After his meal Lincoln walked over to the War department to see 1 any more news had come from Sherman’s Army. Then it was time to go to the theatre. In the morning it 2 that the president and Mrs Lincoln, together 3 a number of guests, would visit Ford’s Theatre to see the 4 . The President went into the theatre, and took his seat at the back of the box. While he 5 the play a young man wanted to 6 him. He was a twenty-year-old John Wilkes Booth, a 7 of a famous family of actors and a lover of the 8 . A few hours 9 the play began he was in the theatre made a small hole 10 the door of the presidential box. Now quietly Booth entered the box. In his 11 hand was a small knife, in his right hand was a gun. Aiming the gun at the back of the President’s head he fired. Lincoln fell 12 in his seat. Rathbone, one of his guests, threw himself at the 13 . Booth wounded him with the knife, then jumped 14 the box rail to the stage, eleven feet below. He fell, but quickly to his feet, shouting, “Sic semper tyrannis . (拉丁语: 独裁者的下场总是如此). For a time there was 15 confusion. then a young army doctor climbed into the president box. Mary took hold of his arm. “Oh, doctor! Is he 16 ? The doctor looked at Lincoln in wound, and his face darkened. The President had badly wounded 17 . There was no hope. The wounded President was carried across the street to the nearest house, 18 he was laid on a bed. All through the night Lincoln 19 with death. At 7:22 in the 20 it was all over. The great and good man was at peace with the world. 1. A. where B. whether C. when D. weather 答案:B 2. A. had planned B. has been planned C. has planned D. had been planned [解析]it是形式主语.真正的主语是后面的that从句.此处应用被动语态.而且全文使用的是过去时态.所以D才符合. 答案:D 3 . A. with B. on C. in D. by 答案:A 4.A. film B. army C. Sherman D. play [解析]下文出现了while he watched the play. 答案:D 5. A. saw B. watched C. looked at D. observed 答案:B 6. A. wound B. talk to C. kill D. hurt [解析]从下文看这个人是想杀死林肯. 答案:C 7.A. number B. member C. one D. woman [解析]a member of a famous family 意为一个望族中的一员.答案:B 8.A. South B. North C. south D. north [解析]由史实知林肯在解放南方黑人的运动中引起南方种植园主的憎恨.由此而被害. 答案:A 9.A. after B. as C. before D. soon after [解析]由逻辑判断.他必定是在戏开始和林肯进入包厢之前采取了行动. 答案:C 10.A. in B. on C. by D. with [解析]门上的洞应用介词in. 答案:A 11. A. right B. upper C. left D. other [解析]下句说他右手拿着枪.那么刀子一定在左手. 答案:C 12. A. quickly B. happily C. heavily D. fast 答案:C 13. A. murder B. murdering C. murderor D. murderer 答案:D 14.A. in B. over C. on D. with [解析]over作介词有“翻越 的意思. 答案:D 15. A. but nothing B. nothing but C. nothing besides D. except nothing [解析]句意为“一时间全场一片很乱 . 答案:B 16.A. death B. died C. dead D. dies 答案:C 17. A. in the head B. on the head C. in the back D. on the back [解析]凶手是向林肯的头部开枪的.所以应是头部伤得厉害.答案:B 18. A. when B. which C. where D. on which 答案:C 19. A. thought B. brought C. fight D. fought 答案:D 20. A. morning B. afternoon C. noon D. night 答案:A 查看更多



阅读下面短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从1-25各题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。

    After his meal Lincoln walked over to the War Department to see 1 any more news had come from Sherman's Army. Then   it was time to go to the theatre. In the morning it 2 that   the President and Mrs. Lincoln, together 3 a number of guests, would visit Ford's Theatre to see the 4. The President went into the theatre, and took his seat at the back of the box (包厢). While he 5 the play a young man wanted to 6 him.   He was twenty-year-old John Wilkes Booth, a 7 of a famous   family of actors and a lover of the 8. A few hours 9 the play began he was in the theatre 10 a small hole 11 the door of   the presidential box. Now 12 Booth entered the box. In his 13 hand was a small knife, in his right hand a gun. Aiming the gun at the back of the President's head he fired. Lincoln fell 14 in his seat. Rathbone, one of his guests, threw   himself at the 15. Booth 16 him with his knife, then jumped 17 the box rail (栏杆) to the stage (舞台), eleven feet below, He fell, but   quickly to his feet, shouting, "Sic semper tyrannis." (拉丁语,   意思是" 独裁者的下场总是如此".)For a time there was 18   confusion (混乱). Then a young army doctor climbed into the Presidential box. Mary 19 his arm. "Oh, doctor! Is he 20 ?"The  doctor looked at Lincoln's wound, and his face darkened, The President had badly wounded 21 . There was no 22 . The wounded President was carried across the street to the nearest house, 23 he was laid on a bed.All through the night Lincoln 24 with death. At 7:22 (April 15, 1865) in the 25 it was all over.   The great and good man was at peace (和平) with the world.

1. A. where B. whether C. when D. weather[    ]
2. A. had planned B. has been plannedC. has planned D. had been planned[    ]
3. A. with  B. on C. in   D. by [    ]
4. A. film   B. army    C. Sherman   D. play [    ]
5. A. saw   B. watched    C. looked at  D. observed [    ]
6. A. wound   B. talk to    C. kill     D. hurt [    ]
7.A. number   B. member    C. one   D. woman [    ]
8. A. South   B. North    C. south    D. north [    ]
9. A. after B. as    C. before     D. soon after [    ]
10. A. made   B. making     C. and making   D. or made [    ]
11. A. in   B. on     C. by     D. with     [    ]
12. A. quiet   B. quite   C. quietly   D. quietly   [    ]
13. A. right   B. upper   C. leftD. other [    ]
14. A. quicklyB. happily C. heavilyD. fast[    ]
15. A. murderB. murderingC. murderorD. murderer [    ]
16. A. wounded   B. wound     C. wounding   D. hurt [    ]
17. A. in   B. over     C. on     D. with [    ]
18.A. but nothing B. nothing but
  C. nothing besides     D. except nothing              [    ]
19. A. catches hold of B. gets hold of
  C. take a firm (强有力的) hold of      D. took hold of              [    ]
20. A. death      B. died     C. dead     D. dies           [    ]
21.A. in the head   B. on the head C. in the back D. on the back   [       ]   
22. A. wish     B. hope     C. chances   D. possibilities   [    ]
23. A. when     B. which     C. where     D. on which      [       ]   
24. A. thought     B. brought     C. fight     D. fought         [    ]
25. A. morning   B. afternoon   C. noon   D. night          [    ]

