to make a speech, he said he would be very glad to. A. When asked B. When asking C. To be asked D. When he was asking 查看更多



     Being positive is very important.So I often__1__my son to be positive.But one day I was caught not
__2__what I often tell him to do.
     My son is 7 years old and he was__3__a show to be put on at his school.He was playing the role of
an angel.On the evening before the show,he asked me,"Mom,can we__4__angels?" As usual,I seized (抓住) the__5__to teach him to be positive and I said,"Yes,__6__only those who are perfect,and think and
talk positively can." He asked,"You must have seen them then?"
     I was__7__for a few seconds,not knowing what to say.I was touched by his__8__that his mother was a perfect person.He looked into my eyes,__9__a positive answer.I chose to be__10__with him and told
him,"__11__.I've not been a good person all the time." I was almost__12__to admit this to him.I thought
that his__13__of a perfect mother would now surely be torn into pieces.But he__14__it positively and
said,"It's alright.You know to try to be better__15__." I smiled as I replied,"That's__16__.Sometimes,we might make a__17__,but when we do,we must always try to do better."
     My son's__18__struck me right in my heart and are always with me.I__19__a good lesson that day "to always try to be better".This will always__20__me in all situations where I'll need to be positive.
(     )1. A.paid        
(     )2. A.saying      
(     )3. A.going through
(     )4. A.describe    
(     )5. A.feeling      
(     )6. A.but          
(     )7. A.pleased      
(     )8. A.thought      
(     )9. A.making      
(     )10. A.wrong      
(     )11. A.N o        
(     )12. A.glad        
(     )13. A.description  
(     )14. A.finished    
(     )15. the future
(     )16. A.right      
(     )17. A.plan        
(     )18. A.words      
(     )19. A.taught      
(     )20. A.hurt        
B. refuse        
B. sharing        
B. preparing for  
B. draw          
B. attitude      
B. so            
B. interested    
B. behavior      
B. expecting      
B. angry          
B. Sure          
B. surprised      
B. speech        
B. took          
B. again and again
B. fine          
B. decision      
B. performances  
B. learnt        
B. protect        
C. worry      
C. doing      
C. turning to  
C. invite    
C. chance    
C. because    
C. excited    
C. dream      
C. trying    
C. strict    
C. OK        
C. relaxed    
C. picture    
C. caught    
C. from now on
C. impossible  
C. difference  
C. joy        
C. organized  
C. help      
D. encourage  
D. explaining  
D. looking for
D. see        
D. method      
D. if          
D. quiet      
D. story      
D. choosing    
D. honest      
D. Great      
D. embarrassed
D. idea        
D. changed    
D. at times    
D. unnecessary
D. mistake    
D. progress    
D. created    
D. find        


Being positive is very important.So I often__36__my son to be positive.But one day I was caught not__37__what I often tell him to do.

My son is 7 years old and he was__38__a show to be put on at his school.He was playing the role of an angel.On the evening before the show,he asked me,“Mom,can we__39__angels?” As usual,I seized (抓住) the__40__to teach him to be positive and I said,“Yes,__41__only those who are perfect,and think and talk positively can.” He asked,“You must have seen them then?”

I was__42__for a few seconds,not knowing what to say.I was touched by his__43__that his mother was a perfect person.He looked into my eyes,__44__a positive answer.I chose to be__45__with him and told him,“__46__.I’ve not been a good person all the time.” I was almost__47__to admit this to him.I thought that his__48__of a perfect mother would now surely be torn into pieces.But he__49__it positively and said,“It’s alright.You know to try to be better__50__.” I smiled as I replied,“That’s__51__.Sometimes,we might make a__52__,but when we do,we must always try to do better.”

My son’s__53__struck me right in my heart and are always with me.I__54__a good lesson that day “to always try to be better”.This will always__55__me in all situations where I’ll need to be positive.

36.A.paid                                               B.refuse 

C.worry                                                D.encourage

37.A.saying                                           B.sharing 

C.doing                                                 D.explaining

38.A.going through                                 B.preparing for

C.turning to                                           D.looking for

39.A.describe                                         B.draw 

C.invite                                                 D.see

40.A.feeling                                           B.attitude

C.chance                                               D.method


C.because                                              D.if

42.A.pleased                                          B.interested 

C.excited                                               D.quiet

43.A.thought                                          B.behavior 

C.dream                                                D.story

44.A.making                                          B.expecting 

C.trying                                                 D.choosing

45.A.wrong                                           B.angry 

C.strict                                                  D.honest

46.A.No                                                B.Sure 

C.OK                                                    D.Great

47.A.glad                                               B.surprised 

C.relaxed                                               D.embarrassed

48.A.description                                     B.speech 

C.picture                                               D.idea

49.A.finished                                         B.took 

C.caught                                               D.changed the future                                   B.again and again

C.from now on                             times

51.A.right                                              B.fine 

C.impossible                                          D.unnecessary

52.A.plan                                               B.decision 

C.difference                                           D.mistake

53.A.words                                           B.performances                                                     D.progress

54.A.taught                                            B.learnt 

C.organized                                           D.created

55.A.hurt                                               B.protect                                                   D.find


Being positive is very important.So I often__26__my son to be positive.But one day I was caught not__27__what I often tell him to do.

My son is 7 years old and he was__28__a show to be put on at his school.He was playing the role of an angel.On the evening before the show,he asked me,“Mom,can we__29__angels?” As usual,I seized (抓住) the__30__to teach him to be positive and I said,“Yes,__31__only those who are perfect,and think and talk positively can.” He asked,“You must have seen them then?”

I was__32__for a few seconds,not knowing what to say.I was touched by his__33__that his mother was a perfect person.He looked into my eyes,__34__a positive answer.I chose to be__35__with him and told him,“__36__.I’ve not been a good person all the time.” I was almost__37__to admit this to him.I thought that his__38__of a perfect mother would now surely be torn into pieces.But he__39__it positively and said,“It’s alright.You know to try to be better__40__.” I smiled as I replied,“That’s__41__.Sometimes,we might make a__42__,but when we do,we must always try to do better.”

My son’s__43__struck me right in my heart and are always with me.I__44__a good lesson that day “to always try to be better”.This will always__45__me in all situations where I’ll need to be positive.

26.A.paid                                               B.refuse 

C.worry                                                D.encourage

27.A.saying                                           B.sharing 

C.doing                                                 D.explaining

28.A.going through                                 B.preparing for

C.turning to                                           D.looking for

29.A.describe                                         B.draw 

C.invite                                                 D.see

30.A.feeling                                           B.attitude 

C.chance                                               D.method


C.because                                              D.if

32.A.pleased                                          B.interested 

C.excited                                               D.quiet

33.A.thought                                          B.behavior 

C.dream                                                D.story

34.A.making                                          B.expecting 

C.trying                                                 D.choosing

35.A.wrong                                           B.angry 

C.strict                                                  D.honest

36.A.No                                                 B.Sure 

C.OK                                                    D.Great

37.A.glad                                               B.surprised 

C.relaxed                                               D.embarrassed

38.A.description                                     B.speech 

C.picture                                               D.idea

39.A.finished                                         B.took 

C.caught                                               D.changed the future                                   B.again and again

C.from now on                             times

41.A.right                                              B.fine 

C.impossible                                          D.unnecessary

42.A.plan                                               B.decision 

C.difference                                           D.mistake

43.A.words                                           B.performances                                                     D.progress

44.A.taught                                            B.learnt 

C.organized                                           D.created

45.A.hurt                                               B.protect                                                   D.find

