Lancashire is most likely to be located in . A.America B.Russia C.California D.England 查看更多



The old camera Brownie picked up in a charity shop was a splendid find .But the undeveloped film still inside turned out to be even more of a treasure.

New owner Don Roccoforte had it developed and saw in it an attractive dark haired woman in her thirties with two young boys. He immediately determined to try to find out who they were.

A few weeks later the California-based camera collector received the news that left him stunned. The woman was his wife Jaqueline’s aunt in a picture taken around 50 years ago, and one of the boys, her cousin.

The couple have now unraveled(揭开)the astonishing coincidence ,which leads back to Mrs. Roccoforte’s native Lancashire, where many of her family still live. The camera was bought from a shop in Preston by Brownie, a friend of Mr. Roccoforte, who knew of his interest in photography and thought it would be an unusual gift.

Back in California, the contents of his new possession inspired Mr. Roccoforte’s curiosity. Recognizing the water in the background of the photo as a lake in Lancashire; he sent a copy to the local paper in Preston to see if any readers could help.

Another relative recognized the group as Winnie Bamber, still living in the area at the age of 81, her son Tony, Mrs. Roccoforte’s cousin, and Tony’s childhood friend, Mick Murphy.

Yesterday Mrs. Bamber was still gasping(惊讶地吸气)at the turn of events which has reunited two strands(分支)of her family.

She said she remembered taking the boys to the lake and losing the camera. The two boys, both now 58, still live near Preston.

Mrs. Roccoforte’s father is Winnie Bamber’s brother, Billy Charnley.

He and his wife moved to America in the 1960s. Their daughter met Mr. Roccoforte there and they married and moved to Preston for two years before returning to America.

1 Which of the following is the right order of what happened?

a. Don Roccoforte received a special present from his friend.

b. Another relative recognized Winnie Bamber and the two boys.

c. Winnie Bamber ,together with two boys ,went to take pictures at a lake.

d. Don Roccoforte sent a copy of the picture to a paper in Preston.

e. The film was developed.

f. The camera was lost.

g. Brownie bought an old camera in a shop.

A. c→f→b→a→d→g→e      B. b→c→a→f→d→e→g

C. c→f→g→a→e→d→b      D. a→c→b→f→e→g→d

2. Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A. Tony is the son of Winnie Bamber.

B. Billy Charnley’s daughter was married to Don Roccoforte.

C. Brownie married Winnie Bamber.

D. Mrs. Roccoforte is Winnie Bamber’s niece.

3. The underlined word “stunned” is closest in meaning to ________.

A. disappointed      B. shocked      C. worried      D. satisfied

4. The best title for this passage would be ________.

A. The Film that Waited 50 Years to Be Developed

B. An Unusual Reunion after about Half a Century

C. A Special Present to a Special Friend

D. An Old Camera and the Beautiful Pictures Inside




School kids show talents for charity

Youngsters at Fulwood High School and Arts College in Preston will show their talents to raise money for sick children. It is putting on a wonderful show on Thursday November to support Derian House Children’s Hospice(安养院)near Chorley.

Pupils are planning a night to remember, with a wide range of acts from singers and dancers to a magician. Local band Vox Population, fronted by former pupil Laurence Holt, will be playing following their recent tour of Germany. The best part of the night will be a surprise act by a group of teachers.

Tickets are available from the school priced £1.50 for pupils and £2 for adults. The show starts at 7 pm.

Grants(补助金)aim to boost recycling

Children and community groups across Lancashire have been given help to recycle more. More than 40 schools, organizations and community groups have received Waste Action Grants.

Brinscall Primary School in Chorley has been awarded 500 pounds to provide money for its Infant Fruit Waste project. The money has been used to buy a Roly Pig composter that will turn fruit waste into compost(堆肥).

Carole Lormer, from the school, said, “The children completely love the Roly Pigs. They have been feeding and turning them every day, using leftover fruit.”

For information visit or call 01172 642885.

Ready when you are

If you’re looking to bag that dream job, your basic maths and English skills need to be good. If you think your basic skills are a little out of practice, try taking Learnerdirect’s “Ready When You Are” challenge.

Hosted by Eamonn Holmes and Johnny Ball, it’s a fun and interactive quiz based on real life situations, which aims to help you decide where you might need to brush up on your basic skills. Log onto:

Good luck!

68.What information can we get from the first advertisement?

A. Laurence Holt is the main singer in the band.

B. Teachers will be surprised at the performance.

C. The show is held to celebrate students’ graduation.

D. Parents are expected to offer £2 to each pupil.

69.   How do the students in Brinscall Primary School recycle?

A. They feed pigs on the leftover fruit.

B. They turn waste fruit into fertilizer with a machine.

C. They awarded £500 to those who waste least at school.

D. They raised £500 for the Infant Fruit Waste project.

70.   “Ready when you are” is an advertisement for ________.

A. a good job.                 B. a skill learning course

C. an interactive quiz              D. an interesting website



阅读下列材料, 从所给的六个选项(A、B、C、D、E、和F) 中,选出符合各小题要求的最佳选项。选项中有一项是多余选项。
________【小题1】 Jack just moved to a new place in Nelson. He wants to buy a house, but he hasn’t much money and his job is not well paid. So he needs a house whose price is about£50,000 and at least has two bedrooms.
______【小题2】 Lucy is now 65 years old. She is not very healthy and it is difficult for her to move. So she now wants to find a bungalow (平房) in Earby so that she can easily go out of the house to enjoy the sun in winter and fresh air outside in summer.
________【小题3】Alice was very poor before, but recently she got a highly paid job and wanted to change her house into a better one. But the house should at least have four bedrooms and two reception rooms. What’s more, it should look like the house in the countryside.
______【小题4】Peter now  lives in Nelson. He dreams of having a house with at least three bedrooms. Besides, he doesn’t like high buildings.
________【小题5】Lynne has lived in Newchurch for many years and now she wants to buy a house for a change. She wants the house to be semi-detached (半独立式) or detached. She also wants a separate garage.
Top Barn Lane, Newchurch, Lancashire, £49,950, flat on 30th floor.2 bathrooms with 3-piece suite in white, 1 reception room, 1 large lounge, 1 fully fitted kitchen,2 double bedrooms.
Queensway, Newchurch, Lancashire, £109,500, semi-detached house. 2 countryside view fronts, 2 double bedrooms, 1 modern fitted dining room, 1 detached garage opposite.
White Leys Close, Earby, Barnoldswick, £129,950, bungalow. 2 bathrooms, 1 reception room, 1 living room split into sitting and dining areas, doors to garden, a kitchen with a range of fitted bases. Outside of the front is a road for two cars and a garden area.
Birch Hall Lane, Earby, Barnoldswick, £180,000. 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 3 reception rooms. Traditional stone built houses next to some cottages on one side. There is a small cycle store and a long, beautiful wildlife garden.
Craven View, Nelson, Lancashire, £185,000. Bungalow, 3 bedrooms with fitted wardrobe, 2 bathrooms, 1 reception room, 1 L-shaped living room with sitting and dining areas, fireplace around, French windows to back gardens, 1 kitchen with bright lighting.
Farrer Street, Nelson, Lancashire, £ 45,000. A stone built house. Although requiring a degree of refurbishment (刷新), this two bedroomed house does still offer a good deal. It includes 1 dining kitchen, two bedrooms, three-piece bathroom, gas fired central heating and the yard to the back.


British potato farmers were taking to the streets to call for the expression "couch potato" to be taken away from the dictionary on the grounds that it harms the vegetable's image.
The British Potato Council wants the Oxford English Dictionary (OED) to replace the expression with the term "couch slouch", with protests planned outside parliament in London and the offices of Oxford University Press. Kathryn Race, head of marketing at the Council, which represents some 4,000 growers and processors, said the group had complained in writing to the OED but had yet to receive a response.
"We are trying to get rid of the image that potatoes are bad to you," she said Monday.
"The potato has had its knocks in the past. Of course it is not the Oxford English Dictionary's fault but we want to use another term than couch potato because potatoes are naturally healthy."
The OED says "couch potato" originated as American slang, meaning "a person who spends leisure time passively or idly sitting around, especially watching television or video tapes."
John Simpson, chief editor of the Oxford English Dictionary, said the dictionary first included the term “couch potato” in 1993 and said "dictionaries just reflect the words that society uses."
Simpson said words were never taken out of the full-length dictionary, which includes some 650,000 words contained in 20 volumes. But little-used words can be removed from the smaller dictionaries to make way for newer ones.
“If society stops using words, then they are taken out of the smaller dictionaries”, he added. “The first known recorded use of the expression ‘couch potato’ was in a 1979 Log Angeles Times article,” Simpson said.
Nigel Evans, a member of parliament for the Ribble Valley in Lancashire, has made a motion in support of the campaign, highlighting the nutritional value of the British potato.
1.British potato farmers were taking to the streets _____. advertise their production call for a higher price for t heir potatoes remove the expression “couch potato” from the dictionary let people know how important the potato is in people’s lives
2.The farmers think that_________.
A.potatoes have had a bad imagine       
B.potatoes are good for people by nature
C.potatoes sometimes do harm to people's the dictionary's fault to use the expression "couch potato"
3.John Simpson thinks that _________.
A.the expression can be taken out of every kind of dictionary
B.dictionaries do not necessarily reflect the words the society uses
C.little used words can remain in the smaller dictionaries is impossible to take the word out of the dictionary
4.What is wrong with the expression "couch potato"?
A.It is connected with unfavorable meaning.
B.Potato should be used in the expression. 
C.It is borrowed from American English.
D.It refers to a kind of person.


At five he was collecting old newspapers to make money. And when he was 15 he signed his schoolmates up to start a baby-sitting circle.

    Now 20, third-year Cambridge University student, Peter Blackburn is managing director of a company with a ?? 30,000 plan. And he thinks it will make more than $15,000 by next summer.

    He set up Peter Black born Ltd last year to bring out a new, color term-planner that now students all over the UK are using.

    “I felt that most of the planners going around were pretty unimaginative,” he says, “I believed that I could do a better job and decided to have a go”.

    Blackburn admits that he is putting far more effort into business than his computer studies course at university. While fellow students are out with their friends, he keeps in touch with his business office in Lancashire by movable phone. Before he set up the company he spent one holiday preparing a plan that would persuade his bank to lend him money.

  “Most students work hard for a good degree because they believe that will help them get a job to support themselves,” he says “I work hard at my company, because that is what will support me next year, after I leave college.”

    Friends believe that Blackburn will make ?? 1 million within 5 years.

    He is not quite so sure, however. “There’s a lot to be done yet,” he says.

Choose the right order of the facts given in the passage.

   a. He spent his holiday preparing a plan.

   b. He collected newspapers.

   c. He set up his own company.

   d. He asked the bank for money.

   e. He set up a babysitting circle.

   A. e, b, c, a, d    B. b, e, a, d, c    C. b, e, d, a, c          D. b, e, c, a, d

When he was quite young, Blackburn ____ .

   A. already made a lot of money                   B. already had a business brain

   C. was already managing director of a company      D. already set up his own business

The underlined expression in the fourth paragraph “have a go,” here means ____ .

   A. give up this job and have a new one           B. leave the company

   C. have a try                                D. develop my business quickly

In spite of a college student, Blackburn ____ .

   A. spends more time on his business than on his studies course

   B. keep in touch with his business office by movable phone

   C. seldom goes out with his friends

   D. often spends whole holiday preparing business plan

Which of the following best explain why Blackburn works hard at his company?

   A. He wants to do more business practice before he leaves college.

   B. He wants to make more money before he leaves college.

   C. He wants to get a good job like most students after he leaves the college.

   D. he depends on the company for his living in the future.

