(2) This is film I’ve ever seen. A. a better B. the better C. a best D. the best 辨析:(1)题的答案为A.比较级形式表示最高级的含义.再如: How beautifully she sings! I have never heard . A. the better voice B. a good voice C. the best voice D. a better voice (D) –Are you satisfied with her answer? --Not at all. It couldn’t have been . A. worse B. so bad C. better D. the worst (A) Boris has brains. In fact, I doubt whether anyone in the class has IQ. A. a high B. a higher C. the higher D. the highest (B) (2)题的答案为D.最高级. 查看更多



When we are unfamiliar with something, we may feel nervous and fearful. The help of others is a good   31  to help us pull through.

I write for a big newspaper, and I wanted to   32  a story about parachute jumping(跳伞). To make it a realistic as well as exciting   33  , I decided that I had to make a jump myself   34  . Unluckily, I’m not good at any   35  , let alone(更不用说)parachute jumping.

My friend Mr. Smith was willing to give me a   36  . He took me to a ground school. The first day’s   37  included several hours of instruction but not my first drop from a(n)  38 . For this, I had to wait until the following   39  .

The next morning, I was taken to the airfield.   40  , a heavy parachute was put on my back. Then I was   41  to make my way to a small plane which had just stopped slowly on the runway. Once on board, the plane was soon   42  . I began to feel nervous. As we reached one thousand meters, Harry, my teacher, hooked(钩)a   43  from my parachute to a steel ring inside the plane. The line was to pull my parachute   44 after I jumped.

“Get   45  , Henry,” Harry said. I moved carefully to the door. I wanted to   46  , “NO, no, no!” But no word came.

“Jump!” Harry called   47  . “Jump!”

Away from the plane, and down, down I fell, arms stretched. It worked. All at once I was very happy. Then I felt a quick   48  . My big parachute had opened! It was the best   49  I ever had. I looked down. There were rivers, trees, fields and houses. I heard the soft sound of the air. This was   50  .

31. A. way          B. chance              C. idea             D. value

32. A. tell           B. write            C. read             D. copy

33. A. film          B. poem            C. story            D. program

34. A. secretly        B. instead              C. finally           D. first

35. A. sport         B. driving           C. lesson           D. drawing

36. A. try           B. hand            C. gift             D. suggestion

37. A. jumping       B. journey         C. training        D. entertainment

38. A. tree          B. tower            C. building          D. airplane

39. A. week         B. month           C. evening          D. morning

40. A. Besides        B. Once            C. There            D. However

41. A. asked         B. invited           C. forced           D. taught

42. A. slowing        B. climbing          C. landing           D. filling

43. A. belt           B. steel             C. line             D. seat

44. A. light          B. broken              C. fixed            D. open

45. A. ready         B. up              C. on              D. away

46. A. cry              B. rest             C. laugh            D. lie

47. A. softly         B. loudly            C. nervously         D. excitedly

48. A. comfort           B. wind            C. pull             D. push

49. A. failure         B. experience        C. competition           D. danger

50. A. tiring         B. shocking         C. true             D. fun


I was walking down the road one day when my cell phone rang. A strange 31 on the other end spoke to me, “Dad, please come back soon. I miss you so much!” I judged that it was a 32_ number. A little while later, the call came once again, so I rudely 33 , “You’ve dialed the wrong number!” and then 34 .

  During the following days, I got the same 35 now and then. But I didn’t care much about it.

  Then one day she constantly called me 36 I didn't answer. Finally I answered the phone and heard a weak voice, “Dad, please come back. I miss you so much! Dad, I’m 37 so much pain! Mom said you were too busy to take 38 of me. But, dad, please 39 me again, OK?” The innocent(天真) 40 was difficult to refuse. I made a 41 kiss on the phone and heard the weak voice say, “Thank you...Dad, I am so…happy, so…happy…”

  Shortly after this, I became 42 about who had been on the other end of my phone. So I called back, and a woman answered, “Sorry, sir. I am really sorry to have 43 you. My daughter has suffered from bone cancer 44 she was born. And her father… died in an 45 a short while ago. I dare not tell her this sad 46 . Poor baby.When she couldn’t bear (忍受) the painful chemotherapy (化疗), she would cry for her dad, who had always 47 her. I really couldn't bear it, so I gave her my phone number…”

“How is your daughter now?” I couldn't 48 to ask.

“She has 49 . You must have kissed her on the phone, because she went with a smile, tightly holding the cell phone…”

50 filled my eyes and I was so sad to hear that.

31. A. sound             B. noise            C. voice           D. shout

32. A. bad             B. different          C. unlucky          D. wrong

33. A. refused           B. explained         C. returned         D. answered

34. A. hung off         B. turned off         C. got off D. took off

35. A. number           B. call             C. telephone       D. result

36. A. as if             B. so that         C. in order that      D. even though

37. A. of               B. on              C. in                D. at

38. A. care B. control               C. attention D. interest

39. A. support           B. kiss             C. treat            D. encourage

40. A. condition         B. suggestion        C. request          D. advice

41. A. soft              B. sweet          C. low            D. loud

42. A. surprised          B. curious           C. interested        D. amazed

43. A. bothered         B. warned           C. interrupted      D. reached

44. A. when             B. since           C. as             D. after

45. A. invitation          B. event           C. accident         D. experiment

46. A. experience          B. reason            C. story           D. news

47. A. encouraged         B. supported         C. satisfied          D. praised

48. A. help              B. wait             C. expect            D. want

49. A. survived           B. passed            C. gone        D. escaped

50. A. Tears B. Cries            C. Anger D. Disappointment



  It was a beautiful Sunday morning, and Maggie and I were returning from our walk through the woods.We were only a couple of blocks from home when I spotted a cellphone and a credit card sitting on the road.We took them home.We always find amazing things on the street and Maggie looks upon them a movable feast-a chicken wing here and a barbecue rib there.

  I found another cellphone a few years back, too, and called a number in its phone book.I explained the situation to the guy who answered.He said it was his sister's and that he'd come to pick it up, which he did.

  And that was that.No verbal thank-you, no written thank-you, no“here's a box of chocolates” thank-you.

  I didn't have time to call anyone on my latest found cellphone.I was pouring myself coffee when it started to vibrate(震动)and dance across the kitchen counter.

  “Who's this?” someone asked when I picked up.

  “Who's this?” I countered.(反问) “Sarah?”

  She was surprised at my knowing her name until she realized her name was on the credit card, “Could you send them to me?” she asked.

  She lives in Arlington, which is 2 miles from my house.

  “Humm, no,” I replied, adding that I thought she could come to get them, and that if I wasn't at home, they would be in my mailbox.

  A day later, when I was out for a run, someone retrieved(取回)them.There wasn't even a piece of paper put in the mailbox with “Thanks” on it.In this age of e-mail and cellphone, there's really no excuse.Years ago, I found something more precious than a $100 bill on the street: a driver's license.I saw that its owner lived a couple of blocks from me, so I called him up.He asked whether I could slip the license through his front door.

  “I guess I could,” I replied.

  And that was that.


What is the relationship between Maggie and the writer?

[  ]


Wife and husband.


Daughter and father.


Teacher and student.


Master and pet dog.


How did the writer know it was Sarah calling?

[  ]


From her telephone's phone book.


From her credit card.


From her e-mail.


From her driver's license


The writer wants to tell us ________ through the unusual stories.

[  ]


we should return the things we pick to the owners


people don't know how to appreciate others because of the use of e-mail and cellphone


people should learn to appreciate persons who provide help to you


the advance of society make people lose some virtues



  I've written 14 movies.My characters smoke in many of them, and they look cool and glamorous doing it.Smoking was an integral(必需的)part of many of my screenplays because I was a heavy smoker.It was part of a bad-boy image I'd cultivated for a long time-smoking, drinking, partying, rock‘n’roll.

  Smoking, I once believed, was every person's right.The second-hand smoke was non-existent problem invented by professional do-gooders.I put all these views into my plays.

  Remembering all this, I find it hard to forgive myself.I have been an accomplice(帮凶)to the murders of untold numbers of human beings.I am admitting this only because I have made a deal with God.Spare me, I said, and I will try to stop others from committing the same crimes I did.

  Eighteen months ago I was diagnosed with throat cancer, the result of a lifetime of smoking.I am alive but disabled.Much of my larynx(喉)is gone.I have some difficulty speaking; others have some difficulty understanding me.

  I haven't smoked or drunk for 18 months now, though I still take it day by day and pray for help.I believe in prayer and exercise.I have walked five miles a day for a year, without missing even one day.Quitting smoking and drinking has taught me the hardest lesson I've ever learned about my own weakness; it has also given me the greatest affection and empathy(同感)for those still addicted.

  I don't think smoking is every person's right anymore.I think smoking should be as illegal as heroin.I'm no longer such a bad boy.I go to church on Sunday.I'm desperate to see my four boys grow up.I want to do everything I can to undo the damage I have done with my own big-screen words and images.

  Screen writers know, too, that some movie stars are more likely to play a part if they can smoke-because they are so addicted to smoking that they have difficulty stopping even during the shooting of a scene.

  My hands are bloody; so are Hollywood's.My cancer has caused me to attempt to cleanse me.I don't wish my fate upon anyone in Hollywood, but I beg that Hollywood should stop putting it upon millions of others.


The main idea of this passage probably is ________.

[  ]


the writer is ashamed of the bad effects his screenplays have had on human beings


the writer's smoking experience nearly killed himself


the bad effects that Hollywood screenplay have brought to children


the determination of the writer to overcome his illness


How do you think the writer has realized his mistake?

[  ]


So many people have found the habit of smoking due to his plays.


His plays have brought great harm to teenagers.


He himself suffered greatly from smoking.


His screenplays have been doing more and more harm to human beings.


What is the writer determined to do in future?

[  ]


He has made up his mind to give up smoking forever.


He will try his best to prevent others from writing screen plays encouraging smoking.


He will try his best to bring up his four children.


He has decided to write his screenplays without smoking scenes.


It can be inferred from the passage that ________.

[  ]


the writer will soon be recovered from his illness thanks to his exercise


the writer will soon die because of his deadly disease


smoking will be got rid of in all Hollywood films


smoking in Hollywood films is still doing great harm to human beings


I’ve written 14 movies. My characters smoke in many of them, and they look cool and glamorous doing it. Smoking was an integral(必需的) part of many of my screenplays because I was a heavy smoker. It was part of a bad-boy image I’d cultivated for a long time— smoking, drinking, partying, rock ’n’ roll.

Smoking, I once believed, was every person’s right. The second-hand smoke was non-existent problem invented by professional do-gooders. I put all these views into my plays.

  Remembering all this, I find it hard to forgive myself. I have been an accomplice (帮凶) to the murders of untold numbers of human beings. I am admitting this only because I have made a deal with God. Spare me, I said, and I will try to stop others from committing the same crimes I did.

Eighteen months ago I was diagnosed with throat cancer, the result of a lifetime of smoking. I am alive but disabled. Much of my larynx (喉) is gone. I have some difficulty speaking; others have some difficulty understanding me.

I haven’t smoked or drunk for 18 months now, though I still take it day by day and pray for help. I believe in prayer and exercise. I have walked five miles a day for a year, without missing even one day. Quitting smoking and drinking has taught me the hardest lesson I’ve ever learned about my own weakness; it has also given me the greatest affection and empathy(同感) for those still addicted.

I don’t think smoking is every person’s right anymore. I think smoking should be as illegal as heroin. I’m no longer such a bad boy. I go to church on Sunday. I’m desperate to see my four boys grow up. I want to do everything I can to undo the damage I have done with my own big-screen words and images.

Screen writers know, too, that some movie stars are more likely to play a part if they can smoke —because they are so addicted to smoking that they have difficulty stopping even during the shooting of a scene.

My hands are bloody; so are Hollywood’s. My cancer has caused me to attempt to cleanse me. I don’t wish my fate upon anyone in Hollywood, but I beg that Hollywood should stop putting it upon millions of others.

1.The main idea of this passage probably is _________.

A.the writer is ashamed of the bad effects his screenplays have had on human beings

B.the writer’s smoking experience nearly killed himself

C.the bad effects that Hollywood screenplay have brought to children

D.the determination of the writer to overcome his illness

2.How do you think the writer has realized his mistake?

A.So many people have found the habit of smoking due to his plays.

B.His plays have brought great harm to teenagers.

C.He himself suffered greatly from smoking.

D.His screenplays have been doing more and more harm to human beings.

3.What is the writer determined to do in future?

A.He has made up his mind to give up smoking forever.

B.He will try his best to prevent others from writing screen plays encouraging smoking.

C.He will try his best to bring up his four children.

D.He has decided to write his screenplays without smoking scenes.

4. It can be inferred from the passage that _______.

  A. the writer will soon be recovered from his illness thanks to his exercise

  B. the writer will soon die because of his deadly disease

  C. smoking will be got rid of in all Hollywood films

  D. smoking in Hollywood films is still doing great harm to human beings


