Scientists generally agree that earth’s climate will warm up over the next 50 to100 years it has warmed in the 20,000 years since Ice Age. A. so long as. B. as much as C as long as. D as well as 解析:as much as表示程度 查看更多



Scientists generally agree that earth’s climate will warm up over the next 50 to100 years______ it has warmed in the 20,000 years since Ice Age.

A. so long as.  B. as much as   C  as long as.  D  as well as


Scientists generally agree that earth’s climate will warm up over the next 50 to100 years______ it has warmed in the 20,000 years since Ice Age.

A. so long as.  B. as much as   C  as long as.  D  as well as


Scientists generally agree that earth’s climate will warm up over the next 50 to100 years_____ it has warmed in the 20,000 years since Ice Age.

A. so long as                 B. as much as             C. as long as.               D. as well as

