“ the + 姓氏单数 表示特指“某位姓--的人 .常用来区别同姓的两个或两个以上的人.例如: I don't refer to the Lao Wang who works in this company. 我指的不是在这个公司里工作的老王. 查看更多




    Dancing is most likely the oldest art of all and out of it have   grown acting and most probably, music, since the first musical sounds   must have been the beat of the drum (鼓) and the chants (单音调的) of   the dances. Early man first danced to express anger, joy and other   strong feelings and when he discovered that if he danced in front of   another person that person usually wanted to dance as well, he used   dancing as a way of passing on his feelings to others.


    For example, if the chief man of a tribe (部落) in the Stone Age   wanted to get his followers busy hunting for meat, he told them what   he wanted not in words but by dancing. For this dance he dressed   himself up to look like an animal, perhaps with horns (角) and tail,   and jumped up and down, making animal movements and noises. You may   think that the head man was acting a part rather than performing a   dance, but acting and dancing are the same thing for primitive (原始   的) people; they dance an act and act a dance.


(1)According to the passage, which of the following is the oldest form  of art?                         [  ]    A. Painting.   B. Music.   C. Dancing.  D. Acting. 

(2)According to the passage early man first danced in order to___.                                [  ]    A. express his feelings    
   B. keep themselves out of danger    C. keep themselves from being hungry    D. frighten animals away from him 

(3)The chief of a primitive tribe in the Stone Age 

usually ____ first and then led his men to go hunting.           [  ]    A. gave some orders in words          B. acted a dance     C. discussed what to do and what not to do  D. beat a drum 

(4)In the Stone Age the head man told others what he wanted ____.                                [  ]    A. by dancing       B. by waving his hands    C. by blowing his horns D. by jumping high 

(5)Music has grown out of ______ according to the article. [  ]    A. acting and busy hunting B. dancing among people    C. men's feelings      D. everyday life and activities


Armed only with iPhones, the inventive rock band Atomic Tom has gone viral(广为流传) by way of the New York subway. The band has scored an Internet hit with the video to the song “Take Me Out.”

Singer Luke White says the production was a top-secret operation.

“We didn't tell anyone about this. It was completely top-secret from our family, from our friends, from our label, our management, everybody. So the first time that people saw this video was last Friday when we put it on YouTube,” explained White.

Since uploading the video to YouTube, band members have spent several days refreshing the page to watch the number of hits rise.

The video has also made its way around Twitter as many people have shared it with their friends.

“I mean, it still hasn't quite hit. It's just kind of blowing our minds right now that we're getting this: many people are fond of it, and they're sharing it with their friends. We don't know what it's like really to have something that's viral, so all of this is very new to us.” said Eric Espiritu, the lead guitarist of the band.

White explains how the video came together:

“We did our research with the applications( 应用程序) and found applications that worked out really well with the instruments and then we plugged them all into, plugged our phones into mini-battery powered amplifiers(扩音器) that we put underneath our seats, and we did a lot of, you know, practices, in terms of figuring out what the balance of the sound and like who was overpowering, who was too loud or who was too soft.”

The idea for the video came from Espiritu's younger brother Benjamin. The younger Espiritu directed the video from his initial concept through the final edit and upload to the Internet. 

“I've seen a lot of the music applications come out, and I've never actually had the chance to play with them," says Ben Espiritu. "When I started hearing about how they sound and everything, I thought it might be unique to take it one step further and then create an entire band just performing solely(单曲) on the iPhones, and I thought it would be a pretty cool idea.”

Ben says the success of the band’s music video is a credit to the talent and ability of the musicians, but it's also a sign of the times.

“It really comes down to seeing something different, seeing something unique, and I think that that's always, in any type of art form, what will speak to people, and I think it does reflect the times that we live in, taking a smart phone and then being able to turn it into an instrument, not only just an instrument, but making it sound really good.”

Who first saw the video of the song “Take Me Out”?

   A. Their friends       B. The people on line

    C. Their family        D. Their management

What is the band members’ attitude towards the sudden fame?

   A. They are thrilled.

   B. They are quite used to it.

   C. They are kind of confused.

   D. They are so excited as to tell everyone they know.

How did the video come into being?

   A. The band copied from it other musicians.

   B. It had already existed in the iPhones before they bought them.

    C. The band created it with the help of the applications in the iPhones.

    D. The band made full use of the traditional instruments to make the song.

What is the significance of the success of the band's music video?

    A. It has introduced us several talented musicians.

    B. It has made the musicians into millionaires.

    C. It teaches the young a big lesson.

    D. It reflects the talent and ability of the musicians and the times that we live in.





My father came to the United States as a Ukrainian immigrant (移民)when he was 14 years old. Unable to speak English but willing to do anything to succeed, he learned the language, and became a barber. He put his two daughters, my sister and me, through college during a time when most people thought that women didn’t need an education and that they should be satisfied by getting married and having children.

I was preparing to get married and my father was trying to practice the polka, a must at any Ukrainian wedding. But he couldn’t do it! He had lost the mobility(活动能力)in his leg and suffered a brain tumor(瘤). He was forced to retire as a result of paralysis(瘫痪)of his right arm and leg. Dad had always worked two jobs and spent his spare time working around the house. Now his life came to a sudden stop. Yet never once did he complain. He bought rubber balls and spent his days trying to regain his hand mobility by squeezing those balls over and over.

After his second brain operation, he chatted pleasantly in the hospital room until a nurse flew into the room, waving her finger at me, and yelling, “You’d better tell your father to stay in bed. He is paralyzed and will never walk again. I am sick of picking him up and you’d better warn him to stay put!” My father smiled. He spent a great deal of time on the floor that year, but he eventually got up and walked.

My father lived nineteen more years after that second brain operation. He bought himself a motorized scooter(单脚滑行车)and spent years moving around the streets of Philadelphia. He was proud, free and always smiling.

56.In what way was the father different from most other people in his time?

A. He succeeded immigrating to the US.     

B. He learned the new language easily and quickly.

C. He achieved his life goal by working as a barber.   

D. He tried to offer his daughters the education chance.

57.   The underlined word “polka” in Paragraph 2 probably refers to ________.

A. a song     B. a dance         C. a rubber ball       D. a new language

58.   The author’s father played with rubber balls to ________.

A. kill his too much spare time     B. reduce his work pressure

C. get his hand mobility back       D. recover from the brain tumor

59.   What can we learn from the passage?

A. Love can create wonders.          B. Failure is the mother of success.

C. Father’s love is the most valuable.   D. Never give up your life and dream.



I will go to college in the near future._____________________________________________


1. 确定新的学习目标
2. 改进学习方法
3. 学会独立的生活
4. 参加各种课外活动
5. 处理好与同学的关系
1. 短文的内容要连贯,完整
2. 短文单词数100左右(开头已给出的单词不计入单词总数)
In the past month, my life has changed a lot since I started my senior high school.

