[解析]C. 考查短语的用法.make mess弄得乱七八糟.Make a mess of 把......弄得乱七八糟 查看更多



With his attention________on the shops along the roadside,he knocked an old man down while riding to school.

A  concentrating     B.concentrated     C.to concentrate      D.concentrates

答案 B

解析 考查词组,故选B项。




  第一节 听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C、三个选项中选出最佳选项.听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题.每段对话仅读一遍.

1.What happened to the man?

[  ]

A.He fell off and broke his bike.

B.He fell off his bike and his leg was broken.

C.His bike was broken and he had to go on foot.

2.When did the business of buying and selling slaves begin?

[  ]

A.In the late 18th century.

B.In the late 17th century.

C.In the late 19th century.

3.What does Room 33 face?

[  ]

A.The south.

B.The east.

C.The sea.

4.What is the relationship of the two speakers?

[  ]

A.Mother and son.

B.Teacher and student.

C.Brother and sister.

5.Where should the man get off?

[  ]

A.At the next stop.

B.At the next stop but one.

C.Right here.

  第二节 听下面5段对话或独白.每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项.听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间.每段对话或独白读两遍.


6.What is the man doing?

[  ]

A.She is learning spoken English.

B.She is looking for a bank.

C.She is teaching spoken English.

7.Where does the conversation take place?

[  ]

A.At the university.

B.In the Street.

C.In front of a bank.

8.Which of the following is most likely to be true?

[  ]

A.The woman is on holiday in a foreign country.

B.The man is an Englishman.

C.The woman is a foreign teacher.


9.When did Mary first ring John up?

[  ]

A.At six in the morning.

B.At nine in the evening.

C.At four thirty in the afternoon.

10.What did John ask Mary to do?

[  ]

A.To help him with his lessons.

B.To go to the cinema.

C.To go to a lecture.

11.Why couldn’t Mary help John that evening?

[  ]

A.Because her mother was ill and she had to take care of her.

B.Because she had got something on that evening.

C.Because John was at a meeting.


12.What did the man do about his old car?

[  ]

A.He sold it.

B.He repaired the engine.

C.He gave it to his friend as a present.

13.What did the man feel about his old car?

[  ]

A.It's bad-looking.

B.It wouldn’t go far safely.

C.It would be all right for years.

14.What does the man feel about his new car?

[  ]

A.We are not sure.

B.It's even worse than the old one.

C.It's much better than the old one.


15.Where is the man working now?

[  ]

A.He is working as an engineer in Maryland.

B.He is teaching in Harvard University.

C.He is working in the National Motors Factory.

16.Who is Helen?

[  ]

A.The man’s friend who works in a car factory.

B.The man's wife who works in a factory.

C.The man's assistant who works for him.

17.Where did the man grow up?

[  ]

A.In Maryland.

B.In New York.

C.In Harvard University.


18.How long did the fire last?

[  ]

A.About half an hour.

B.About fifty minutes.

C.Around twenty-five minutes.

19.Which of the following is Not True according to the passage?

[  ]

A.The damage caused by the fire was great.

B.The guests were mainly rescued from the windows of their rooms.

C.All the fighters were trying to control the fire.

20.What can we infer from the passage?

[  ]

A.Many people died in the accident.

B.The fire didn’t spread to other buildings.

C.The fire started mainly because of the strong wind.

  第三节 听下面一段独白,每段独白读三遍,第一遍听短文大意,第二遍边听边写下所缺的词或者短语,第三遍检查.

Marian Anderson was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in 1902.She became one of the greatest singers (1) ________ .

  She began singing in (2) ________ choir when she was eight years old. She had an outstanding voice, (3) ________, it was difficult for her to get a musical (4) ________. People had heard she (5) ________ money so that she could study music. And in 1930 she won a scholar and (6) ________.

  Her success in Berlin, Germany made her fame spread. She delighted her audience (7) ________ .

  She returned to the U. S. in 1935 to (8) ________ her career. One of her highest acclaims came in 1939, when she gave a concert for 75, 000 people from the steps of Lincoln Memorial in Washington D. C.

  In 1955, she became the first Negro to sing (9) ________ of the Metropolitan Opera Company of New York City. Three years later, Marian Anderson (10) ________ as the U. S. delegate to the United Nations.


In today’s world English is the most wildly used language. It is our duty to learn English in the new situation of the reform and opening (改革开放) to the outside world. How can we master the English language? I’d like to give you some good advice.

First, get interested in it. I enjoy listening to foreign friends talking when I was a child. At the same time I watched the English programme Follow Me on TV. From then on, I kept on learning English. The more I learned, the more progress I made.

Second, practice makes perfect. Many people study English very hard, but they are very shy to speak it in public, for they are afraid of making mistakes. Remember you have to make a mistake before you can correct it. A native English speaker makes mistakes sometimes, too.

Third, the beginners should be encouraged to pay attention to idioms. The English language has many idioms. For example, you should say “He is as strong as a cow.”

68. If we want to learn English, we must first      .

  A. show interest in it                       B. enjoy listening to it

  C. watch English programmes on TV                D. practice speaking it

69. When learning English, we will      .

  A. remember the mistakes and correct them             B. try not to make any mistakes

  C. avoid mistakes before making them                D. not be afraid of making mistakes

70. The underlined word “idioms” in the last paragraph means “     .”

  A. 单词           B. 习语           C. 句子          D. 短语

71. According to the writer, what is the most important in learning English?

  A. Not being shy to speak in public               

B. Paying attention to idioms.

  C. Practising listening and speaking as much as possible.  

D. Watching English programmes


Summer in ______ south of France are for _____ most part dry and sunny.

  A. / ; a   B. the; /  C. / ; /   D. the; the


  The villagers of Yaluma in Southern Mexico are some of the poorest people in the country. But now they have an extra source of income.They are being paid to grow and develop forests by the organization in charge of Formula One racing (一级方程式赛车),which pumps 5,500 tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) into the air every year.The idea is that the forests being planted around Yaluma will absorb this amount. It will also provide people there with money while wiping out motor racing's environmental debt.
  Projects like this go under the name of "carbon trading". The basic idea is that governments and companies can buy the right to pump CO2 into the air by investing in green projrvyd. They can buy so-called "carbon credits" from countries which have succeeded in reducing CO2 emissions(排放物).
  Supporters of carbon trading say that it brings money and green technology to poorer countries.It also provides a new way of doing busingess and spreading prosperity. They point out that the process of globalization will give people everywhere the most possible choice of products and services. Carbon trading is just another way of bringing that about. It is a "win - win" situation.
  Opponents argue that nature comes before lifestyle. CO2 emissions need to be reduced, not bought and sold. And they believe that the rich world should lead the way.People might be willing to change the way they live to help save the world, but not to help the rich countries keep a lifestyle that depends on pollution.
  Supporters of carbon trading believe in unlimited growth.Opponents believe that nature sets limits to the choices we make on how to live.It is "don't do " against "can do". It is life against lifestyle.
  It is believed that modern lives are about choice.For example,the world can choose to take the danger of global warming seriously.And the sooner we choose to do it, the more choices we have about what to do next and the more time we have to do it in. We can also choose to pay no attention to the danger of global warming to keep our lifestyles. Then one day nature may give us no choice at all,and maybe not much of a life,either.
  64.Carbon trading is discussed in the text in order to show the importance of ______ .
   A.reducing pollution B.taking care of forests
   C.spreading prosperity D.choosing lifestyle or nature
  65."Carbon credits" may be used to ______.
   A.get the right to pump CO2 into the air
   B.get the right to pump CO2 into poor countries
   C.learn about the way to reduce CO2 emissions
   D.improve the way to reduce CO2 emissions
  66.We can infer from the text that in the "win - win" situation _____.
   A.rich countries perform their duty to help poor countries
   B.poor countries get what they need from rich countries
   C.both rich countries and poor countries get what they need
   D.rich countries learn from poor countries in reducing pollution
  67.In the opinion of people who are against carbon trading,the rich countries should ____.
   A.guide poor countries in reducing CO2 emissions
   B.show by example how to reduce emissions
   C.offer more help to save the world
   D.improve their lifestyles to keep the world clean

