, his wife took a sip and then set the cup down between them.

  As the man began to eat his few bites of hamburger the crowd began to get restless. Again you could tell what they were thinking, “That poor old couple. All they can afford is one meal for the two of them.”

  As the man began to eat his French fries one young man stood and came over to the old couple’s table. He politely offered to buy another meal for the old couple to eat. The old man replied that they were just fine. They were used to sharing everything.

  Then the crowd noticed that the little old lady hadn’t eaten a bite. She just sat there watching her husband eat and occasionally taking turns sipping the drink.

  Again the young man came over and begged them to let him buy them something to eat. This time the lady explained that, no, they were used to sharing everything together.

  As the little old man finished eating and was wiping his face neatly with a napkin the young man could stand it no longer. Again he came over to their table and offered to buy some food.

  After being politely refused again, he finally asked a question of the little old lady. “Ma’am, why aren’t you eating? You said that you share everything. What is it that you are waiting for?”

  She answered, “ The teeth”.

46.The underlined phrase in the first paragraph most probably means ______________.

       A. looked helpless    B. looked romantic  

       C. looked unsuitable  D. looked cheerful

47.Why did some of the customers admire them?

A.Because they walked in hand in hand.

B.Because they come to McDonald’s together.

C.Because they have been together for many years

D.Because they come in such a cold winter evening

48.How much food did the man get?

A.One hamburger, one French fries and one cup of tea

B.One hamburger, two French fries and two cups of tea

C.One hamburger, one French fries and two cups of tea

D.One hamburger, two French fries and one cup of tea

49.How did the young man feel about what he saw in the old couple?

A. Admiring   B. Bad    C. Good    D. Guilty

50.Why didn’t the old lady eat her portion of meal?

A.Her artificial teeth didn’t fit her well.

B.She forgot to bring her teeth with her.

C.Her husband had not finished using the teeth.

D.She was waiting for someone to get her teeth for her.

