46.A.house B.part C.garden D.place 查看更多




The subject of this year’s Kunming International Expo(博览会) is “man and nature walking hand in hand into the 21st Century”. When the UK was asked to take part, it seemed natural to build a garden. Now the British Garden will be a central part when Expo opens on May 1.

David Patterson , the Curator(馆长) of the Department of the Royal Botanic Gardens in Edinburgh, is leading the team now putting the finishing couches to the garden.The Royal Botanic Gardens were chosen for a very good reason. They have the largest collection of Chinese plants in the world outside China.

“Ever since people in Britain started gardening for pleasure they have used Chinese plants,” Patterson told English Corner. “There are probably Chinese flowers in nearly every garden in Britain. This is a good chance to give something back.”The garden has been carefully designed to mix traditional British skills with the local Chinese environment. David Patterson describes the garden as “formal but gentle”. It contains a raised flower bed, a summer house and a lot of local trees. The garden is contained behind a wall of local, yellow stone. It is intended to be a place of serious thinking and quiet enjoyment.

“You could say that we’ve painted a picture,” said David Patterson. “And we have designed the garden to continue for a long time, so that the people of Kunming will be able to enjoy it long after the Expo is over.”


1.Visitors to the Kunming International Expo will most probably feel ______________. w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.     

A. man is the master of nature      B. man quite agrees with nature

C. nature is a helping hand to man      D. China has a long history of gardening

2.The underlined expression “putting the finishing touches to the garden” here means ______________. w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.

A. starting building the garden      

B. examining the main body of the garden

C. doing the last part of the work to the garden  

D. completing the design of garden

3.In the British Garden you will feel ______________. w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.  

A. nothing familiar    B. everything British    C. excited and noisy     D. quiet and happy

4.The passage is mainly ______________. w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o. 

A. an introduction to the British Garden   

B. an explanation of the design of the British Garden

C. a high praise for the Chinese gardening 

D. a short talk on this year’s Kunming International Expo




  The trees arrived by post, a halfopen parcel.They were thin and straight, rather like arrows but with shiny leaves at one end and muddy roots at the other.Terry and his father took them down the garden and planted them in their prepared places.Terry had great hopes of the middle trees, now set in the holy spot where Henry, his cat, run over, had been laid to rest a year before.The nine trees made an avenue down one side of the garden, where there was already a fifteenfoot stonewall between the garden and the back yards of the Jenkins Street houses.

  “Why do we want a row of trees as well as a wall,”Terry asked his father.

  His father said,“For privacy.These trees grow very thickly.”

  His father’s love of privacy often puzzled Terry, who was not one to keep himself to himself, but he could see part of the point here.The houses in Jenkins Street were on higher ground.His friend Leslie lived in number twelve, and Leslie had only to stand on a box to see right over the wall.

  “Will the trees grow higher than the wall?”Terry asked then.

  “Oh yes, twice as high if not more.It’ll take a few years but they’ll grow.”

  So they were going to have nine trees thirty feet tall, to keep them from being overlooked.Terry wondered why this was so desirable.He said,“Our garden is very pretty.Why can’t we let the people over the wall see it?That wouldn’t be showing off, would it?”

  “No, I don’t think it would be,”his father said.“Yet some people might feel a bit less happy if they can always see a good thing that isn’t theirs.We don’t want to be the cause of any jealousy if we can help it.”

  This consideration for other people’s feelings must be a grown-up thing, Terry thought.It was not his idea of how to run things.He said,“These trees-it seems a lot of trouble to go to just to stop people being jealous of us.”

  His father looked at him.“It isn’t much trouble, Terry,”he said.“These trees will grow without help from us.They’ll be beautiful.And listen to them.You can already hear them whispering to us in the wind.”


How do we know that Terry’s father was expecting the trees?

[  ]


He thought they would grow tall and thick.


He expected them because they arrived by post.


He and Terry had dug holes for them.


The parcel was half open, so he could see they were trees.


Part of the garden is called a holy spot because ________.

[  ]


Henry had been run over just there


a cat was buried there


Terry thought it was holy


it was fight in front of Leslie’s house


We know from the passage that Terry’s father is a man who ________.

[  ]


was proud of his garden and liked showing it off


didn’t quite like his neighbors


preferred to keep his privacy


felt jealous of the people in Jenkins Street


Why were the trees planted in front of the wall?

[  ]


Because that was where they would grow faster.


To improve the appearance of the house.


To hide the ugly sight of Jenkins Street.


To stop people from looking inside.


According to Terry’s father, the thing that might have made the neighbors feel less happy was ________.

[  ]


the wall


the thriving row of trees


the well-kept garden


the privacy of the place



  The subject of this year's Kunming International Expo (博览会) is “man and nature walking hand in hand into the 21st century. When the UK was asked to take part, it seemed natural to build a garden. Now the British Garden will be a central part when Expo opens on May 1.”

  David Patterson, the Curator (馆长) of the Department of the Royal Botanic Gardens in Edinburgh, is leading the team notes putting the finishing touches to the garden. The Royal Botanic Gardens were chosen for a very good reason. They have the largest collection of Chinese plants in the world outside China.

  “Ever since people in Britain started gardening for pleasure they have used Chinese plants.” Patterson told English corner “These are probably Chinese flowers in nearly every garden in Britain. This is a good chance to give something back.”

  The garden has been carefully designed to mix traditional British skills with the local Chinese environment. David Patterson describes the garden as “formal but gentle”. It contains a raised flower bed, a summer house and a lot of local trees. The garden is contained behind a wall of local, yellow stone. It is intended to be a place of serious thinking and quiet enjoyment.

  “You could say that we've painted a picture,” said Davis Patterson. “And we have designed the garden to continue for a long time, so that the people of Kunming will be able to enjoy it long after the Expo is over.”

1.Visitors to the Kunming International Expo will most probably feel ________.

[  ]

A.man is the master of nature

B.man quite agrees with nature

C.nature is a helping hand to man

D.China has a long history of gardening

2.The underlined expression “putting the finishing touches to the garden” here means ________.

[  ]

A.starting building the garden

B.examining the main body of the garden

C.doing the last part of the work to the garden

D.completing the design of the garden

3.In the British Garden you will feel ________.

[  ]

A.nothing familiar
B.everything British
C.excited and noisy
D.quiet and happy

4.The passage is mainly about ________.

[  ]

A.an introduction to the British Garden

B.an explanation of the design of the British Garden

C.a high praise for the Chinese gardening

D.a short talk on this year's Kunming International Expo.



  The subject of this year's Kunming International Expo(博览会) is “man and nature walking hand in hand into the 21 at Century”. When the UK was asked to take part, it seemed natural to build a garden. Now the British Garden will be a central part when Expo opens on May1.

  David Patterson, the Curator(馆长)of the Department of the Royal Botanic Garden in Edinburgh, is leading the team now putting the finishing touches to the garden. The Royal Botanic Gardens were chosen for a very good reason. They have the largest collection of Chinese plants in the world outside China.

  “Ever since people in Britain started gardening for pleasure they have used Chinese plants, ”Patterson told English Comer. “There are probably Chinese flowers in nearly every garden in Britain. This is a good chance to give something back. ”

  The garden has been carefully designed to mix traditional British skills with the local Chinese environment. David Patterson describes the garden as “formal but gentle”. It contains a raised flower bed, a summer house and a lot of local trees. The garden is contained behind a wall of local, yellow stone. It is intended to be a place of serious thinking and quiet enjoyment.

  “You could say that we've painted a picture, ”said David Patterson. “And we have designed the garden to continue for a long time, so that the people of Kunming will be able to enjoy it long after the Expo is over. ”

1.Visitors to the Kunming International Expo will most probably feel ________.

[  ]

A.man is the master of nature

B.man quite agrees with nature

C.nature is a helping hand to man

D.China has a long history of gardening

2.The underlined expression “putting the finishing touches to the garden”here means ________.

[  ]

A.starting building the garden

B.examining the main body of the garden

C.doing the last part of the work to the garden

D.completing the design of the garden

3.In the British Garden you will feel ________.

[  ]

A.nothing familiar

B.everything British

C.excited and noisy

D.quiet and happy

4.The passage is mainly ________.

[  ]

A.an introduction to the British Garden

B.an explanation of the design of the British Garden

C.a high praise for the Chinese gardening

D.a short talk on this year's Kunming International Expo


The subject of this year’s Kunming International Expo(博览会) is “man and nature walking hand in hand into the 21st Century”. When the UK was asked to take part, it seemed natural to build a garden. Now the British Garden will be a central part when Expo opens on May 1.

David Patterson , the Curator(馆长) of the Department of the Royal Botanic Gardens in Edinburgh, is leading the team now putting the finishing couches to the garden.The Royal Botanic Gardens were chosen for a very good reason. They have the largest collection of Chinese plants in the world outside China.

“Ever since people in Britain started gardening for pleasure they have used Chinese plants,” Patterson told English Corner. “There are probably Chinese flowers in nearly every garden in Britain. This is a good chance to give something back.”

The garden has been carefully designed to mix traditional British skills with the local Chinese environment. David Patterson describes the garden as “formal but gentle”. It contains a raised flower bed, a summer house and a lot of local trees. The garden is contained behind a wall of local, yellow stone. It is intended to be a place of serious thinking and quiet enjoyment.

“You could say that we’ve painted a picture,” said David Patterson. “And we have designed the garden to continue for a long time, so that the people of Kunming will be able to enjoy it long after the Expo is over.”


51. Visitors to the Kunming International Expo will most probably feel ______.     

A. man is the master of nature                B. man quite agrees with nature

C. nature is a helping hand to man           D. China has a long history of gardening

52. The underlined expression “putting the finishing touches to the garden” here means ______.

A. starting building the garden                 

B. examining the main body of the garden

C. doing the last part of the work to the garden  

D. completing the design of garden

53. In the British Garden you will feel ______.  

A. nothing familiar    B. everything British    C. excited and noisy          D. quiet and happy

54. The passage is mainly ______.      

A. an introduction to the British Garden   

B. an explanation of the design of the British Garden

C. a high praise for the Chinese gardening 

D. a short talk on this year’s Kunming International Expo

