she saw him she knew he was her elder brother. A. Next time B. The minute C. Every time D. Each time 查看更多



I believe in miracles(奇迹)because I've seen so many of them. One day, a patient was referred to me who was one hundred and two years old. “There’s a   36   in my upper jaw,” she said. “I told my own dentist it's nothing, but he   37   I come to see you.”

Her eighty-year-old son accompanied her. He would    38   to add something, but she stopped him. She wanted to tell everything herself. I found a large cancer that spread over much of the    39   of her mouth. A careful examination later    40    that it was a particularly bad sort of cancer.

During her next appointment, I explained to her the   41   of the problem. She clasped my hand in hers and said, “I know you’re worried about me, but I’m just   42   .  ”

I thought otherwise. After considerable   43   on my part, and kindness on her part because she wanted to   44   me, she agreed to have me refer her to a cancer surgeon(外科医生). She saw him, but as I expected,    45   treatment.

About six months later she returned to my office, still energetic and   46   .

“How are you?” I asked.

“I’m just fine, honey,” she responded   47   high spirits. “When can I get started on fixing my dentures(假牙)?”

Surprised to see her at all, I answered   48   , “Let me take a look in your mouth and we’ll see about it.”

      I couldn’t believe my eyes. The cancer that had   49   nearly the entire roof of her mouth was gone—only one small area of redness    50   .

      I had read of such things happening, but had    51   seen them with my own eyes. That was my first miracle. Since then I've seen many others, because they keep getting   52   to see. In fact, miracles are daily events for me now. And people are a miracle,   53   through them we have a chance to know ourselves and to   54   the miracles of one another.

      Since my first miracle, I've come to understand that the time and place for a miracle is 55 we choose to find it.

A. cut                            B. pain                      C. wound              D. cancer

A. declared                 B. suspected               C. promised          D. insisted

A. refuse                        B. continue                C. attempt             D. manage

A. roof                       B. corner                   C. bottom             D. surface

A. confirmed                  B. convinced              C. considered               D. conducted

A. possibility                  B. importance          C. seriousness        D. resolution

A. old                            B. sick                      C. fine                  D. glad

A. permission                 B. support                 C. approval           D. effort

A. persuade                 B. please                  C. encourage         D. astonish

A. declined                 B. provided               C. received           D. required

A. healthy                      B. elegant                  C. optimistic         D. humorous

A. to                             B. in                                C. with                 D. by

A. worriedly                      B. confusedly             C. patiently           D. confidently

A. covered                     B. reached                 C. spread              D. grown

A. cured                        B. faded                    C. expanded          D. remained

A. ever                       B. also                      C. never                      D. already

A. easier                        B. rarer                     C. happier             D. closer

A. or                             B. so                         C. yet                   D. for

A. read                       B. make                    C. keep                 D. see

A. whatever                B. wherever               C. whoever           D. whichever


A long time ago, there lived a poor man whose real name has been forgotten. He was little and old and his face was wrinkled, and that was why his friends called him Mr. Vinegar. His wife was also little and old, and they lived in a little old cottage at the back of a little old field.
"John," said Mrs. Vinegar, "you must go to town and buy a cow. I will milk her and churn(搅拌) butter and we shall never want for anything."
"That is a good plan," said Mr. Vinegar, so he started off to town while his wife waited by the roadside.
Mr. Vinegar walked up and down the street of the town looking for a cow. After a time, a farmer came that way, leading one that was very pretty and fat.
"Oh, if I only had that cow," said Mr. Vinegar, "I would be the happiest man in the world!"
"She's a very good cow," said the farmer.
"Well," said Mr. Vinegar, "I'll give you these 50 gold pieces for her."
The farmer smiled and held out his hand for the money, "You may have her," he said, "I always like to oblige(施恩惠) , my friends!"
Mr. Vinegar took hold of the cow's halter and led her up and down the street. "I am the luckiest man in the world," he said, "for only see how all the people are looking at me and my cow!"
But at one end of the street, he met a man playing bagpipes(风笛) . He stopped and listened -- Tweedle Dee Tweedle Dee.
"Oh, that is the sweetest music I ever heard," he said, "and just see how all the children crowd around the man and give him pennies! If I only had those bagpipes, I would be the happiest man in the world!!"
"I'll sell them to you," said the piper.
"Will you? Well then, since I have no money, I will give you this cow for them."
"You may have them," answered the piper, "I always like to oblige a friend."
Mr. Vinegar took the bagpipes and the piper led the cow away.
"Now we will have some music," said Mr. Vinegar, but try as hard as he might, he could not play a tune. He could get nothing out of the bagpipes but "squeak, squeak". The children instead of giving him pennies laughed at him.
The day was chilly and in trying to play the pipes, his fingers grew very cold. He wished he had kept the cow.
He just started for home when he met a man who had warm gloves on his hands. "Oh, if I only had those pretty gloves," he said, "I would be the happiest man in the world."
"How much will you give for them?" asked the man.
"Oh, I have no money, but I will give you these bagpipes," answered Mr. Vinegar.
"Well," said the man, "you may have them for I always like to oblige a friend."
Mr. Vinegar gave him the bagpipes and drew the gloves on over his half frozen fingers. "How lucky I am," he said as he trudged(跋涉) homeward. His hands were soon quite warm, but the road was rough and the walking hard. He was very tired when he came to the foot of the steep hill. "How shall I ever get to the top?" he said. Just then he met a man who was walking the other way. He had a stick in his hand which he used as a cane to help him along.
"My friend," said Mr. Vinegar, "if only I had that stick of yours to help me up this hill, I would be the happiest man in the world!"
"How much will you give me for it?" asked the man.
"Well, I have no money, but I will give you this pair of warm gloves," said Mr. Vinegar.
"Well," said the man, "you may have it for I always like to oblige a friend."
Mr. Vinegar's hands were now quite warm, so he gave the gloves to the man and took the stout(结实的) stick to help him along. "How lucky I am!'' he said as he toiled upward.
At the top of the hill he stopped to rest. But as he was thinking of all his good luck that day, he heard someone calling his name. He looked up and saw only a green parrot sitting in a tree.
"Mr. Vinegar, Mr. Vinegar," it cried.
"What now?" said Mr. Vinegar.
"You're a dunce(傻瓜) , you're a dunce!'' answered the bird, "you went to seek your fortune and you found it, then you gave it for a cow, and the cow for some bagpipes, and the bagpipes for some gloves, and the gloves for a stick which you might of cut by the roadside. He He He, you're a dunce! You're a dunce!''
This made Mr. Vinegar very angry. He threw the stick at the bird with all his might. But the bird only answered, "You're a dunce! You're a dunce!" And the stick lodged in the tree where he could not get it again.
Mr. Vinegar went on slowly for he had many things to think about. His wife was standing by the roadside and as soon as she saw him, she cried out, "Where's the cow? Where's the cow?" "Well, I just don't know where the cow is," said Mr. Vinegar. And then he told her the whole story.
【小题1】What’s the meaning of the underlined word in the passage?

【小题2】How many exchanges happen in the passage?
【小题3】Why does the parrot think Mr.Vinegar foolish?
A.Because Mr.Vinegar married an old woman
B.Because Mr.Vinegar gave his fortune for nothing
C.Because Mr.Vinegar was little and old
D.Because Mr.Vinegar did nothing but be angry
【小题4】What’s Mrs.Vinegar’s feeling after she knew the fact?
A.Sad B.CalmC.Happ D.Angry


Topping the class academically was certainly an advantage. For Nigel, studying was a piece of cake. The reward was certainly much bigger compared to the little effort Nigel had made. It all began when he was selected to help the teachers in the computer laboratories. And the peak of his school career came not when he topped the class but when he was selected for the nationwide competition.

Unlike everyone else, Nigel wanted to join in the contest because he liked playing with the Lego sets(乐高积木) and making something out of them. Nigel spent two months building his robot. It was during the time that Nigel found out about the big prize for the competition as well as a competitive rival(对手), Alicia, from a neighboring school. His early intentions were forgotten. Getting the thousand-dollar prize was more important than anything else. Nigel decided to make friends with Alicia. Unaware of his intentions, she told him all about the robot that she had been building for the competition. He even helped her to put the finishing touches(收尾工作) to her robot. He was glad with the way things had progressed. His robot looked even better than Alicia's and it was able to play a ball with its arm, something Alicia had failed to do.

On the day of the competition, he saw Alicia. Everything became clear the minute she saw him among the competitors. She stared at him, puzzled at first, then angry and finally a look of helplessness came over her.

The flashbulbs (闪光灯) of the camera exploded in Nigel's face. The robot had performed actions so unique and different that the specialists' judgments were the same. Nigel was so pleased with himself that he did not even notice the girl standing a few feet away from him. Without her, he would never have won the competition.

1.What reward did Nigel receive for doing well in his school work?

A. He was offered a part-time job.             B. He was honored with a scholarship.

C. He helped his teachers build a robot.       D. He helped in the computer laboratories.

2. Nigel's original intention of joining the contest was to ___      .

A. win honor for his school                B. be the top student of the school

C. build a robot with the Lego sets        D. win the thousand-dollar prize

3. Why did Nigel help Alicia finish her robot?

A. He intended to help her.                B. He was fond of building robots.

C. He wanted to be her real friend.        D. He didn't want her to suspect (怀疑) him.   

4. What is the author's attitude towards Nigel's actions?

A. Favorable       B. Critical (批评的)    C. Doubtful         D. Sympathetic 




Topping the class academically was certainly an advantage. Studying was a breeze for
Nigel. The reward was certainly incomparable to the little effort that he had to put it. It begin when he was selected to help the teachers in the computer laboratories.
The peak of his school career came not when he topped the school but when he was selected for the nationwide competition. Unlike everyone else, Nigel wanted to join the contest because he liked playing with the Lego sets and making something out of them. Nigel spent the next two months rebuilding the robot. It was during the time that Nigel found out about the prizes for the competition. Its well us auspices competitor. Alicia, from a neighboring school. His early intentions were forgotten. Getting the thousand-dollar prize was more important than anything else. Nigel decided to befriend Alicia. Unaware of his intentions, she told him all about the robot that she had been building for the competition. He even helped her to put the finishing branches to her robot. He was glad with the way things had progressed. His robot looked even better than Alicia’s and it was able to become a ball with its arms, something Alicia had failed to do.
On the day of the competition, he says Alicia. Everything dawned on her the minute she saw him among the competition. She stared at him, puzzled at first, then angry and finally a look of helplessness came over her.
The flashbulbs of the camera exploded in Nigel’s try. The robot bird performed actions so unique and different that the specialist judgments were the same. Nigel was so personal with himself that he did not even notice the girl standing a few feet away from him. Without her, he would never win the competition.
【小题1】What reward did Nigel receive for doing well in his school work?

A.He was offered a part-time jobB.He was honored with a scholarship
C.He helped his teacher construct a robotD.He helped in the computer laboratories
【小题2】Nigel’s original intention of joining the contest was to ___. the top student of the schoolB.being great honor to his school
C.constructs a robot with the Lego setsD.wins the thousand-dollar prize
【小题3】Why did Nigel help Alicia finish her robot?
A.He tried to make friends with herB.He was fond of building robots
C.He intended to help herD.He didn’t want her to suspect him
【小题4】What is the author’s attitude towards Nigel’s actions?
A.He is mildly criticalB.He is strongly critical
C.He is in favor of themD.His attitude is not clear


Mrs Keller had a big family. Her husband had a factory in the town. One of her sons was a lawyers and the other two were drivers. And her two daughters worked in the post office. The old woman stayed at home and could do all housework and wouldn’t employ anybody.

    One evening, the telephone rang while the old woman was preparing supper. She went to answer it. She was told that one of her sons died in a traffic accident. She heard this and fell in a faint. When she came back to life, she was in hospital. And she needed to be helped after that.

    Several months later she was told on the telephone her daughter died while she was being operated on. The old woman was so sad that she had to be in hospital again. From then on she was afraid to answer any telephones and sometimes she was afraid hear the bell. Of course it brought them some trouble and some important business was held up. So her husband advised her to see a psychiatrist. The man examined her carefully and then asked her some questions.

    “You will soon be all right if you follow my advice, Mrs Keller.” said the psychiatrist.

The old woman took the medicine the doctor gave on time and tried to forget her dead son and daughter. And two months later she went to see the psychiatrist again.

“You have saved me, Doctor,” the old woman said, as soon as she saw him.

“Are you afraid to answer the telephone now?”

“No,” answered Keller.

“I dare answer it whether it rings or not.”

1.Mrs Keller could do all housework because ______.

A. she had no money to employ a helper.

B. she was strong enough to do all at home

C. she didn’t believe anybody

D. only she was free at home

2.The old woman fell in a faint because _____

A. she went to answer the telephone.

B. she was very ill that evening

C. she walked in the room carelessly

D. she heard the news about her son’s death.

3.After she came out of hospital, Mrs Keller wasn’t _________as before.

A. strong                  B. able                  C. clever              D. sad

4.______made the old woman not answer the telephone.

A. The doctor’s advice                               B. Her husband’s suggestion

C. Her poor health                                  D. The two pieces of bad news


