Just say "no." If you are constantly interrupted, and you really don't have the time to help out, just say "no." You're only one person, and you can't save the world by yourself! 查看更多



The bedroom door opened and a light went on, signaling an end to nap time.The toddle(初学走路的婴儿), sleepy-eyed, clambered to a swinging stand in his crib.He smiled, reached out to his father, and uttered what is fast becoming the cry of his generation: "iPhone!"

         Just as adults have a hard time putting down their iPhones, so the device is now the Toy of Choice for many 1-, 2- and 3-year-olds.The phenomenon is attracting the attention and concern of some childhood development specialists.

Natasha Sykes, a mother of two in Atlanta, remembers the first time her daughter, Kelsey, now 3 but then barely 2 years old, held her husband's iPhone."She pressed the button and it lit up.I just remember her eyes.It was like 'Whoa!' "The parents were charmed by their daughter's fascination.But then, said Ms.Sykes (herself a Black Berry user), "She got serious about the phone." Kelsey would ask for it.Then she'd cry for it."It was like she'd always want the phone," Ms.Sykes said.

Apple, the iPhone's designer and manufacturer, has built its success on machines so user-friendly that even technologically blinded adults can figure out how to work them, so it makes sense that sophisticated children would follow.Tap a picture on the screen and something happens.What could be more fun?

The sleepy-eyed toddler who called for the iPhone is one of hundreds of iPhone-loving toddlers whose parents are often proud of their offspring's ability to slide fat fingers across the gadget's screen and pull up photographs of their choice.

Many iPhone apps on the market are aimed directly at preschoolers, many of them labeled "educational," such as Toddler Teasers: Shapes, which asks the child to tap a circle or square or triangle; and Pocket Zoo, which streams live video of animals at zoos around the world.

Along with fears about dropping and damage, however, many parents sharing iPhones with their young ones feel guilty.They wonder whether it is indeed an educational tool, or a passive amusement like television.The American Academy of Pediatrics is continually reassessing its guidelines to address new forms of "screen time." Dr.Gwenn Schurgin O'Keeffe, a member of the academy's council, said, "We always try to throw in the latest technology, but the cellphone industry is becoming so complex that we always come back to the table and wonder- Should we have a specific guideline for them?"

Tovah P. Klein, the director of a research center for Toddler Development worries that fixation on the iPhone screen every time a child is out with parents will limit the child's ability to experience the wider world.

As with TV in earlier generations, the world is increasingly divided into those parents who do allow iPhone use and those who don't. A recent post on UrbanBaby.com, asked if anyone had found that their child was more interested in playing with their iPhone than with real toys. The Don't mothers said on the Website: "We don't let our toddler touch our iPhones ... it takes away from creative play." "Please ... just say no. It is not too hard to distract a toddler with, say ... a book."

Kathy Hirsh-Pasek, a psychology professor who specializes in early language development, sides with the Don'ts. Research shows that children learn best through activities that help them adapt to the particular situation at hand and interacting with a screen doesn't qualify, she said.

Still, Dr. Hirsh-Pasek, struck on a recent visit to New York City by how many parents were handing over their iPhones to their little children in the subway, said she understands the impulse (冲动). "This is a magical phone," she said. "I must admit I'm addicted to this phone."

1.The first paragraph in the passage intends to ______.

A.get us to know a cute sleepy-eyed child in a family

B.show us how harmful the iPhone is

C.lead us to the topic of the toddlers' iPhone-addict

D.explain how iPhone appeals to toddlers

2.According to the author, iPhones are popular with both adults and young kids because they are______.

A.easy to use                                 B.beautiful in appearance

C.cheap in price                                        D. powerful in battery volume

3.The underlined word "them" in the seventh paragraph refers to ______.

A.televisions  B.cellphones           C.iPhones          D.screens

4.The tone of the author towards parents sharing iPhones with their children is ______.

A.negative            B.subjective            C.objective          D.supportive

5.The passage mainly tells us ______.

A.children's iPhone addict is becoming a concern

B.iPhone is winning the hearts of the toddlers

C.Apple is developing more user-friendly products

D.ways to avoid children's being addicted to iPhone games




Many students feel stressed around big moments in their lives like during final exams or when applying to college. Stress can be a pretty dangerous thing, because it can cause you to become sick.. Here are some ways to cope with stress:

Laugh   Laughter is really one of the best medicines. When things get stressful, do things that make you laugh. Watch a funny movie.  2  Chat with friends and family.

Take a Deep Breath  Breathing is a great way to reduce your stress. Taking deep breaths or doing breathing exercises may seem silly, but it do help you relax and clear up your mind.

Plan Ahead  Most students tend to study hard when test time comes close or do their homework right before it is due. However, having a plan will do a lot to decrease your stress.  3   

Sleep  Sleep is another great tool in reducing stress.  4 You should be getting at least 6 to 8 hours of sleep each night. As you know, a lack of sleep can be bad for your health.

Learn to Say “No”   5 So there are times when it is okay to say “no” to the requests of friends, families and teachers. If it is going to add too much to your stress level, just say so.

A.There are a lot of ways to deal with stress.

B.Sometimes life gets pretty stressful.

C.Read an interesting book.

D.Some stress comes from doing everything you’re asked to do.

E. It is essential that we allow our bodies to recover from daily stress.

F. Give yourself the appropriate amount of time to complete tasks, and break those tasks down into manageable portions.

G. You can lose yourself for a while in the music.



Living and dealing with kids can be a tough job these days,but living and dealing with parents can be even tougher.
If I have learned anything in my 16 years,it is that communication is very important,both when you disagree and when you get along.With any relationship,you need to let the other person know how you are feeling.If you are not able to communicate,your relationship drifts apart.When you are mad at your parents or anyone else,not talking to them doesn’t solve anything.
Communication begins with the concerns of another.It means that you can’t just come home from school,go up to your room and talk to nobody.Even if you just say “Hi” and see how their day is for five minutes,it is better than nothing.
If you look up the word “communication” in the dictionary,it will say “the exchange of ideas,conveyance (传递) of information,correspondence (通信),means of communication;a letter or message”.To keep a good relationship,you must keep the communication strong.Let people know how you feel,even if it’s just by writing a note.
When dealing with parents,you always have to make them feel good about how they are doing as parents.If you are trying to make them see something as you see it,tell them that you listen to what they have to say,but ask them politely to listen to you.Shouting or walking away only makes the situation worse.
Here is an example.One night,Sophie went to a street party with her friends.She knew she had to be home by midnight after the fireworks.but they didn’t feel she could just ask to go home.That would be rude.After all,they had been nice enough to take her along with them.Needless to say,she was late getting home.Her parents were mad at first,but when Sophie explained why she was late,they weren’t as mad and let the incident go.Communication was the key factor here.If Sophie’s parents had not been willing to listen,Sophie would have been in a lot of trouble.
Communication isn’t a one-way deal.It goes both ways.Just remember:if you get into a situation like Sophie’s,telling the other person how you feel and listening are key factors to communication.
68.The second paragraph mainly talks about ________.
A.the importance of friendship
B.making your feelings known to others
C.the importance of communication
D.the disagreement between generations
69.The key to happy relationship between parents and children is that _______.
A.children should always obey their parents
B.parents play the leading part
C.parents should mind their own business
D.both should make the other know their feelings
70.The example in the passage proves that ________.
A.Sophie’s parents were willing to listen to her
B.Sophie was very polite to her parents
C.Sophie did the right thing when she explained the reason of her being late
D.communication is the key to solving misunderstanding
71.All of the following statements are true EXCEPT ________.
A.if you don’t agree with others,you’d better let them know
B.it is better to say “Hi” to others than to say nothing
C.if you are too busy to communicate,just walk away
D.communication is a two-way deal


在某访谈节目中,五位嘉宾分别回答了来自主持人的五个问题,对少年儿童提出建议。请从下列提问(A, B, C, D, E和F)中选出与嘉宾的回答相匹配的问题。


A.Whatwouldyousaytoteenswhoaresufferingfromdepression?   B.Doyouhaveanysuggestionsforsomeoneinterestedinyourjob?


D.What advice can you give a young person on how to be a filmmaker or a writer?   

E. Do you have any advice to offer others wishing to become a writer and doctor? 

F. After all these years in the limelight, how do you deal with critics?


George Lucas’ answer 

Well, I would say you have to be persistent first of all, because it’s a very hard thing to get into, and it’s very hard to make it because the odds are against you. So you have to really love it; kids who get into it because they think they’re going to make a lot of money or be famous or tell a lot of people what to do all the time will never make it. But if you’re obsessed with film and you love to tell stories and you love writing in that medium, then that will give you the strength to be persistent and make it happen.

2. _________________________________________

Tom Fontana’s answer

I’ve never had writer’s block. I’m trying my luck because I’m hoping never to have it. As far as suggestions, I don’t know. If you write at the same time every day, your brain and your heart will be there, ready to go to work. It’s like how you eat at the same time over the course of the day – you should be available to write at the same time every day. If you have nothing to write, you should still write. Whether you write your name 100 times or describe a banana. If you write for five minutes, and you just get the words down, at least you’re doing something.

3. _________________________________________

Drew Barrymore’s answer

I would just say to persevere and find people who are safe and honest and who will give you tough love and guide you through, because you really can’t do everything on your own. You need love and support around you, and to believe that you will get past these hard times. You will overcome. Things will get better. Life is a series of ups and downs, and the good news is that when you’re in a low, it will always go up again. Life is not a free journey. There are a lot of lessons you have to learn along the way, but just appreciate the gift of it and find people who will be honest with you.

4. _________________________________________

Richard Seltzer’s answer 

Become a doctor first because a writer doesn’t make a living – you have to support yourself and your family. But writing is a very individual thing. It’s like your fingerprint – on one else has exactly your style. A lucky writer will discover his or her style but an unlucky one will always be trying to force himself into an unnatural writing style. It’s uncomfortable, and for them, writing is painful. I’ve never suffered. My life has been a series of small, everyday events. If I feel I have rendered on little bit of life in the most compelling language I can find and am satisfied with it, that is an event I cherish.

5. _________________________________________

Ms. Jamie Hobart’s answer 

It is a long road after medical school and internship but my job is different every day and very interesting. Not everyone can do this job. Autopsies are very different from any other medical job. Here we don't really let anyone under 18 watch or participate in an autopsy. So take a basic anatomy course in college and if you don't mind the cadavers, then you might follow it further. You have to have a very strong stomach and a strong interest in the science. If you decide you really like forensics (the work of scientists who examine evidence in order to help the police solve crimes) but don’t want to do autopsies there are lots of other things in the forensic field like the DNA labor various evidence – related specialties.



Kids will often ignore your requests for them to shut off the TV, start their chores(杂事),or do their homework as a way to avoid following your directions. Before you know it, you’ve started to sound like a broken record as you repeatedly ask them to do their assignments, clean their room, or take out the trash. Rather than saying “Do your chores now.” you’ll be more effective if you set a target time for when the chores have to be completed. So instead of arguing about starting chores, just say, “If chores aren’t done by 4 pm, here are the consequences.” Then it’s up to your child to complete the chores. Put the ball back in their court. Don’t argue or fight with them, just say,“ That’s the way it’s going to be.” It shouldn’t be punitive(惩罚性的)as much as it should be persuasive. “If your chores aren’t done by 4 pm, then no video game time until chores are done. And if finishing those chores runs into homework time, that’s going to be your loss.” On the other hand, when dealing with homework, keep it very simple. Have a time when homework starts, and at that time, all electronics go off and do not go back on until you see that their homework is done. If your kids say they have no homework, then they should use that time to study or read. Either way, there should be a time set aside when the electronics are off.

When a kid wears his iPod or headphones when you’re trying to talk to him, make no bones about it;he is not ignoring you, he is disrespecting you. At that point, everything else should stop until he takes the earplugs out of his ears. Don’t try to communicate with him when he’s wearing headphones—even if he tells you he can hear you. Wearing them while you’re talking to him is a sign of disrespect. Parents should be very tough about this kind of thing. Remember, mutual respect becomes more important as children mature.

1.According to the passage, it seldom happens that _______________________.

A.kids turn a deaf ear to their parents’ requests

B.parents’ directions sound like a broken record

C.children are ready to follow their parents’ directions

D.parents are unaware of what they are repeating to their kids

2.Parents will be able to deal with their children more effectively if they ________________.

A.avoid direct ways of punishment

B.make them do things at their request

C.argue and fight with their children

D.allow their children to behave in their own way

3.It can be inferred from the passage that _________________________.

A.parents should take off his headphones when trying to have a talk with their child

B.it will make no difference that a kid is wearing his earplugs while talking to his parents

C.parents shouldn’t give in to their kid when he shows no sign of respect

D.kids’ purposely talking to their parents with iPod gives them a sense of power and control

4.The main idea of the passage is ______________________________.

A.that respecting each other is more important than anything else

B.how kids behave to ignore and disrespect their parents

C.that children should make choices and decisions on their own

D.how parents can deal with their kids’ behavior effectively


