What’s the author’s purpose in writing the first paragraph? A. To show how his father influenced him by his actions. B. To explain why his father took care of Frank. C. To tell readers how his father made his own brand of “house calls . D. To describe how terrible Frank’s life was. 查看更多



Today both English language and Internet have brought the whole world right in your drawing room. Now you can do whatever you want to without leaving the comfort of your home. So English has become a must. Nothing is imaginable without it. How to solve the problem?

No speech can be imagined without listening. Develop a habit of listening to something in English daily. I mean to say, listen to English songs, short stories, interviews and short and simple conversations regularly. Repeat listening what you have just listened. Not once but many times. How does a child become able to speak? It is simple. He/She is compelled to listen whatever their parents and people around them speak. Gradually they begin to reproduce what they have heard. So enjoy listening. Listening practice will fix correct pronunciation of the words in your mind and you'll be able to utter them as naturally and easily as a native speaker does.

Speak what you have listened, as the more you listen, the more you will be able to speak and the more learning of the language will occur. So go on practicing speaking whatever you have heard. Furthermore speaking practice will train your mouth and ears. The main ideas of what you have listened and spoken will get fixed into your memory. Once the structures of sentences, phrases get fixed in your subconscious you'll never have to fumble for words, phrases or sentences when you converse with your friends or with someone else.

When you have taken these two steps, you will find amazing change. Now you can start to put in a little time in reading and writing skills as reading and writing skills have their own importance and place in a language learning and you can develop them on the strong foundation of listening and speaking skills later.

67. What’s the purpose of the first paragraph in the passage?

A. To tell us that the world is becoming smaller than before.

B. To show us the wide use of internet in today’s world.

C. To indicate the importance of learning English.

D. To suggest that it is convenient to live in today’s world.

68. What the author thinks is the most important step in learning English?

A. Forming the habit of listening                                 B. Practicing speaking

C. Keeping on reading daily                                           D. Improving writing skills

69. A child mentioned in the second paragraph is to_______.

A. explain how he becomes able to speak

B. show he could listen whatever others speak

C. introduce he can speak whatever he hears

D. indicate the importance of listening

70. Which of the following may be the best title of the passage?

A. The Steps of Listening

B. Learn English in Two Easy Steps

C. Listening Comes Before Speaking

D. Four Skills for English Learning



Today both English language and Internet have brought the whole world right in your drawing room. Now you can do whatever you want to without leaving the comfort of your home. So English has become a must. Nothing is imaginable without it. How to solve the problem?

No speech can be imagined without listening. Develop a habit of listening to something in English daily. I mean to say, listen to English songs, short stories, interviews and short and simple conversations regularly. Repeat listening what you have just listened. Not once but many times. How does a child become able to speak? It is simple. He/She is compelled to listen whatever their parents and people around them speak. Gradually they begin to reproduce what they have heard. So enjoy listening. Listening practice will fix correct pronunciation of the words in your mind and you'll be able to utter them as naturally and easily as a native speaker does.

Speak what you have listened, as the more you listen, the more you will be able to speak and the more learning of the language will occur. So go on practicing speaking whatever you have heard. Furthermore speaking practice will train your mouth and ears. The main ideas of what you have listened and spoken will get fixed into your memory. Once the structures of sentences, phrases get fixed in your subconscious you'll never have to fumble for words, phrases or sentences when you converse with your friends or with someone else.

When you have taken these two steps, you will find amazing change. Now you can start to put in a little time in reading and writing skills as reading and writing skills have their own importance and place in a language learning and you can develop them on the strong foundation of listening and speaking skills later.

67. What’s the purpose of the first paragraph in the passage?

A. To tell us that the world is becoming smaller than before.

B. To show us the wide use of internet in today’s world.

C. To indicate the importance of learning English.

D. To suggest that it is convenient to live in today’s world.

68. What the author thinks is the most important step in learning English?

A. Forming the habit of listening                                 B. Practicing speaking

C. Keeping on reading daily                                           D. Improving writing skills

69. A child mentioned in the second paragraph is to_______.

A. explain how he becomes able to speak

B. show he could listen whatever others speak

C. introduce he can speak whatever he hears

D. indicate the importance of listening

70. Which of the following may be the best title of the passage?

A. The Steps of Listening

B. Learn English in Two Easy Steps

C. Listening Comes Before Speaking

D. Four Skills for English Learning


Today both English language and Internet have brought the whole world right in your drawing room. Now you can do whatever you want to without leaving the comfort of your home. So English has become a must. Nothing is imaginable without it. How to solve the problem?

No speech can be imagined without listening. Develop a habit of listening to something in English daily. I mean to say, listen to English songs, short stories, interviews and short and simple conversations regularly. Repeat listening what you have just listened. Not once but many times. How does a child become able to speak? It is simple. He/She is compelled to listen whatever their parents and people around them speak. Gradually they begin to reproduce what they have heard. So enjoy listening. Listening practice will fix correct pronunciation of the words in your mind and you'll be able to utter them as naturally and easily as a native speaker does.

Speak what you have listened, as the more you listen, the more you will be able to speak and the more learning of the language will occur. So go on practicing speaking whatever you have heard. Furthermore speaking practice will train your mouth and ears. The main ideas of what you have listened and spoken will get fixed into your memory. Once the structures of sentences, phrases get fixed in your subconscious you'll never have to fumble for words, phrases or sentences when you converse with your friends or with someone else.

When you have taken these two steps, you will find amazing change. Now you can start to put in a little time in reading and writing skills as reading and writing skills have their own importance and place in a language learning and you can develop them on the strong foundation of listening and speaking skills later.

67. What’s the purpose of the first paragraph in the passage?

A. To tell us that the world is becoming smaller than before.

B. To show us the wide use of internet in today’s world.

C. To indicate the importance of learning English.

D. To suggest that it is convenient to live in today’s world.

68. What the author thinks is the most important step in learning English?

A. Forming the habit of listening                       B. Practicing speaking

C. Keeping on reading daily                              D. Improving writing skills

69. A child mentioned in the second paragraph is to_______.

A. explain how he becomes able to speak

B. show he could listen whatever others speak

C. introduce he can speak whatever he hears

D. indicate the importance of listening

70. Which of the following may be the best title of the passage?

A. The Steps of Listening

B. Learn English in Two Easy Steps

C. Listening Comes Before Speaking

D. Four Skills for English Learning


In today's fast-paced (快节奏) society, few people take time to enjoy the midday meal.Most of us just rush right through it. We grab a quick salad, or buy a sandwich and eat at our computers, Sometimes, if there is a deadline around the corner, we just skip lunch

The development of technology hasn't done our eating habits much good either.We are constantly distracted by e-mail, social media, and 24 - hour news.Even when we do sit down for lunch, we are more connected to our hand - held electronic devices.

Long working hours can cause all kinds of health problems, and many developed countries have put in place labor laws specifically regarding the lunch break.These laws give employees the right to take a break during a long work shift, but it's up to them whether they do so or not.

Frank Partnoy, a former Wall Street trader, says that employers should encourage workers to take time off for lunch.This is because long lunch breaks can benefit both individuals and society.

Writing in The Guardian, Partnoy says that one obvious reason to take a lunch break is to slow down and gain some perspective(认识). A break from work allows us to think strategically and outside the box.It also puts our daily tasks into a broader context(背景).

What we eat at lunch is also important.In Partnoy' s opinion, a fast food lunch is more harmful than not having lunch at all.  And it's not just about calories and unhealthy food.Recent studies show that fast food also has negative effects on how we think.

However, if we sit down at a proper restaurant and chat leisurely with colleagues, we are more likely to slow down, something that hardly can be achieved in a noisy and over — packed fast food chain.

Despite these benefits, some employees might still be unwilling to take time off for lunch.Partnoy's suggestion? Make skipping lunch difficult: Employers could ask workers to fill out a form stating their reasons for skipping the meal.

1.What does the underlined phrase "skip lunch" mean in the first paragraph?

A.have a quick lunch                          B.don't have lunch

C.work while having lunch                      D.take a lunch break

2.Which of the following is true according to the text?

A.Modern technology results in good diet habits.

B.Electronic devices make our life comfortable.

C.Many people are too busy to have a good lunch.

D.Laws have passed to make workers have lunch.

3.According to Frank Partnoy, long lunch breaks             .

A.are time for the workers to relax their mind

B.make the employees work longer hours

C.are for employees to have a quick lunch

D.make the workers eat a proper lunch at home

4.In Partnoy's opinion, a fast food lunch                 .

A.saves a lot of time for a rest

B.affects people's way of thinking

C.is better than having no lunch

D.makes workers sit down and think

5.What might be the author's purpose in writing the text?

A.To warn us not to eat fast food.

B.To introduce Frank Partnoy's opinion.

C.To encourage us to work more efficiently.

D.To show the importance of a proper lunch.



In today's fast-paced (快节奏) society, few people take time to enjoy the midday meal.Most of us just rush right through it. We grab a quick salad, or buy a sandwich and eat at our computers, Sometimes, if there is a deadline around the corner, we just skip lunch
The development of technology hasn't done our eating habits much good either.We are constantly distracted by e-mail, social media, and 24 - hour news.Even when we do sit down for lunch, we are more connected to our hand - held electronic devices.
Long working hours can cause all kinds of health problems, and many developed countries have put in place labor laws specifically regarding the lunch break.These laws give employees the right to take a break during a long work shift, but it's up to them whether they do so or not.
Frank Partnoy, a former Wall Street trader, says that employers should encourage workers to take time off for lunch.This is because long lunch breaks can benefit both individuals and society.
Writing in The Guardian, Partnoy says that one obvious reason to take a lunch break is to slow down and gain some perspective(认识). A break from work allows us to think strategically and outside the box.It also puts our daily tasks into a broader context(背景).
What we eat at lunch is also important.In Partnoy' s opinion, a fast food lunch is more harmful than not having lunch at all.  And it's not just about calories and unhealthy food.Recent studies show that fast food also has negative effects on how we think.
However, if we sit down at a proper restaurant and chat leisurely with colleagues, we are more likely to slow down, something that hardly can be achieved in a noisy and over — packed fast food chain.
Despite these benefits, some employees might still be unwilling to take time off for lunch.Partnoy's suggestion? Make skipping lunch difficult: Employers could ask workers to fill out a form stating their reasons for skipping the meal.

  1. 1.

    What does the underlined phrase "skip lunch" mean in the first paragraph?

    1. A.
      have a quick lunch
    2. B.
      don't have lunch
    3. C.
      work while having lunch
    4. D.
      take a lunch break
  2. 2.

    Which of the following is true according to the text?

    1. A.
      Modern technology results in good diet habits.
    2. B.
      Electronic devices make our life comfortable.
    3. C.
      Many people are too busy to have a good lunch.
    4. D.
      Laws have passed to make workers have lunch.
  3. 3.

    According to Frank Partnoy, long lunch breaks            

    1. A.
      are time for the workers to relax their mind
    2. B.
      make the employees work longer hours
    3. C.
      are for employees to have a quick lunch
    4. D.
      make the workers eat a proper lunch at home
  4. 4.

    In Partnoy's opinion, a fast food lunch                

    1. A.
      saves a lot of time for a rest
    2. B.
      affects people's way of thinking
    3. C.
      is better than having no lunch
    4. D.
      makes workers sit down and think
  5. 5.

    What might be the author's purpose in writing the text?

    1. A.
      To warn us not to eat fast food.
    2. B.
      To introduce Frank Partnoy's opinion.
    3. C.
      To encourage us to work more efficiently.
    4. D.
      To show the importance of a proper lunch.

