He said he was dying of (渴) . 答案: thirst 查看更多







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When I was in high school, most of my friend had bicycles. I hoped I could also have it. One   

day I saw a second-hand bicycle, that was only one hundred yuan. I asked my father /\ the money.   But he said he could only give me half of the money. He should find the other half myself. So I went to sell newspapers after the school. My father was pleased if I showed him the money a month  after. He gives me the other fifty. You can imagine how much happy I was when I rode to school on later gave my own bicycle.


The success of Pickwick Papers made Dickens very popular. He suddenly found himself at twenty-four the most famous novelist of his day. Busy as his social life was, he worked on two novels at the same time-Oliver Twist and Pickwick Papers. He was particularly proud of Pickwick, which was a huge success and was regarded as a comedy (喜剧)masterpiece(杰作). “If I were to live a hundred years and write novels in each, I should never be so proud of any of them as I am proud of Pickwick Papers,” he said.
It has been said of Dickens that he grasped(抓住)the imagination of his readers because his imagination grasped himself. The people in his works were so real that they could make him laugh or cry. When writing Oliver Twist he said that he could not rest until Fagin, the wrongdoer(做坏事的人), had been hanged.
Dickens’ marriage to Catherine Hagarth, with whom he had nine children, ended unhappily in 1858. He started to travel about giving readings of his works. His interest in theater gave his novels the qualities that made them suitable for reading aloud on the stage. A tiring travel to the United States affected his health. On June 9, 1870, when he was working on a new novel, he died, as he had wished. He said he wanted to die working.
【小题1】 Dickens became a famous novelist         .

A.because his social work
B.with the success of Pickwick Papers
C.because he was writing two novels at the same time
D.when he began to give readings of his works
【小题2】 According to this passage, we know that Dickens       .
A.was only interested in writing novels
B.didn’t like Oliver Twist
C.wished to live one hundred years and write three novels in each
D.didn’t think he could write a better novel than Pick wick Papers in his life
【小题3】Fagin must be          .
A.a person in real life
B.a character in Oliver Twist
C.a character in Pickwick Papers
D.one of Dickens’ works
【小题4】 Which of the following is TRUE?
A.Dickens had a happy marriage to Catherine Hagarth
B.Dickens was a successful actor
C.Dickens’ death had little to do with his hard work
D.Dickens had wished to die in the course of his work


Last night, I was waiting for a taxi. After 5 minutes, I was  36 . The driver seemed to be angry. I asked him what the   37  was. He said he had just come from the airport without a   38  , which was basically $70 in lost fare.

Over the course of the ride, the anger   39  died down. He mentioned he had read an article saying the   40  people are the ones that give, so he hoped he’d have more   41  to give in his life. I was starting to   42  being with him! We continued talking about why   43  is so beneficial both to the giver and the receiver and different ways to   44  it.

As we arrived at my destination,  I  45  my fare. But I pulled out an extra $20 and said, “Since we’ve been talking about this whole time, I wanted to share that   46  with you. I’ve already paid my fare, but here’s an extra little bit. You can   47  it, since you’re already down $70 from the airport. But if you want to experience the  48 of the gift, then tell the next passenger in this taxi that their ride is a gift from another and they can   49 their gratitude(感激) in whatever way.”

The man turned toward me, tears in his eyes, and said, “Sir, I have a better   50  . You give that $20 to a   51  person around here and I’ll treat the next passenger with a   52  ride myself.

Wow. This man was   53  10 minutes ago. I got out and walked around trying to   54 someone who needed help before heading to my destination.

It was an honor meeting that driver and    55   the lesson of how everyone is capable of giving.

1.                A.gotten off       B.put off          C.called up  D.picked up


2.                A.question        B.time           C.problem  D.cost


3.                A.friend          B.stranger        C.driver    D.customer


4.                A.never          B.even           C.slowly    D.quickly


5.                A.happiest        B.poorest         C.richest   D.strongest


6.                A.kindness        B.chances        C.suggestions    D.money


7.                A.mind           B.stop           C.allow D.enjoy


8.                A.collecting       B.giving          C.receiving D.existing


9.                A.practice        B.explain         C.watch    D.consider


10.               A.printed         B.recorded       C.paid  D.examined


11.               A.adventure      B.information     C.language  D.feeling


12.               A.refuse         B.raise           C.keep D.spend


13.               A.direction       B.power         C.weight    D.size


14.               A.share          B.earn           C.forget D.miss


15.               A.gift            B.idea           C.opinion   D.ride


16.               A.homeless       B.native          C.nice  D.brave


17.               A.long           B.comfortable     C.free  D.safe


18.               A.bored          B.tired           C.rude  D.angry


19.               A.save           B.find           C.protect    D.tell


20.               A.learning        B.preparing       C.finishing   D.providing




President Bush this week announced his support for a proposal by Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon.Details published Friday said Israel would remove troops and all settlements from the Gaza Strip by the end of next year.About seven-thousand settlers live there.

Israel would also remove four settlements in the West Bank.But six large settlements would remain.The ruling Likud party of Minister Sharon is expected to vote on the proposal on May second.

Minister Sharon visited the White House on Wednesday.President Bush praised what he called “ historic and courageous actions.” Mr.Bush said the plan gives the Palestinians, in his words, “ a chance to create a reformed, just and free government.”

Palestinian leaders have denounced(谴责)the president.Prime Minister Ahmed Qureia said Bush is the first president to accept Jewish settlements in Palestinian territories.

British Prime Minister Tony Blair was at the White House Friday.He said he welcomed the plan.Blair urged other countries to get involved.

At least for now, Israel would continue to control airspace, waters and land passages.Minister Sharon says the plan is necessary because the Palestinian Authority has failed to stop attacks against Israelis.Diplomatic efforts also have not succeeded.

A Bush administration official said the president supports the plan because Israel is taking steps to remove existing settlements.Mr.Bush said removing all Jewish settlements in the West Bank would be unrealistic.

Palestinian officials called for an emergency meeting of the United Nations, the United States, Russia and the European Union.Palestinian President Yasser Arafat says the plan is hurting Palestinians and they will never stop seeking an independent state with Jerusalem as its capital.

Israel captured(夺取)Gaza and the West Bank in the nineteen-sixty-seven Middle East War.It soon began to build settlements.Palestinians want their own state in all of the West Bank and Gaza.They also demand the right of return to lands that are now part of Israel.

On Friday, several thousand Palestinians protested against President Bush and Prime Minister Sharon.

Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A.Israel removed troops and all settlements from the Gaza Strip

B.Israel had ten settlements in the West Bank

C.President Bush supported the proposal by Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon

D.British Prime Minister Tony Blair was for the plan

From the passage we learn that _____.

A.Palestinians and Israelis are in peace

B.Bush is the first president to accept Jewish settlements in Palestinian territories

C.Other countries also support the proposal

D.Israel would not continue to control airspace, waters and land passages

What is the attitude of Palestinian President Yasser Arafat towards the plan?

A.Agree                 B.Happy                C.Disagree              D.Regret

In which part does the passage appear?

A.Sports news     B.Science fiction     C.High technology    D.Home and abroad


He said he would rather not _____ it right now.

A. doing        B. to do        C. do       D. to be doing

