地名前用a 可以表示具有和该地名同样特征的另一地方. As is known to us all, Su zhou is a Venice in Chind. 查看更多




 I believe in the power of the well-written thank-you letters. My sister and I were taught at a very early age to write thank-you letters for birthday and Christmas gifts. We carefully copied addresses from our mom’s address book into our own pretty little books. We wrote our letters on December 26th at the latest every year. It was an important activity in our home, and it has turned me into an eager thank-you-letter writer as an adult. Nearly every Monday morning I sit down with my favorite pen and write a few thank-you letters. I write them for parties I attend, dinners I’m fed, or just to thank a friend for listening. Several years ago I even sent my mom a thank-you letter to thank her for teaching me to count my blessings on paper.

Sending letters of thanks out into the world has made me more appreciative of the love, support, and kindness I receive daily. I am more motivated to do kind things for others when I feel appreciated, and I feel that I keep kindness and generosity living by genuinely expressing my thanks.




    (1) 对作者这种习惯的看法;

(2) 除写感谢信外,还可以用哪些方式表示感谢;

(3) 你需要向你生活中哪些人表示感谢。









  I believe in the power of the well-written thank-you letters.My sister and I were taught at a very early age to write thank-you letters for birthday and Christmas gifts.We carefully copied addresses from our mom's address book into our own pretty little books.We wrote our letters on December 26th at the latest every year.It was an important activity in our home, and it has turned me into an eager thank-you-letter writer as an adult.Nearly every Monday morning I sit down with my favorite pen and write a few thank-you letters.I write them for parties I attend, dinners I'm fed, or just to thank a friend for listening.Several years ago I even sent my mom a thank-you letter to thank her for teaching me to count my blessings on paper.

  Sending letters of thanks out into the world has made me more appreciative of the love, support, and kindness I receive daily.I am more motivated to do kind things for others when I feel appreciated, and I feel that I keep kindness and generosity living by genuinely expressing my thanks.













1. Children should be encouraged to explore ____________________(任何感到好奇的事情).
2. I'm sorry. I ________________(应该打个电话) to tell you I was coming. (phone)
3. When you hang wet clothes near a fire, you will see steam __________________
(从潮湿的衣服上升起).  (rise)
4. You __________________(不可能看见她)in her office last Friday; she’s been out of town for
two weeks.(see)
5. While I agree with most of what you said, I don't agree with your viewpoint ________________
(这个实验失败了). (failure)
6. The driver failed to keep calm in the emergency; otherwise the accident ________________
(就可以避免). (stop)
7. Not only ________________(他被逮捕)but he had been sent to prison as well. (arrest)
8. ________________(不会用)a computer makes it more difficult for him to do his academic
research. (use)
9. John received an invitation to dinner, and with ________________(他做完了活), he gladly
accepted it. (finish)
10. There is no possibility ________________(他会信守诺言). He is always telling lies. (keep)


as if和as though引导的从句所叙述的情况与事实相反时,从句的谓语动词多用虚拟语气。在虚拟语气结构中,用________时态来表示现在的情形;用________时来表示过去的动作或状态;用________时表示正在进行的动作;用________时表示将要发生的动作。

当as if和as though从句的主语和主句主语一致,且从句中含有系动词be的某种形式时该主语和系动词可以省略。

例如:John paused as if(he was)expecting Mary to speak.


a.in spite of意思是“尽管,不管”,后接________词或________词,用法同despite。

b.in spite of引导让步状语,而though/although引导让步状语________。Despite/In spite of the fact+that从句也可以表示让步意义。


Strange as it may seem, I never really wanted to be rich.

Much as I sympathize with your difficulties, there is little I can do to help you.

