- I sleep here? -No, you . A. May; needn’t B. May; mustn’t C. Must, may not D. Must, can’t 答案:B 查看更多




I have written letters of apology to my teachers before.

1.I remember at the age of 7, when I was h_____ English lessons,

I pulled my classmate’s chair aside when he was about to sit down

2.after answering questions. ______ a result, he fell onto the ground

3.and cried. The whole class burst out _____    (笑)

4.My English teacher was so angry _____ I had to

5.apologize by writing   a letter to her and she ______(宽恕)me.

Even now if I behave badly in class, I will still write a letter of

6.apology to my teachers for the following r______. Firstly,

7.I should take responsibility for _____ I do. Secondly, writing letters

8.of apology to teachers can help _____ (提醒)myself to be good

9.in class. Finally, it is A good way to _______(交流)with teachers

10.when they are _____ anger.



Each morning a rich man found a poor man sitting on a park bench (长凳). The poor man always sat there, looking at the big hotel in which the rich man lived. One day the rich man got out of his car and said to the poor man, “Excuse me, but I just want to know why you sit here and look at my hotel every morning.” “Sir,” said the poor man, “I am a failure. I have no money, no family, no home. I sleep on this bench, and every night I dream that one day I’ll sleep in that hotel.” The rich man said, “That is not so hard. Tonight your dream will come true. I’ll pay for the best room in that hotel for you for a whole month.”
A few days later, the rich man went by the poor man’s room to ask him how he was enjoying himself. To his surprise, he found that the man had moved out of the hotel, back to his park bench. When the rich man asked why, the poor man said, “you see, when I am down here sleeping on my bench, I dream I’m up there, in that big hotel. It’s a wonderful dream. But when I was up there, I dreamed I was back to this cold bench. It was a terrible dream, and I couldn’t get any sleep at all.”
1. The poor man lived in_____ before he met the rich man.
A. the hotel        B. his home      C. the park        D. the car
2. Every morning, the poor man sat on the bench and _____
A. waited for the rich man        B. looked at the rich man’s hotel
C. looked at the rich man’s car     D. enjoyed the clean air
3. The poor man moved out of the hotel because_______
A. he didn’t want to live in such a fine room
B. he didn’t like the rich man
C. he couldn’t pay for the room
D. he couldn’t get any sleep at all there
4. In the end, the poor man found it _____to sleep in the hotel.
A. sorry         B. nice         C. sad       D.terrible


对话填空 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)

A: He is very good, isn’t he?

B: Sorry, what did you say?

A: I 1.s__________ the singer was great.

B: Yes, and interesting to watch.

A: Have you seen him here 2.b_________?

B: Oh, yes. He’s always at 3. e__________ the same place on Saturdays when I come into town. I think he probably 4.w__________ the music and words by himself, 5.b________ I’ve 6.n________ heard any of the songs before.

A: It’s not fair

B: What do you 7.m__________?

A: People with musical ability 8. l_________him have to stand around here to make a living.

B: Perhaps he enjoys 9.i_________ or more money than you think.

A: I 10. h_________ so.



Every morning at eleven, a bright new car drove through the central park in New York.Inside the car  36   a driver and his boss, a well-known millionaire(百万富翁).

Each morning the millionaire   37    a poorly-dressed man   38  on a park bench(长凳).The man always sat  39    staring at the hotel in which the rich man lived.One day the millionaire was so  40   in the man that he asked his driver to stop the car and he  41   to the bench.He said to the poor man, “Excuse me,  42    I just have to know why you sit staring at my hotel every morning.” “Sir, ”said the poor man, “I’m a failure.I have no job, no family and no 43   .I sleep on this bench and every night I dream that  44   day I will sleep in this hotel.” The rich man had  45 .He said to the poor man, “Tonight your dream will come  46 . I’ll 47    for the best room in that hotel for you for   48   .” The millionaire smiled and felt 49    of himself.

A few days  50    , the millionaire went by the poor man’s room to ask him how he 51     himself.To his great  52    , he found that the poor man had moved out of the hotel, back to his park bench.When the millionaire asked why, the man said, “You see, when I’m 53    here sleeping on the bench.I always dream I’m up there in the hotel.It’s a wonderful dream.But when I was up there in the hotel, I dreamed I was  54   here on this cold bench.It was  55    dream and I could not get any sleep at all.”

1.                A.stayed          B.stood          C.sat   D.seated


2.                A.had            B.noticed         C.laughed  D.heard


3.                A.thinking        B.lying           C.sitting    D.resting


4.                A.down          B.up             C.there D.here


5.                A.interested      B.surprise        C.strange   D.nervous


6.                A.rushed         B.swam          C.raced    D.walked


7.                A.but            B.so             C.and  D.because


8.                A.food           B.bed            C.home    D.shoes


9.                A.each           B.one            C.that  D.every


10.               A.a talk          B.an advice       C.a friend   D.an idea


11.               A.easy           B.here           C.true  D.real


12.               A.pay            B.look           C.work D.prepare


13.               A.the first time    B.two days        C.two times  D.a whole month


14.               A.pleased        B.proud          C.glad  D.sorry


15.               A.past           B.ago            C.later  D.before


16.               A.liked           B.enjoyed        C.treated    D.satisfied


17.               A.joy            B.surprise        C.anger D.sorrow


18.               A.down          B.below          C.up   D.under


19.               A.much          B.still            C.even D.besides


20.               A.a terrible       B.a surprised      C.a moving  D.an exciting




第一节 单词拼写(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)

1. It’s cheaper if you book the tickets in a      .

2. I wasn’t sure if I could h      such a powerful car.

3.She g      us through the busy streets to the cathedral.

4.The writer personally c       $5,000 to the earthquake fund.

5. Police suspect there may be a l      between the two murders.

6.He         (折叠) the map up and put it in his pocket.

7. Just for an         (瞬间) I thought he was going to refuse.

8. I’m afraid getting things changed will be a slow          (过程).

9.Daytime temperatures vary between minus 5°and         (零上) 12°.

10. The competition attracted over 500 contestants          (代表) 8 different countries.


