8.B rule out意为“排除 ,pick out意为“挑选 ,take out意为“拿出 ,carry out意为“实施 .根据题意.你可以从some toys中“挑选 一个.故选B. 查看更多




 A.Reasons that employers use tests

 B.Procedures involved in recruitment(征募)

 C.Tips to follow while taking tests

 D.Disadvantages of interviews for recruitment

 E.Importance of interview

 F.Adoption of psychological tests to hire employees


 Nowadays more and more foreign enterprises and companies are no longer relying on interviews for recruitment.Years of studying interviewing has made clear that it is not a very objective’ process.Personnel officers often hire the person they like best or even the one they think most physically attractive.Looking good is no guarantee of doing the job well.


 Recruitment can involve steps in two ways.Step 1 is always the same:job application.The company decides whether you might be suitable based on your qualifications and your previous job experience.Step 2 Can be screening.A specific test is given at this stage to rule out those who might not be worth interviewing.Some large employers use tests—especially IQ based tests precisely to eliminate the unsuitable.Only those who pass Step 2 go to the interview.Step 2 Can also be testing and interview combined.If the company thinks you might be suitable after looking at your application,they ask you to come to be tested and to be interviewed.It is seen very much as part of the same step.


 Tests claim to be scientific and objective. A large body of research has shown that interviews by themselves are not very reliable as a method of selection.People’s judgments are often very subjective:whether they like the look of someone counts for more than almost anything else. But reliable and valid tests call offer rapid and more objective information about would-be employees.If a candidate talks well in an interview but his test results suggest that he is a careless person who cannot concentrate,and employer is likely to think twice about hiring him.


 Taking a serious test for a job is rather different form taking a game-like test. You can spend just a little time answering questions of that kind of test,and you can deny the answers and say they are not accurate.But you can not go to a serious test without enough preparation since you can not afford to be denied and eliminated again and again.What can you do to do justice to  yourself in tests? Here are three tips:Understand,Analyze,Practice.


 To get a more objective view, many companies are also using psychological tests,to hire both for relatively routine job and for positions at senior levels of management.It is impossible to say how many employers use tests,but estimates of test sales in the U.K.for 2001 were over one million.


Want to be smarter with your money? Here’s how.

       1.   Many kids quickly spend every dollar they receive, while others save their money, rarely buying anything. But what you want is a balance between saving and spending. Consider the 25--50--25 rule. Out of every dollar you receive, allow yourself to spend 25cents to buy gifts for family or give to charities.

  2.   The T--shirt looks so cool in the store. But when you get it home, you wonder why you wasted your money. Sound familiar? This often happens with impulse purchases(冲定性购买). Advice: Rather than buying the T--shirt right away, spend a few days thinking about whether it’s really the best use for your money.

Challenge yourself. It’s hard to save money just for the sake of saving money.   3.__  Suppose you want a skateboard. Find out how much it costs and then decide how much you will save each week.   4.  That will make you even more determined to stick with it.

Prove your worth. Want your parents to give you more pocket money? Sure, it helps to do some housework and get good grades.   5.   If you show you are a good saver and a careful spender, your parents are more likely to trust you with more pocket money.

A. Wait a week.

B. Keep your balance.

C. Stop buying cloths.

D. What you need are goals.

E. But the real key is to prove you know how to handle money.

F. You might even tell your parents and friends about your plan.

G. Form a good habit of saving money whenever it is possible.



阅读下面短文,掌握其大意, 然后从各题所给的四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

An old man had three children, all boys. When they had grown up, he called them together and told them that he was very __36__ and no longer able to provide, __37__ for himself .He ordered them to go out and bring him food and clothing.

The three brothers __38 __  , and after a very long while they came to a large__39__. They decided that once they got across they would __40__. The eldest told the youngest to take the middle road, and the second to go to the right, __41__ he himself would go to the left. Then, in a year’s time, they would __42__ to the same spot.

So they parted, and at the end of a year, as __43__, they found their way back to the riverside. The eldest asked the youngest what he had gotten during his travels, and the boy __44__: I have nothing but a __45__ . If you look into it, you can see all over the country, no matter how far away.”

 When asked __46__ what he had gotten, the second brother replied : “Only a pair of sandals that are so full of __47__ that if one puts them on one can walk at once to any place in the country in one step.”

Then the eldest himself, said: “ I , __48__ , have obtained but little, a kind of medicine, that is all. But let us look into the mirror and see how father __49__.”

The youngest __50__ his mirror, and they all looked into it and saw that their father was already __51__.Then the elder said: “Let us __52__ home and see what we can do,” So the second brought out his sandals, and all three placed their feet inside them and ,  __53__ , they reached their father’s grave. Then the eldest took the__54__ out of his bag, and poured it over the grave. At once their father __55__, as if nothing had been the matter with him.

Now which of these three sons has performed the best?

1.A. old                B. tired               C. active              D. unusual

2.A. merely             B. even       C. already       D. ever

3.A. took down   B. grew up               C. set out      D. turned around

4.A. plain               B. temple                   C. mountain     D. river

5.A. settle                 B. speed                C. bathe              D. separate

6.A. but                  B. although           C. while     D. if

7.A. refer                  B. return                C. owe               D. contribute

8.A. agreed     B. tested                    C. proved        D. called

9.A. rose                   B. replied                  C. aimed           D. added

10.A. map                 B. rule                  C. mirror           D. telescope

11.A. in doubt          B. in store           C. in time           D. in turn

12.A. happiness       B. time              C. energy          D. power

13.A. however          B. therefore            C. too                D. anyway

14.A. came out        B. got on                    C. made up      D. broke down

15.A. produced       B. fetched                 C. hid            D. received

16.A. dead                 B. rich                   C. strong     D. sick

17.A. call                   B. ride                  C. hurry            D. drive

18.A. suddenly         B. instead             C. slowly  D. immediately

19.A. fish       B. medicine        C. money  D. wine

20.A. got up    B. built up           C. joined in    D. passed away



Too much TV-watching can harm children’s ability to learn and even reduce their chances of getting a college degree, new studies suggest in the latest effort to examine the effects of television on children.

One of the studies looked at nearly 400 northern California third-graders. Those with TVs in their bedrooms scored about eight points lower on math and language arts tests than children without bedrooms TVs.

A second study, looking at nearly 1,000 grown-ups in New Zealand, found lower education levels among 26-year-olds who had watched lots of TV during childhood. But the results don’t prove that TV is the cause and don’t rule out that already poorly motivated youngsters(年轻人)may watch lots of TV.

Their study measured the TV habits of 26-year-olds between ages 5 and 15. Those with college degrees had watched an average of  less than two hours of TV per weeknight during childhood, compared with an average of more than 2½ hours for those who had no education beyond high school.

In the California study, children with TVs in their rooms but no computer at home scored the lowest, while those with no bedroom TV but who had home computers scored the highest.

While this study does not prove that bedroom TV sets caused the lower scores, it adds to accumulating findings that children shouldn’t have TVs in their bedrooms.

1. According to the California study, the low-scoring group might____________.

A. have watched a lot of TV          B. not be interested in math

C. be unable to go to college          D. have had computers in their bedrooms

2.What is the researchers’ understanding of the New Zealand study results?

A. Poorly motivated 26-year-olds watch more TV.

B. Habits of TV watching reduce learning interest.

C. TV watching leads to lower education levels of the 15-year-olds.

D. The connection between TV and education levels is difficult to explain.

3. What can we learn from the last two paragraphs?

A. More time should be spent on computers.

B. Children should be forbidden from watching TV.

C. TV sets shouldn’t be allowed in children’s bedrooms.

D. Further studies on high-achieving students should be done.

4. What would be the best title for this text?

A. Computers or Television

B. Effects of Television on Children

C. Studies on TV and College Education

D. Television and Children’s Learning Habits



A migraine(偏头痛)can cause disabling pain. People may not feel back to normal for hours or even days. Migraines are most common among young adults and middle-aged people. In the United States, about eighteen percent of women and six percent of men report having migraines.

People who suffer from migraines can find that different “triggers(诱因)”in different people may get a headache started. Stress can act as a trigger. So can chocolate in some people. Many migraine sufferers say hot weather and low barometric pressure(大气压)can act as triggers. But researchers say they do not have much scientific evidence of that — until now.

 In a new study, a team examined the medical records of seven thousand hospital patients. The patients had visited the emergency room at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston, Massachusetts, because of a headache. More than two thousand of them had been found to have a migraine.

 The team then compared those records to weather conditions in the twenty-four hours before the hospital visits. For every increase of five degrees centigrade in air temperature, the patients had a seven and one-half percent higher risk of migraine. Decreases in barometric pressure two to three days before the visit also appeared to trigger headaches.

 The researchers found no evidence that air pollution influenced headaches. But they could not rule out the possibility of a smaller effect.

 A separate study has found that age, gender and where a person has extra body fat may affect the risk of migraine. It found that overweight people between the ages of twenty and fifty-five may have a higher risk. On average, those who were larger around the middle were more likely to have migraines than those of the same age with smaller waistlines.

 The study involved twenty-two thousand people. It was led by Lee Peterlin. She says early results suggest that losing weight in the stomach area may help younger people who experience migraines, especially women.

41. From the first paragraph, we can infer a migraine can ________.

A. make people unable to walk

B. prevent people acting normally

C. cause people to leave home for days

D. get people to suffer from mental disorder

42. The underlined word “that” in Paragraph 2 refers to ________.

A. chocolate acting as a trigger

B. stress acting as a trigger

C. hot weather and low barometric pressure acting as triggers

D. high air pressure acting as a trigger

43. According to the passage, headaches are influenced least by ________.

A. body weight                  B. barometric pressure

C. air temperature                  D. air pollution

44. In the opinion of Lee Peterlin, a person who has a migraine should ________.

A. avoid gathering fat in the stomach area

B. eat more sweet food every day

C. stay warm in good weather

D. keep away from noisy places

45. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Overweight people may have a lower risk of migraines.

B. Weather is linked to migraines.

C. Migraines are a headache for many people.

D. Women suffer more migraines than men do.

