答:(1)测试“介词+关系代词 型的定语从句的用法 (2)测试the reason/way 后的定语从句的表示方式. (3)关系副词转化为介词加关系代词的用法. 例1:For many cities in the world, there is no room to spread our further, New York is an example. A. for which B. in which C. of which D. from which [答案]C . [题源探究] 本题是考查“介词+关系代词 型的定语从句的用法 [广角思维] 介词的确定其中一个方法是:依据定语从句中短语的习惯性搭配.我们可以把原句加以变化New York is an example of the cities in the world.由此可知of which 即 of the cities. [易误警示] 这种类型的定语从句容易在这两方面出错:介词的选择错误,介词后的关系代词使用错误.另外注意:①在非限制性定语从句中."介词+ which"结构不能代替关系副词.如:They set up a state for their own , where they would be free to keep Negroes as slaves. ②含有介词短语的动词一般不能拆开.介词仍放在动词后面. Is this the book which she was looking for? He is a kind of man whom you can safely depend on. [悟彻高考] 这一知识的难点在于介词的判断.介词的判断方法有以下两种:(1)取决于和先行词的搭配I can’t imagine the speed he drove yesterday.与speed搭配的介词是at所以空格处应填at which. He built a telescope through which he could study the skies.(through which 即through the telescope)(2)取决于和定语从句中动词短语的搭配.There is no one on the street she can turn for help.定语从句中动词搭配为turn to sb. For sth 为固定搭配所以空格处应填to whom. Who is the girl with whom you just shook hands?(shake hands with-是习惯性搭配) [同类预测]在难度要求比较高的试卷中如果对定语从句进行考查.很可能考查“介词+关系代词 型的定语从句的用法.正如上文讲述的那样我们一定要注意介词的选择. (1)Eric received training in computer for one year, he found a job in a big company. A. after that B. after which C. after it D. after this 答案:B 解析:考查“介词+关系代词 型的定语从句的用法.after which 中的which指代前面的句子 (2). Human facial expressions differ from those of animals in the degree they can be controlled on purpose. A. with which B. to which C. of which D. for which 答案:B 解析:考查“介词+关系代词 型的定语从句的用法.to which 中的to的选择取决于与先行词degree的搭配.which指的是degree. (3) Last winter, many places of southern China were struck by heavy snowstorms, more than 120 people were killed. A. from which B. in which C. at which D. for which答案:B 解析:考查“介词+关系代词 型的定语从句的用法.in which 中的which指代前面的句子中的heavy snowstorms. 例2:In Britain, every year 2.5 million animals die in experiments scientists develop and test new medicines. A. where B. that C. which D. on which [答案]A . [题源探究] 这是一道综合性考题.考查where 引导的限定性定语从句的用法以及关系副词和"介词+ which"转换方面的知识. [广角思维] 该题中定语从句句子成分完整说明应该填关系副词或介词+ which.如果选择D的话应把on which改为in which. [易误警示] 不能准确的分析句子结构以致误认为关系副词when, where, why, how的含义永远可以和"介词+ which"结构 [悟彻高考] 关系副词可代替的先行词是时间.地点.方式或理由的名词.在从句中作状语.关系副词when, where, why, how的含义相当于"介词+ which"结构.因此常常和"介词+ which"结构交替使用.例如: There are occasions when one must yield. Beijing is the place where I was born. Is this the reason why he refused our offer? I'm surprised the way how he works out the problem.但是一定要注意 when, where, why, how=介词+ which的前提是在定语从句中 [同类预测]命题人会依据“关系副词when, where, why, how的含义相当于"介词+ which"结构 这一知识点来命题.我们一定要把握住“when, where, why, how=介词+ which的前提是在定语从句中 这一重要规律. I can’t find a room to store my books. A. where B. in which C. which D. in that 答案:B 解析:考查“介词+which+不定式 在句子中可以放在名次后做定语这一知识点. 例3:The reason that he was ill that day was actually made up by his brother. In fact, the reason he was absent is he went to see a film. A. why; that B. why; what C. why; because D. that; because [答案]A . [题源探究] 本题测试的是the reason/way 后的定语从句的表示方式和that 引导的表语从句的用法. [广角思维] 先行词为reason时并且定语从句句子成分完整时可以构成the reason why =the reason for which= the reason (why).但是当定语从句缺少主语或宾语时就只能填写关系代词了. [易误警示] 受习惯思维的影响.很多学生一见到the reason不加分析就认为答案必须填why/for which.对于这一错误要求我们要分清句子结构.一定不要受习惯思维的影响. [悟彻高考] 当先行词为reason时我们必须分析定语从句.当定语从句句子成分完整时可以构成the reason why =the reason for which= the reason (why).但是当定语从句缺少主语或宾语时就只能填写关系代词that 或which了.The reason he gave us yesterday was unbelievable . [同类预测]the reason why =the reason for which= the reason (why).以及the way /in which这 两个特殊的结构的使用前提是从句中句子成分完整.命题人会利用这一特点进行命题. Is this the reason at the meeting for his carelessness in his work? A. what he explained B. how he explained C. he explained D. why he explained 答案:C 解析:由于该句中的定语从句中的explained是及物动词缺少宾语.所以必须填入一个关系代词that /which 来做它的宾语 查看更多



Translation.  ( 20 points )

1.老实说,这本书对我来说没有任何价值。(value n.)

2.去年,一场可怕的洪水切断了这个村庄的食物供给。(cut off)

3.最近我们班就垃圾食品是否对人的皮肤有害展开了一次讨论。(harm n.)

4.随着互联网的普及,网购已经被越来越多的人所接受。(as; on-line shopping)

5.很抱歉,我不能理解你在会上提出的建议。(make sense;定语从句)

6.政府必须采取有效措施保护这些历史遗产不受破坏。(protect ... from)

7.我们可以循环使用课本,以达到节约和减少污染的目的。(recycle; so as to)

8.这是人类首次认真思考自己的活动对环境造成的影响。(It’s the first time; effect)


10.越来越多家庭节假日期间外出旅行,由此导致很多地方交通拥挤不堪。(a/an ... number of; as a result)



1. We saw several natives advancing towards our party, and one of them came up to us               we gave some bells and glasses.
2.1 was given three books on cooking, the first              I really enjoyed.
3. The students visited the farm                  the farmers raise varieties of beef cattle.
4. The gym                     the gymnast is doing gymnastics is a newly-built one.



Recently I bought an ancient Chinese vase, the price ________ ________ was very reasonable.



The novel ________ ________ you are interested was written by Wang Shuo.



The old man has two sons, one ________ ________ is a teacher.

