It is bad manners to others’ talk. 查看更多



56. Some people tend to cry in _______(激动).

57. It is said that some ants have double _______(胃).

58. That certainly seems a satisfactory _______(解释).      

59. It is bad manners to _______(打断) others’ talk.

60. On Friendship Day no ______(争论) or fights are allowed.

61. The boy wished to be chosen to ______(点燃) the torch for the Olympic Games.

62. The Prime Minister is to visit several _______(欧洲) countries.  

63. The forest was completely ________(摧毁) by the big fire.

64. He is a boy with many good __________(品质).

65. He succeeded in having his anger _______(控制).



1.We usually have a class meeting on __________ (星期一)afternoon.

2.It’s bad manners to __________ (打断……讲话)others when they are talking. 

3.We know that __________ (克隆)brings us benefits as well as problems.

4.They are interested in talking about what they will do when they __________ (退休).

5.He found the road has blue and white signs with __________ (海鸥) on them to show the way to go.












6.So we think that it is __________ (合情合理的)to assume they live in these caves, regardless of the cold.

7.We must give every __________ (文件) a different name while typing on computers.

8.I tried to phone Jackson this morning but I couldn’t get through. Later I found I __________ (拨) the wrong number.

9.__________ (通常;普遍地,一般地)speaking, when British meet, their talk will begin with weather. 

10.If you are in need of help, don’t __________ (犹豫;踌躇) to ask me.



【小题1】We usually have a class meeting on __________ (星期一)afternoon.
【小题2】It’s bad manners to __________ (打断……讲话)others when they are talking. 
【小题3】We know that __________ (克隆)brings us benefits as well as problems.
【小题4】They are interested in talking about what they will do when they __________ (退休).
【小题5】He found the road has blue and white signs with __________ (海鸥) on them to show the way to go.

【小题6】So we think that it is __________ (合情合理的)to assume they live in these caves, regardless of the cold.
【小题7】We must give every __________ (文件) a different name while typing on computers.
【小题8】I tried to phone Jackson this morning but I couldn’t get through. Later I found I __________ (拨) the wrong number.
【小题9】__________ (通常;普遍地,一般地)speaking, when British meet, their talk will begin with weather. 
【小题10】If you are in need of help, don’t __________ (犹豫;踌躇) to ask me.


You are enjoying the beautiful scenery in a quiet place, but suddenly the peace and quiet is interrupted(打断)by the noisy sound of a cellphone(手机)! Cellphones are everywhere, and some people don’t know what the limits of cellphone use are.

For me, it’s just a matter of education, good manners, and common sense. If I go to a beautiful place, it is because I want to enjoy nature. I can do it, but without bothering (打扰) other people.

Nowadays, that’s the biggest problem. People disturb other people, first with the ringing of their cellphones and then with their conversations because they usually speak very loudly. Not everybody in a public place should have to listen to private conversations (私人谈话). Even more annoying, you hear just one part of the conversation.

People need to learn how to use cellphones correctly. If there is an emergency (紧急情况),cellphones are acceptable, but remember that just a few years ago few people had cellphones and the whole society survived!

But again, not everybody wants to listen to other people’s private conversations. It’s like smoking. People dont want to be bothered by smokers. Our society has to learn to respect other people.

Sometimes when you are talking to someone, that person interrupts the conversation because of a cellphone call, without saying “I’m sorry.” That is bad manners. They don’t know how to respect other people. It’s just common sense! But our society is sometimes so “common senseless!” So, we have to write some rules to prohibit(禁止)cellphone use in some places.

1.What could be the best title for the passage?

   A. Cellphone Manners Are a Must  B. How to Use Cellphones

   C. Don’t Disturb Others          D. The Popularity (流行) of Cellphones

2.According to the author, what is the biggest problem nowadays?

   A. People are disturbed by those who use cellphones.

   B. People can’t hear the other part of the conversation.

   C. Private conversations are carried out on cellphones.

   D. Not everyone uses a cellphone in public places.

3.By saying “People don’t want to be bothered by smokers” (Para. 5), the author  really means _____.

   A. smoking also does harm to other people’s health

   B. people don’t want to listen to others talk

   C. people don’t want to be bothered by cellphone talkers

   D. some people don’t want others to smoke

4.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

   A. If we interrupt the conversation with a cellphone call, we should say sorry.

   B. Some of the cellphone users don’t have good manners.

   C. Before using cellphones, we must know how to respect others.

   D. People who use cellphones are not interested in beautiful scenery at all.



     You are enjoying the beautiful scenery in a quiet place, but suddenly the peace and quiet is interrupted
(打断) by the noisy sound of a cellphone (手机)! Cellphones are everywhere, and some people don't know
what the limits of cellphone use are.
     For me, it's just a matter of education, good manners, and common sense. If I go to a beautiful place,
it is because I want to enjoy nature. I can do it, but without bothering (打扰) other people.
     Nowadays, that's the biggest problem. People disturb other people, first with the ringing of their
cellphones and then with their conversations because they usually speak very loudly. Not everybody in a
public place should have to listen to private conversations (私人谈话). Even more annoying, you hear just
one part of the conversation.
     People need to learn how to use cellphones correctly. If there is an emergency (紧急情况), cellphones
are acceptable, but remember that just a few years ago few people had cellphones and the whole society
     But again, not everybody wants to listen to other people's private conversations. It's like smoking. People
don't want to be bothered by smokers
. Our society has to learn to respect other people. 
     Sometimes when you are talking to someone, that person interrupts the conversation because of a
cellphone call, without saying "I'm sorry." That is bad manners. They don't know how to respect other people.
It's just common sense! But our society is sometimes so "common senseless!" So, we have to write some
rules to prohibit (禁止) cellphone use in some places.
1. What could be the best title for the passage?
[     ]
A. Cellphone Manners Are a Must
B. How to Use Cellphones
C. Don't Disturb Others
D. The Popularity (流行) of Cellphones
2. According to the author, what is the biggest problem nowadays?
[     ]
A. People are disturbed by those who use cellphones.
B. People can't hear the other part of the conversation.
C. Private conversations are carried out on cellphone.
D. Not everyone uses a cellphone in public places.
3. By saying "People don't want to be bothered by smokers" (Para. 5), the author really means _____.
[     ]
A. smoking also does harm to other people's health
B. people don't want to listen to others talk
C. people don't want to be bothered by cellphone talkers
D. some people don't want others to smoke
4. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
[     ]
A. If we interrupt the conversation with a cellphone call, we should say sorry.
B. Some of the cellphone users don't have good manners.
C. Before using cellphones, we must know how to respect others.
D. People who use cellphones are not interested in beautiful scenery at all.

