The Yellow River, to be "the mother river", runs across China like a huge dragon. A. saying B. to say C. said D. being said 查看更多



第II卷 (共三节,满分50分)



71. The students who were t____________ in the burning building were frightened.

72. We were r____________ from the sinking ship by a passing boat.

73. It took a long time for him to ____________(康复) from a bad cold.

74. After g_____________ from Qinghua University, she worked as an engineer.

75. They have made a r_____________ for international help.

76. She p_____________ the yellow dress to the red one because it fits her better.

77. He has all the _____________(品质) of a successful businessman.

78. In class, you should be very a_____________ in answering the questions your teacher asks.

79. What is your father’s _____________(态度) towards your plan?

80. Lucy is a r_____________ girl, and you can depend on her.



该文中共有八处错误, 每句中最多有两处, 错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。
增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧), 并在此符号下面写出该加的词。
删除:把多余的词用斜线( \)划掉。
修改: 在错的词下划一横线, 并在该词下面写出修改后的词。
2、只允许修改8处, 多者(从第9处起) 不计分。
I could never forget that accident. It was in the morning of February 8th, 2011 that the accident happened. While sat in a restaurant on the Park Road, I saw an old man walking out of the City Park. Suddenly the yellow car was running fast along the 3rd Street. Then it turns west into the Park Road. Just at that time the old man was crossing the Park Road. The old man had been knocked before the driver realized that had happened. The driver escaped, leaving the old man lying on the road. At the sight of this, I ran to him but saw that the number of the car was AC864. About two minutes late, I stopped a passing car and took her to the nearest hospital.



occur      inhabitant     crowd     measure     strong

reduce     similarity      poor      fortunate    disaster

1.A fire broke out in the factory. ___________, one of the firefighters was killed.

2.The boy knows much about the           and differences between pop music and classical music.

3.The government is making efforts to ________the traffic noises in order to let citizens have a quiet sleep.

4.         have been taken to reduce pollution in developing countries.

5.He threw it forward with all his         .

6.The buses are so        during the rush hour.

7.The polluted air and water can explain the main reason why the ________here are getting ill one by one.

8.Our goal is to reduce the number of the families in         in the village.

9.An unexpected storm     when we were enjoying the pleasant voyage at the Yellow Sea.

10.One million five hundred thousand people died in natural _____ between 1980 and 2000



I still remember the day when my mom said, “Let’s get you some new clothes.” You can imagine that to any little girl that would mean the world, but to me it meant the universe, because we were not very rich. After she said that, all I could think about was what kinds of clothes I would choose. To my surprise, my mom allowed me to pick out three dresses: a pink one, a blue one and a yellow one. The yellow one was my favorite.
I had a best friend named Seema, whose family was even poorer than ours. We played and studied together, and spent the best days of our childhood laughing at the silly stories we made up. I was excited to show her my three beautiful new dresses. She loved them all and was happy for me, but tearfully explained to me that her father could only afford to buy her clothes for her birthday. I felt sorry, and then did something that surprised even myself: I asked her to pick out one of my dresses for herself. To my disappointment, she picked up my favorite—the yellow one. Please remember, I was only seven years. My heart almost popped out (跳出) of my chest. But as she held it against her body, and I saw how brightly she smiled, I stopped feeling any hurt. I told her it looked lovely on her.
I’ll always remember Seema’s smile, and how at that moment nothing mattered more. When you value your friendships, nothing else matters! We’re still best friends today.
【小题1】Why did the new clothes mean the universe to the author?

A.She loved dressing up more than anything else.
B.She thought they would make her more beautiful.
C.Her family was poor, and new clothes were very rare.
D.Her mother only bought her new clothes for her birthday.
【小题2】The author let Seema pick out one of her dresses because she wanted to _______. her pity for Seema’s off her family’s wealth
C.make Seema become her best it with Seema’s dress
【小题3】When Seema chose the yellow dress, the author was disappointed because ________.
A.she was not generousB.she didn’t expert to lose her favorite dress
C.Seema chose her favorite dress on purposeD.Seema was careless about her feelings
【小题4】What can we conclude from the passage?
A.Getting a best friend means losing other things.B.Being generous is not easy.
C.Children like sharing their favorite things.D.Friendship is precious (珍贵的).



第二节:完型填空 (共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30 分)


The cultures of the East and the West really distinguish(区别)each other a lot. This is because the culture systems are two separate systems____21___.

   The origin of the eastern cultures is mainly from two countries: China and India. Both of the two cultures are gestated(孕育) by ___22___. In China, the mother river is the Yellow River___23___ the Indian one is the Hindu River. These two cultures were ___24___ for several thousand years and formed their own styles. Then in Tang Dynasty of China, the Chinese culture___25___ went overseas to Japan, ___26___ into the Japanese society and ___27___ the Japanese culture nowadays. Though a bit different from the Chinese one, it ___28___ to the same system.

When the two mother rivers gave ___29___ to the eastern culture, another famous culture was brought up on the Mesopotamian Plain--- the Mesopotamian Civilization. This civilization later on developed into the cultures of the Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome. And these two are well- known as the ___30___ of the European culture. ___31___ the Chinese culture, the European one also ___32___waters. When the colonists of England ___33___down in America, their culture went with them over the Atlantic Ocean. So the American culture doesn’t ___34___ from the European one a lot.

At the same time, the ___35___ of the language systems adds to the cultural differences. In the East, most languages belong to the pictographic languages while the Western languages are ___36___ based on the Latin system, for example, the one I ‘m using to write this paper.

Other factors like human race difference ___37___ as well. However, ____38___ the far distance and the steep areas between the East and West, the two cultures seldom ___39__ until recent centuries.___40___ they grew up totally in their own ways with almost no interference (干扰) from the other.

21. A. above all                  B. on the whole        C. in all                                 D. first of all

22. A. mountains               B. plains                     C. lakes                 D. rivers

23. A. since             B. when           C. while                  D. as

24. A. developed         B. improved               C. created               D. protected

25. A. suddenly         B. quietly                    C. gradually          D. naturally

26. A. mixed              B. flowed          C. moved                    D. forced

27. A. expanded       B. enriched         C. influenced         D. shaped

28. A. comes              B. belongs       C. amounts             D. adds

29. A. birth                          B. way              C. root               D. origin

30. A. characteristics   B. sign            C. base                      D. content

31. As                       B. Unlike             C. With                 D. Like

32. A. passed                   B. spread          C. crossed           D. formed

33. A. fell                B. went           C. broke             D. settled

34. A. separate        B. grow         C. move               D. distinguish

35. A. difference        B. use                   C. appearance        D. change

36. A. properly            B. partly               C. simply              D. mostly

37. A. include            B. counts        C. depends           D. worked

38. A. in terms of      B. due to          C. as to                D. in case of

39. A. help                B. connect       C. communicate         D. meet

40. A. But                B. Because        C. So                             D. Yet


