名词前有指示代词,物主代词,不定代词或名词所有格修饰,不用冠词. I like this picture better. Is that your book Take their chairs away! I do not have any money on me. As time went on, Einstein's theory proved to be correct. 查看更多




 As they were classmates, ________ was no wonder that they should do the work in the same way

  A) This            B) That           C) There         D) It


As they were classmates, ________ was no wonder that they should do the work in the same way




Jackie Chan is satisfied with his limited edition car

China news, May 18 - According to the Hong Kong- [1]  (base) newspaper Ta Kung Pao, Jackie Chan  [2]  (助动词)participated in the promotion of many famous brands of clothing, shoes, stationery and food  [3]  (介词)recent years. Several days ago, he unveiled(使公诸于众)a limited edition four-wheel drive car, [4]  (从属连词)is especially customized(定做, 定制) to his personal taste.

  At the press conference in Singapore a few days ago, Jackie said that he [5]  (情态动词)have cooperated with Parjero, but the plan was suspended because of the sudden pass-away of the car designer. Later he decided [6]  (work)with his old partner Ralliart, [7]  (代词)of the brands of Mitsubishi, and finally rolled out(大量生产) this limited edition car with a storage capacity of 3,500 cubic centimeters of oil. Only 50 such cars will be available [8]  (介词)the world.

  As a car fan, Jackie has participated in the car design himself. The car, [9]  (decorate)with the symbols of "dragon", is said to "be comfortable as a sedan(轿子) and powerful as a roadster(跑车)." He added that making this car is to fulfill his dream, not to make money. The car price has not been announced yet due to [10]  (物主代词)status of limited edition and different taxations all over the world.



I don't think[1] _________ (人称代词)is good to send teenagers abroad to study.?[2] _________ (Compare)with China's education, [3]foreign education has many problems (改为there be 句型).Some foreign schools are not as good[4] _________ (连词)those of our country in teaching quality.In[5] _________ (指示代词)schools,students can't learn more,and therefore waste a lot of money,[6] _________ (连接词)is a heavy burden to their families.[7]Teenagers are too young to take care of themselves either in their study or in their daily life.(改为so...that...句型) As they don't have the ability to tell right [8] _________ (介词)wrong,and have less necessary help and guidance,some [9] _________ (谓语动词)their interest in studies and [10]even learn something badly to themselves.(改正错误)


酒驾是一个谈论很久的话题。酒驾酿成的悲剧一直在发生, 尽管国家出台了严厉的法规, 但是依旧屡禁不止。前有高晓松,近有王志文,这些名人大腕们都没能避免。假设你是李华,请你针对酒驾这一现象,给报社写一篇英文书信, 并谈谈你的看法。
1. 词数;100词左右,  2. 可适当增加细节,使行文连贯,通顺。
3. 参考词汇;酒驾, drunk driving
Dear Sir,
Though severe laws and regulations are carried out, cases of drunk driving happen frequently,

