What does Bud Cook mean by "having a local presence". ? A. Financial contributions from local business leaders. B. Consideration of the interests of the local residents. C. The establishment of a wildlife protection foundation in the area. D. The setting up of a local Nature Conservancy branch in the Pocono area. 查看更多



After two classes, I started to recognize several of the faces in each class. There was always someone braver than the others who would introduce themselves and ask me questions about how I was liking Forks. I tried to be diplomatic, so mostly I just lied a lot to appear to be skilled at dealing with people. At least I never needed the map.

One girl sat next to me in both Trig and Spanish, and she walked with me to the cafeteria for lunch. She was tiny, several inches shorter than my five feet four inches, but her wildly curly dark hair made up a lot of the difference between our heights. I couldn't remember her name, so I smiled and nodded as she gossiped about teachers and classes. I didn't try to keep up.

We sat at the end of a full table with several of her friends, who she introduced to me. I forgot all their names as soon as she spoke them. They seemed impressed by her bravery in speaking to me. The boy from English, Eric, waved at me from across the room.

It was there, sitting in the lunchroom, trying to make conversation with seven curious strangers, that I first saw them.

They were sitting in the corner of the cafeteria, as far away from where I sat as possible in the long room. There were five of them. They weren't talking, and they weren't eating, though they each had a tray of untouched food in front of them. They weren't staring at me, unlike most of the other students, so it was safe to stare at them without fear of meeting an over interested pair of eyes. But it was none of these things that caught and held my attention.

I stared because their faces, so different, so similar, were all extremely, inhumanly beautiful. They were faces you never expected to see except perhaps on the airbrushed pages of a fashion magazine, or painted by an old master as the face of an angel. It was hard to decide who was the most beautiful -- maybe the perfect blond girl, or the bronze-haired boy.

What does the underlined word “diplomatic” mean?

       A. smooth                    B. clever                      C. honest                      D. delight

From the passage, we can infer that _______________.

       A. “I” was really liking the new place.

       B. “I” was not interested in what the girl said.

       C. “I” had a bad memory, so it’s hard to remember names.

       D. “I” was good at making friends.

According to the last two paragraphs, why did “they” catch “my” attention?

       A. Because “they” weren’t talking.

       B. Because “they” sat in the corner.

       C. Because “they” didn’t eat the food.

D. Because “they” looked incredibly beautiful.

According to the passage, which statement is NOT true?

       A. The girl walked with “me” was a little short.

       B. “I” saw the five students for the first time.

       C. Those students sitting in the corner had finished their food.

       D. “I” probably wanted to know more about those five students.


Surveys of American teenagers find that about half of them do not get enough sleep on school nights. They get an average of 60 to 90 minutes less than experts say they need.

Experts say teens are biologically programmed to go to sleep later and wake up later than other age groups. Yet many schools start classes as early as seven in the morning.

As a result,many students go to class feeling like Danny,16 years old. He plays two sports,lacrosse and football. He is an active teen—except in the morning. DANNY:“Getting up in the morning is pretty terrible. I’m just very out of it and tired. And through first and second period I can hardly stay awake.”

Michael Breus,a clinical psychologist with a specialty in sleep disorders says:“These aren’t a bunch of lazy kids—although,you know,teenagers can of course be lazy. These are children whose biological rhythms,more times than not,are off.”Teens,he says,need to sleep eight to nine hours or even nine to ten hours a night. He says sleepy teens can experience a form of depression that could have big effects on their general well-being. It can affect not just their ability in the classroom but also on the sports field and on the road because any tired driver is dangerous,especially a teenager with a lack of experience.

So what can schools do about sleepy students?The psychologist says one thing they can do is start classes later in the morning.

Eric Peterson,head of St.George’s School in the northeastern state of Rhode Island,says,“In the end,schools ought to do what’s the right thing for their students,first and foremost.”And he wanted to see if a 30-minute delay would make a difference. It did.

According to the passage,which of the following is the chief cause of sleepy teenagers?

A. Persona haibits.                    B. Early school hours.

C. Sports activities.                    D. Too much home work.

According to Michael Breus,          .

A. Teenagers are too lazy to get up early for school.

B. Teenagers should change their biological rhythms.

C. Lacking sleep can cause serious problems.

D. Sleepy teenagers shouldn’t drive to school.

What is Eric Peterson’s opinion on the issue?

A. Schools should try their best to help students.

B. Students should adjust to their school’s schedule.

C. Changing school schedule is their last choice.

D. Something has to change at the end of a school day.

What does the underlined word“It”in the last sentence might refer to?

A. St.George School.                 B. Rhode Island State.

C. Students in St.George School.        D. 30-minute delay of school day.

What can you infer might follow the passage immediately?

A. Some positive changes in St.George’s school.

B. Some complaints from teachers and parents.

C. Some tips on how to help students foremost.

D. Some unexpected outcome of the delay.


My friend took his colleague to see an art exhibition in north London.

The show was basically piles of breeze blocks (煤渣砖) forming armchair and sofa shapes, painted in primary colors.

Seeing these, the colleague said, “You brought me all the way out here to see this pile of junk when we could have been having a nice lunch?” He continued his rant about the work all the way back to the office.

When they got there my friend said, “You said you don’t like the work, but you haven’t stopped talking about it since you first saw it.”

Whether he liked it or not, he could not forget it.

If the artwork is fresh and new, you can’t expect to like it straightaway, because you have nothing to compare it with.

The effort of coming to terms with things you do not understand makes them all the more valuable to you when you do grasp them.

Good art speaks for itself. That doesn’t mean you have to like it.

So the next time you go to an art show, or look at anything for that matter, observe what effect it has on you and try to form your own opinion.

That way, you become the critic and not a mouthpiece for someone else’s opinions.

What does the colleague think about the art exhibition?

   A. He feels it a waste of time going to the exhibition.

   B. He is very interested in the work shown on the exhibition.

   C. He is disappointed that art is abused on the exhibition.

   D. He thinks his understanding about art is far better than the author of the work on the show.

The underlined word ‘rant’ means ________.

   A. praise       B. hatred       C. complaint   D. misunderstanding

Which of the following does NOT represent the author’s opinion about art?

   A. Good art speaks for itself.

B. Good art doesn’t mean you have to like it.

   C. It matters more what impression a piece of art work leaves on you.

   D. Learn to be a mouthpiece for someone’s opinion matters more.

What suggestion does the author give for going to an art show?

   A. Like it whether it is good or not.                           

B. Don’t compare it with anything.

   C. Observe its effect and form your own opinion   .

D. Be a good mouthpiece.


(Xinhua)The Expo 2010 Shanghai China formally opened its door to the highly avid public this morning.

Top Chinese political advisor Jia Qinglin and International Exhibitions Bureau President Jean-Pierre Lafon activated the opening device together at a commencement ceremony.

The Expo, carrying a theme of "Better City, Better Life", reflects the crystallization(结晶)of wisdom about urban construction and vision of a better future life, Jia, chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, said while addressing the ceremony.

BIE Secretary Teneral Vicente Gonzalea Loscertales said the Shanghai World Expo would be "the most splendid and unforgettable" and would help the world better understand the present, have a glimpse into the future and strengthen cooperation between countries and organizations.

Visitors, from home and abroad, are thronging to the gates of the Expo site, waiting for security checks in long queues.Around 300,000 tickets have been sold or distributed for the opening day, organizers said.

The Expo is expected to attract 70 million visitors from China and abroad.The Expo site covers an area of 5.28 square kilometers along both sides of the Huangpu River, a tributary of the Yangtze River.

What is the theme of the EXPO 2010 Shanghai China?

       A.Better City, Better Future.                  B.Better City, Better World.

       C.Better City, Better Life.                   D.Better City, Better Future.

What does the underlined word “avid” in paragraph 1 probably mean?

       A.active.        B.brave.               C.energetic.            D.eager.

What is the best title for this passage?

       A.Expo site opens to public.

       B.Expo site covers an area of 5.28 square kilometers.

       C.The Expo is wonderful.

       D.The Expo is unforgettable.

According to the passage which of the following statements is NOT true?

       A.The Expo reflects the crystallization of wisdom about urban construction and vision of a better future life.

       B.The Shanghai World Expo would be "the least splendid and unforgettable".

       C.Expo site covers an area of 5.28 square kilometers.

       D.Visitors, from home and abroad, are thronging to the gates.


What does it mean to day that we live in world of persuasion? It means that we live among competing interests. Your roommate’s need to study for an exam take priority(优先)over pizza. Your instructor may have good reasons not to change your grade. And the object of your romantic interest may have other choices.

  In such a world, persuasion is the art of getting others to give fair and favorable consideration to our points of view. When we persuade, we want to influence what others believe and how they behave. We may not always prevail(占优势)--other points of view may be more persuasive, depending on the listener, the situation, and the merits of the case. But when we practice the art of persuasion, we try to ensure that our position receives the attention it deserves.

Some people, however, object to the very idea of persuasion. They may regard it as an unwelcome approach to their lives or as a control. In contrast, we believe that persuasion is inevitable--to live is to persuade. Persuasion may be moral or immoral, selfless or selfish, inspiring or discouraging. Persuaders may enlighten our minds or make us hurt. Moral persuasion, however, calls on sound reasoning and is sensitive to the feelings and needs of listeners. Such persuasion can help us apply the wisdom of the past to the decisions we now must make. Therefore, an essential part of education is learning to resist the one kind of persuasion and to encourage and practice the other.

  Beyond its personal importance to us, persuasion is a need to society. The right to persuade and be persuaded is the basic principle of the American political system.

What’s the author’s attitude towards persuasion?

A.Critical.    B.Uninterested.    C.Supportive.      D.Neutral.

The passage states that some people are against persuasion because they think it is       .

A.an unwelcome influence  B.difficult to do well

C.not trustworthy at all       D.never successful

We can conclude from the passage that persuasion means         .

A.getting people to act according to your will

B.exercising power over other people

C.making use of your past wise experience

D.getting other people to consider your reasonable points of view.

According to the passage, we can infer that            .

A.we can learn how to persuade in school

B.only society can benefit from persuasion

C.persuasion plays an important role in America

D.persuasion is considered to be an inborn ability

