28.D本题关键是抓住答句中所提供的信息.“It's hard to say'’.这表明回答者并不很肯定.而prove证明.show表明.排除A.B.前一空date from意为“追溯至-- 查看更多





Once Jim                                 , none of us can persuade him.


                      one third of the visitors were killed in the big fire in the hotel.


After knowing that he’d got cancer, Tom felt as if he had                         .


On hearing that her son came               , the woman               tears.


Two-thirds of the villagers                                 during the earthquake last night.



a. 单词拼写:根据所给中文意思或首字母,写出各句中所缺单词的正确形式。(共5小题,每题1分,满分5分)

1. With your ____________(许可), I’ll leave now.

2. We give a 10% __________ (折扣)on cash purchases.

3. I have ________ (受益)a lot from reading different kinds of books.

4. For lack of food, the old man s______ to death.

5. It’s important to keep the b_______ of nature.

b. 完成下面的句子,每空只填一词。(共5小题,每题2分,满分10分)

6. 他们面对面地坐着,怒视着对方。

They sat face to face, _______ _______ each other.

7. 由于负债累累,他每天不得不加班工作。

   Being _____ _____, he has to work extra hours a day.

8. 你所说的使我想起了我悲伤的故事。

What you said ________ me ________ my sad story.

9. 除夕烧香祭祖是中国的社会习俗。

It’s the ____ ______to light incense in memory of ancestors at the Spring Festival Eve in China.

10. 请原谅我忘记了你的生日。

Please ______ me _______ forgetting your birthday.


第二部分 词汇运用(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


disability     support     communicate     alternative    vary

mysterious    equality    breakthrough      indicate     definitely

56. Scientists have made a ____________in their treatment of the disease.

57. Minibuses with seats for 12 passengers offer an ____________ to expensive taxis and crowded public transport in some areas.

58. You’d better ____________ your diet rather than eat the same food all the time.

59. Applause was a sign of being part of the community, and of ____________ between actors and audience.

60. Although these are very important, we ____________ with more than just spoken and written words.

61. The red dragon which appears on the Welsh flag is a positive symbol, ____________ strength and a sense of national identity.

62. I will ____________ study medicine after I finish school.

63. Just then a white-haired old woman entered,  ____________ by a girl.

64. Senior citizens and people with ____________ will be able to go anywhere in the world using high-tech cameras attached to their head.

65. The story goes that a ____________ animal lives in the mountain.




1.They took the children on field trips to o______________ plants and animals.

2.Mr Wang s_____________ his family by teaching evening classes.

3.His encouraging speech i______________ us to try again and never to give up.

4.Every morning little Peter d______________ newspapers from house to house. In this way, he can earn his school fees.

5. Yuan Longping had  s______________ for decades to find out a way to increase rice harvests and eventually he succeeded.

6.Some people began to buy the new house because the price has been r_________________.

7.Scientists have made many important _______________ (探索,发现).

8.Jane Goodall tried to make the rest of the world understand and _____________ (尊重) the life of these animals.




1.With the d____ of economy, people’s living standards are improved now.

2.The reason he gave to a_____ for his absence was unbelievable.

3.Our farm s_____ the market with fruits and vegetables every day.

4.My teacher is a strict man and he has no s_____ of humor.

5.They shouldn’t treat their mother in a rude m______. They should respect her.

6.We are in the _____ (少数); more people are against us than with us.

7.Peter will _____ (逐渐地) get used to the weather in China.

8.They stood there, _____ (怒视) at each other without a word.

9.This factory will bring _____ (好处)to the people around it.

10.We had a light _____ (误解) with them last night.


