The silent film appeared / was developed / was made as early as the 19th century. 查看更多



You must have been troubled by when to say “I love you” because it is one of the greatest puzzles in our life.
  What if you say it first and your partner doesn’t love you back? Or if they do say it but you don’t feel they mean it? Being the first to declare your love can be nerve racking(紧张)and risky and can leave you feeling as vulnerable as a turtle with no shell. But is the person who says it first really in a position of weakness? Doesn’t it pay to hold back, play it cool and wait until the other half has shown their hand fast?
 A really good relationship should be about “being fair and being equal,” says psychologist Sidney Crown. “But love is seldom equal.” All relationships go through power struggles but, he says, if a love imbalance continues for years, the rot will set in. “That feeling of ‘I’ve always loved you more’ may be subverted(颠覆,破坏) for a time, but it never goes away completely and it often emerges in squabbling(大声争吵).”  In love, at least, the silent, withholding type is not always the most powerful. “The strongest one in a relationship is often the person who feels confident enough to talk about their feelings,” says educational psychologist Ingrid Collins. Psychosexual therapist Paula Hall agrees. “The one with the upper hand is often the person who takes the initiative. In fact, the person who says ‘I love you’ first may also be the one who says ‘I’ m bored with you’ first.” Hall believes that much depends on how “I love you” is said and the motivation of the person saying it. “Is it said when they’re drunk? Is it said before their partner files off on holiday, and what it really means is ‘Please don’ t be unfaithful to me’ ?” By saying ‘I love you’, they are really saying ‘Do you love me?’ If so, wouldn’t it just be more honest to say that. Collins agrees that intention is everything. “It’s not what is said, but how it’s said. What it comes down to is the sincerity of the speaker.”
【小题1】 What is the main idea of this passage?

A.The importance of “I love you” 
B.The meaning of “I love you” 
C.The time of saying “I love you” 
D.The place of saying “I love you”
【小题2】 In the first sentence the author means that _________. is easy to say “I love you” is hard to say “I love you” 
C.we have many troubles in our life
D.people usually do not know when to say “I love you”
【小题3】 According to the expert, a good relationship should be _______.
A.fair and equal  B.fair and kind
C.powerful and equalD.confident and fair
【小题4】 In the third paragraph, the phrase “with the upper hand” means _________.
A.being low in spiritB.having only one hand
C.being active   D.being passive


Check out all the new releases (发布) in the next four weeks.
Wednesday 16 march
Chalet Girl (12A )Watch the Trailer (预告片)
A British comedy about a girl who decides to give up her job at a fried chicken fast food place to try out being a chalet (木屋) girl in the Alps. Starring Bill Nighy and Ed Westwick.
Friday 18 March
Submarine (15)
A comedy following a teenager who wants to lose his virginity and stop his father from leaving his mother. Directed by Richard Ayoade.
Friday 25 March
Country Strong (12A) Watch the Trailer
Rising country music songwriter (Garrett Hedlund) falls in love with a fallen star (Gwyneth Paltrow), and together they plan his rising and her comeback.
A Turtle’s Tale: Sammy’s Adventures (3D) (U)
A sea turtle who was hatched in 1959 spends the next 50 years travelling the world as it changes through global warming.
Friday 1 April
Killing Bono (15) Watch the Trailer
Two brothers attempt to become global rock stars but can only look on as old school friends U2 become the biggest hand in the world.
Passenger Side (D)
Two brothers spend the day driving around Los Angeles county looking for the meaning of their lives, or cheap street drugs, depending on whom you believe.
Friday 8 April
The Silent House
A horror movie based on a true story about a small house in a village in Uruguay which holds some dark secrets
Rio (3D) Watch the trailer
An animated film about a domesticated (家养的) macaw (金刚鹦鹉) from Minnesota who sets off on an adventure.
【小题1】If you like seeing the 3D films, you can choose to see ______.

A.The Silent House and RioB.Submarine and Passenger Side
C.A Turtle’s Tale: Sammy’s Adventures and RioD.Killing Bono and Country Strong
【小题2】If you want to see a horrible film, you can see _______.
A.The Silent HouseB.Country StrongC.Killing BonoD.Rio
【小题3】Which of the following films is a love film?
A.A Turtle’s Tale: Sammy’s AdventuresB.Passenger Side
C.Killing BonoD.Country strong
【小题4】The common point of all the films is that ______.
A.they are all set in BritainB.they will all be released in March
C.they are all new filmsD.they are all produced in Hollywood


The small coastal town of Broome, in northwest Australia, is a remote village in the vast countryside.
There are no traffic jams and hardly any roads. There is only the massive Australian wild land, where some houses are 500 miles apart and some driveways are 50 miles long.
There seem to be only two main sources of entertainment out here: the sunset at the beach and Sun Pictures.
Sun Pictures is a very different movie theater:The seats are park benches and deck chairs, but you’re also welcome to sit on the grass.
It is the world’s oldest outdoor movie garden. Sun Pictures was built in 1916 on the other side of the globe from Hollywood. All the big films were shipped here and the lonely country was amazed.
Broome resident Pearl Hamaguchi has never traveled far from home. But in the Sun Pictures chairs, under the deep blue night sky, she has been almost everywhere.
“And we came back excited about Gregory Peck,” she recalled.
This is one of the few places left in the world where you can see two sets of stars at the same time-----one set in the sky, the other in the film.
Each night, dozens of people from around the world line up at the old wooden stand, with no computer in sight, and buy their tickets to the latest films.
Sun Pictures is also a museum, exhibiting projectors(放映机) that date back to the silent films, a portrait gallery of the famous people who never knew about this place---- even though they came here all the time.
Every once in a while, I’m told, you might find a non-ticket holder in your seat. That’s why it’s always a good idea to shake out your chair to make sure there are no spiders or scorpions.
“We’ve only had a couple of scorpion incidents but no one’s been stung yet,” said Aaron Mestemaker, a tourist visiting from Michigan.
Sun Pictures is a holy hall of movie history and a reminder that air conditioning and carpet are no match for grass and fresh air---even when the lizards steal the scene.
【小题1】. The first two paragraphs want to show that__________. in Broome is inconvenient
B.the life in Broome is boring
C.few people like to live in Broome
D.Broome is simple but vast
【小题2】.Sun Pictures is different from other theaters because _________. is the most historical outdoor theater in the world
B.the audience can either sit on chairs or on the grass was built by some constructor from Hollywood
D.all the films were imported here from Hollywood
【小题3】. Gregory Peck is most probably the name of_________.
A.a placeB.a filmC.a movie starD.a country fellow
【小题4】. It can be inferred that the tourists in Broome are most attracted by ________.
A.its peacefulnessB.its beautiful sunset
C.the Sun PicturesD.the gallery of movie stars


Many people could not forget the beautiful dance during the CCTV Spring Festival Gala. The dance was performed by 20 disabled girls. They can’t hear or speak. But their performance is remembered by many people. The leading dancer of the dance is Tai Lihua. She is 28 years old. She is very beautiful.

Tai Lihua was born healthy. When she was two years old, she lost her hearing because of a fever. Not long after that, she became mute(哑巴), too. From then on, her world was silent. But she didn’t know this at first. At five years old, when she played a game about sounds with her schoolmates she discovered that she was different from the others. She was very sad about it. Her father went to many places to look for best treatments for her illness. But nothing worked. When she was seven years old, she went to a school for deaf and mute children. In that school, she did well in her studies. Her teacher said she used her mind more than the others and was good at expressing her feeling through dance. She also began to love dance. She thought she could use dance to express what she thought about life.

When she was 15 years old, she began to learn to dance. At first, she couldn’t dance well. But she didn’t stop. She worked harder than the others. She also spent more time learning. Her efforts made her a very good dancer. She has been to many countries to perform and many foreigners like her style. She now lives a happy life with her family.

1..From the passage we know       .

A.Tai Lihua was found deaf and mute by her father when she played a game with her classmates

B.Tai Lihua danced very well at the beginning of learning to dance

C.Tai Lihua never gave up when she was in trouble

D.Tai Lihua’s parents didn’t take good care of her

2..Which is the right order of the events to Tai Lihua?

a.She danced during the CCTV Spring Festival Gala.

b.She was a healthy girl.

c.She began to learn to dance.

d.She lost her hearing.

e.She went to a school for deaf and mute children.

f.She couldn’t speak.

g.She found she was different from the others.

A.abdfgce      B.badfegc  C.bdfegca     D.bdfgeca

3..People could not forget Tai Lihua because        .

A.she was born mute and deaf and good at dancing

B.she used her mind more than the others and could use dance to express what she thought about life

C.she has been to many countries and now lives a happy life

D.though mute and deaf, she is beautiful and hard working and good at dancing

4..The best title of the story is        .

A.A poor girl                         

B.A dancer in the silent world

C.A beautiful dancer                      

D.The dance during the CCTV Spring Festival Gala






A. Birth of a Nation  Birth of a Nation was the most popular film of the silent era. The message in the film was that African Americans could never be integrated into the white society as equals. Race violence directed against African Americans took place in many cities. In the South, African Americans were only allowed to go to separate schools, hotels, and restaurants.

B. Gone with the Wind  Gone with the Wind was the costliest and most popular film of Hollywood’s Golden Era. Producer David Selznick had promised that the film would be free of any anti-Negro ideas. Although it did not use white actors in blackface, like Birth of a Nation, its picture of enslaved African Americans as loyal but scatter-brained house servants and clumsy field hands was what the white thought the black ought to be then.

C. Glory  Glory offers a powerful retelling of the story of the first black regiment (团) during the American Civil War. Half the regiment’s men were killed or wounded in the war, but it dramatically demonstrated the courage of African American troops in battle. However, the film failed to describe the larger historical context of the Civil War.

D. Amistad  The Steven Spielberg film is about a historical event. In 1839, a group of Africans were captured and shipped to the Spanish colony of Cuba. During trans-shipment to nearby sugar plantations, 53 slaves overpowered the crew. The captives then ordered the two men who had purchased them to navigate the ship toward Africa. At night, however, the men sailed the ship northward and westward. The case ultimately went to the Supreme Court. In 1841, the Court freed the captives.

E. Beloved  The film is based on Margaret Garner’s story of killing her own two-year-old daughter Mary. Margaret Garner said that she had intended to kill her other children rather than see them returned to slavery. She later explained that she wanted to “end their sufferings” rather than see them returned to bondage and “murdered by piecemeal”. No other work has so powerfully examined the interior life of a former slave.

F. Schindler’s List  The film concerns the lives of a thousand Jews during World War II. The film shows, unforgettably, how one man does make a difference. Schindler proves that man’s morality and humanity are always alive. “Save one life, save the world entire.” The heavy tone and fearful atmosphere of the film are heightened by black-and-white cinematography.




1.Inner Hurt

2.International Slave Trade

3.Civil Rights

4.Blacks with Low Abilities

5.Brave Blacks


