第一节:单词品行诶(共10小题.每小题1分.满分10分) 根据下列句子的汉语提示.在答题纸上按题号写出各单词的正确拼写形式. 66. The police found the missing boy on a island. 67. WTO refers to World Trade . 68. The army heavy losses in the final battle. 69. You can borrow the tool on that it is well kept when you return it. 70. Is Taiwan Island by the Pacific Ocean to the east? 71. My hometown attract lots of tourists with its beauty. 72. There is no about its good function. 73. -Which floor does he work on? -The one. 74. The city will pass a new law to stop theft. 75. What they discussed is considering. 查看更多



第二部分 写作(共三节,满分55分)



66. The forest worker devoted all his life to ____(保护) the wild life .

67. The ______ (大多数) of children in our class have brown eyes.   

68. They had the good news ______ (传开) throughout the country.  

69.T_________ (传统上),Chinese brides wear red on their wedding day.

70. I have no   (食欲) now because of headache.

71.The twins are so alike that it’s difficult to______ (区别) one from the other.                                                   

72.The witness explained the case to the police in   (详细地).

73. To avoid freezing to death,the mountaineers stayed close together for w______ 

74. We were entertained at the editor’s e_________.(费用)                                                       

75.It is not good for your health if you swallow your food without c___________.



第二部分  写作(共三节,满分55分)

第一节: 单词拼写(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


66. The forest worker devoted all his life to ____(保护) the wild life .

67. The ______ (大多数) of children in our class have brown eyes.   

68. They had the good news ______ (传开) throughout the country.  

69.T_________ (传统上),Chinese brides wear red on their wedding day.

70. I have no   (食欲) now because of headache.

71.The twins are so alike that it’s difficult to______ (区别) one from the other.                                                   

72.The witness explained the case to the police in   (详细地).

73. To avoid freezing to death,the mountaineers stayed close together for w______ 

74. We were entertained at the editor’s e_________.(费用)                                                       

75.It is not good for your health if you swallow your food without c___________.





51. Professor Li is very __(热心) about his teaching.                                                  51._________

52. Her teaching is not like that of my __(以前) teacher.                                                     52._________

53. The __(表现) of the students in class shows they like her.                                               53._________

54. The ­­__(少年) felt unhappy because their team failed.                                                     54._________

55. Your listening __(理解) needs improving.                                                                    55._________

56. They looked at the car until it __(消失) in the darkness.                                                 56._________

57. History is not an __(学术) subject.                                                                   57._________

58. Secondary school in the US usually __(包含) seven years.                                         58.__________

59. His __(厌倦) speech made us sleepy.                                                                        59.__________

60. He always __(鼓励) us when we failed.                                                                    60.__________



66.They ordered Chinese food, and when it arrived they ate ________ (饥饿地).
67. The smell is very __________(熟悉的)to everyone who lives near a bakery.
68. In the _________ (二十) century, country music became more and more popular in America.
69. A small child has to learn to keep his ____________(平衡) before he can walk far.
70.The tablets should be taken ____________(两次) a day.
71.He looked at us in____________(惊讶地) .
72. ____________(基本上), I agree with your plans, but there are a few small points I’d like to discuss.
73. I’ve never  __________ (品尝) the figs(无花果), but I’ve heard they’re nice.
74.His style of writing is rather ______________(独特的).
75. Finally the Red Army finished the world-famous Long March by ___________(克服)countless difficulties.


第一节:单词拼写. (根据句意在答题卷写出下列单词的正确形式,答案写在答题卡上,共10分)
【小题1】I shouldn’t have been so difficult at school, but it was probably because I l_____ confidence.
【小题2】At first, people a______ of his studies and urged him to continue.
【小题3】These men knew that knowledge and understanding are more v_______ to a man.
【小题4】This p______ sad event left a deep impression on Pliny who had lost an uncle in the erupion.
【小题5】The meaning of love was still not a_______ to Helen but she kept on trying to understand,
【小题6】One can only feel sorrow and deep _______(同情) for these once-living statues.
【小题7】I hate to think what will become of my ______(名声) as an excellent accountant.
【小题8】Pompeii is like a “ time capsule” ______(保存) a frozen moment in history.
【小题9】As Helen’s knowledge and vocabulary  ______(扩大), she asked more and more questions.
【小题10】At that time, the church and many people ______(倾向于)to ignore the facts.

