13. Mr. Smith played the piano well that we all congratulated him the success. A.so, to B.such, to C.so, on D.such, on 查看更多



Dear Sir,

Mr. Smith wrote to your newspaper to complain that his telephone was out of order for more than a week.

We received a complaint from Mr. Smith at 2:30 p.m. on May 6. The next day we sent workmen to Mr. Smith’s house to repair his telephone. The men discovered that there was something wrong with the underground cable. They dug up 15 feet of the cable and saw many white ants. These ants had attacked the cable and damaged it badly.

On May 8~10, our workmen dug up another 30 feet of the cable and found that it was also damaged. On May 11~13 the men took out the useless cable and replaced it with a new one. To do this they had to connect more than 4 000 wires and the work was not easy.

On May 14, the cable was completely repaired and Mr. Smith’s telephone was working properly. He did not have to pay for the work.

Yours faithfully,


Manager of Telephone Company

1.Mr. Jones wrote to a newspaper because he wanted to ______.

A. explain why his telephone did not work properly

B.complain about his telephone

C.explain why Mr. Smith’s telephone was out of order for several days

D.complain that the Telephone Company was slow to repair his telephone

2.The workmen spent ______ days in repairing the cable.

A. eight              B.three             C.four           D.six

3.The workmen had to join thousands of wires when they ______ the old cable.

A. damaged          B.repaired           C.replaced            D.put in

4.The ______ to the cable were paid by the Telephone Company.

A. damage            B.damages            C.repairs            D.replacement

5.The word “discovered” means ______.

A. were learned       B.were seeing         C.find out           D.found out





A. Get well prepared for the job interview

This lecture is given to all students who are to graduate this summer. Professor Yang, the speaker, is an expert in advising job hunters. His talk will benefit you a lot when you go to the interview and help you succeed in getting a good job.

Time: 7:00-9:00 p.m. Tuesday

Place: Lecture Hall No.1, the First Teaching Building

B. History of Christmas and English

The lecture is about the history of Roman religion and the development of English.

Professor Philip will give you handouts to help you understand what he talks, so you can learn history and improve your English listening.

Time: 7:00-9:00 p.m. Tuesday

Place: Classroom 2201, the Second Teaching Building

C. Be an excellent interpreter

To those who are interested in speaking English. Zhou Yang, a very successful interpreter, well-known both at home and abroad for his quick reaction and wonderful spoken English, will come to share his unusual experience with you.

Time: 7:00-10:00 p.m. Wednesday

Place: Lecture Hall No.1, the First Teaching Building

D. How to appreciate the Tang poems

You will learn the background of Tang poems. You can learn the general rules of writing a poem and methods to appreciate different styles of Tang poems, reviewing some very familiar, well-known poems. Professor He from Beijing University will lead you into a wonderful world.

Time: 7:00-9:00 p.m. Thursday

Place: Classroom 2201, the Second Teaching Building

E: Enjoy classical music

Come to the hall to listen to Mr. Zhang. You will listen to some pieces of famous music and learn to enjoy them in a professor way. Two hours from 7:30 to 9:30 Friday.

F. The Internet and English study

Help you explore the Internet, so you will find your English learning easier and more interesting.

Mr. Smith will meet you in the First Building from 7:30 to 9:30 this Friday.


61. Gu Jiewen—A student who is going to graduate this summer is good at speaking English

and hopes to have the chance to communicate with different kinds of people.

62. Guan Yu—A student majors in English and wants to improve her English in listening, speaking, reading and writing. She is interested in any lecture on language learning but she won’t be free until Friday.

63. He Guangna—Studying history and going to graduate soon. He finds it not easy for a student majoring in history to get a job, so he is eager to learn how to be a successful job hunter.

64. Zhou Ronghua—Learning English but she is also interested in Chinese poems and she would like to know more about them.

65. Wang Hao—A student studying history. He likes listening to music and wants to learn how to appreciate music so that he can enjoy it better.

学生                讲座

61. Gu Jiewen          A. Get well prepared for the job interview

62. Guan Yu         B. History of Christmas and English

63. He Guangna         C. Be an excellent interpreter

64. Zhou Ronghua    D. How to appreciate the Tang poems

65. Wang Hao        E. Enjoy classical music

F. The internet and English study



(1) Mr. Brown (the motorist)
  At about 9:20 p.m. on October 14th, I was driving along Market Road in the direction of Midwick. I wanted to go to Sturham to collect my wife, who had been visiting some friends. I prepared to turn into Sturham Road, which was on my right. In the distance, I saw the lights of a car moving towards me but it was a long way from me. I put out my hand to show that I was going to turn right. Then I started to turn slowly towards Sturham Road. Suddenly there was a loud noise on the passenger's (near) side of the car. I stopped the car and got out. A motorcycle had hit my car. The motorcyclist had been thrown over the car. He was injured, so I ran to a shop to phone for help.
  (2) Mr. Smith (the injured motorcyclist)
  On the evening of October 14th, I was going home along Market Road towards Newtown. I was riding my motorcycle. I was going slowly because some of the streetlights were out and the road was wet and slippery. Just before Sturham Road, a car suddenly drove right across my path. The driver did not flash his lights to give a warning. I could not turn in time, so I hit the side of the car. When I woke up, I was lying in a hospital in Market Road.
  (3) Mr. Lee (another motorcyclist)
  At about 9:10 p.m. on October 14th, I left my home in Midwick. Ten minutes later I was riding my motorcycle along Market Road. I was going to Newtown. There was a motorcycle about 40 metres in front of me. It was not going very quickly. The man on it was riding near the curb (路边) but I was near the center of the road. The motorcyclist in front of me tried to turn to his right but there was no time. He hit the car and was injured. There was no car going along in front of us or put by the road.
48.Which of these statements about the accident is probably correct?
  A.Mr. Brown wrongly supposed that the lights of the two motorcycles were those of a car.
  B.The lights of the car moving towards Mr. Brown made him unable to see.
  C.Mr. Brown knocked down a motorcyclist on purpose.
  D.The accident was caused by the carelessness of the first motorcyclist.
49.It seems probable from the statements that Mr. Brown__________.
  A.gave no signal to show that he was turning right
  B.did not give any signal until he was actually turning
  C.failed to give a proper signal at that time
  D.flashed his light to show that he was going to turn
50.We would expect to find that Mr. Brown's car was damaged on its________ side.
  A.front    B.left    C.right    D.driver's



(1) Mr. Brown (the motorist)

  At about 9:20 p.m. on October 14th, I was driving along Market Road in the direction of Midwick. I wanted to go to Sturham to collect my wife, who had been visiting some friends. I prepared to turn into Sturham Road, which was on my right. In the distance, I saw the lights of a car moving towards me but it was a long way from me. I put out my hand to show that I was going to turn right. Then I started to turn slowly towards Sturham Road. Suddenly there was a loud noise on the passenger's (near) side of the car. I stopped the car and got out. A motorcycle had hit my car. The motorcyclist had been thrown over the car. He was injured, so I ran to a shop to phone for help.

  (2) Mr. Smith (the injured motorcyclist)

  On the evening of October 14th, I was going home along Market Road towards Newtown. I was riding my motorcycle. I was going slowly because some of the streetlights were out and the road was wet and slippery. Just before Sturham Road, a car suddenly drove right across my path. The driver did not flash his lights to give a warning. I could not turn in time, so I hit the side of the car. When I woke up, I was lying in a hospital in Market Road.

  (3) Mr. Lee (another motorcyclist)

  At about 9:10 p.m. on October 14th, I left my home in Midwick. Ten minutes later I was riding my motorcycle along Market Road. I was going to Newtown. There was a motorcycle about 40 metres in front of me. It was not going very quickly. The man on it was riding near the curb (路边) but I was near the center of the road. The motorcyclist in front of me tried to turn to his right but there was no time. He hit the car and was injured. There was no car going along in front of us or put by the road.

48.Which of these statements about the accident is probably correct?

  A.Mr. Brown wrongly supposed that the lights of the two motorcycles were those of a car.

  B.The lights of the car moving towards Mr. Brown made him unable to see.

  C.Mr. Brown knocked down a motorcyclist on purpose.

  D.The accident was caused by the carelessness of the first motorcyclist.

49.It seems probable from the statements that Mr. Brown__________.

  A.gave no signal to show that he was turning right

  B.did not give any signal until he was actually turning

  C.failed to give a proper signal at that time

  D.flashed his light to show that he was going to turn

50.We would expect to find that Mr. Brown's car was damaged on its________ side.

  A.front    B.left     C.right     D.driver's



How can Omar’s class help?
Omar’s class at school learned about taking care of our planet. Children in his class worked hard at collecting newspapers, cans, and bottles. Their teacher took what they collected to a company where the things would be recycled(回收)and used again. Omar hoped that doing his would make progress toward cleaning up our Earth. Omar wished that they could do more. Then Omar’s teacher gave the class this form.

YOU can make a difference!
Help Clean Up Our Texas Beaches
Children from all the schools in our city
Saturday, November 16 Buses will leave from the parking lot at City Park at 8:00 A.M. They will return at 3:00 P.M.
Padre Island on the Texas coast
What should you bring?
Lunch and something to drink; Work gloves (We will have gloves to give to children who do not have a pair.)
What should teachers bring?
Empty bags and small shovels(铲子)
When to sign up?
By Wednesday, November 13
Where to sign up?
Have a parent sign at the back of this form to show that your family will permit you to go. Return this form to your teacher.
Teachers and students will use small shovels and gloves to gather trash on the beach. Papers, cans, and bottles will each be put in different bags. Be sure to sort(分类)trash and put it in the proper bag. At the end of the day, each child will receive a T-shirt that says “I made a difference.” Children will also be treated to a pizza party at the Pizza Palace on the way back to City Park. Each school will receive a small oak tree to plant on the school’s grounds.
Keeping our beaches clean is important. Please sign up.
Parents who want to go should call 555-9753 and talk to Mr. Smith.
1. After the cleanup, the children will ________.
A. report to Mr. Smith                    B. go to the Pizza Palace
C. join the Clean Earth Club                D. buy an oak tree
2 “I made a difference” in the passage probably means “ ________”.
A. I was different from others
B. I became more interested than before
C. I did something for a friend
D. I made something better than it was
3. If you help in the cleanup, at the end of the day you will receive a  ________.
A. pair of gloves      B. breakfast         C. small shovel        D. T-shirt
4. What is the main idea of this passage?
A. Schools organized a general cleaning.       B. Children can help clean up our Earth.
C. More bottles are thrown away than cans.     D. Recycling costs a lot of money.

