You should a to your teacher when you are late. 查看更多



A professor I have worked pretty closely with has been diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer. It has been devastating(悲惨的) for his family and heartbreaking for his students.
What made him extraordinary was not only that he was a rising star. He had only recently collected the highest honors for young researchers at the White House. We truly admire him—as someone put it, ‘He always has a smile and a kind word for everyone.” It is very hard to find someone who is extremely intelligent should be so nice a human being.
I decided that we needed him to know our attitude and also how we are all praying for his recovery. I bought him a simple card which read, ‘Healing thoughts and wishes coming your way.” I met all the students he worked closely with and got them to sign on it. Each student in his laboratory signed and also added a message. ‘We love you so much”, ‘We miss you! We need you back here—recover soon”… These were some of the messages that were written. Most of the students were really glad we were doing this and said it was a very good idea to give it to him.
He is still undergoing intense treatment, and along with his family is trying his best to stay optimistic and hopeful. I didn’t see a trace of self-pity or sadness when I met him last week. Instead, he paid attention to every word of my presentation and asked me several questions related to my work. I was amazed at how much he gave his 100% on that day in spite of being in pain because of chemotherapy( 化疗),he did not know if he even had another month to live. “I am trying to focus on staying positive, hoping to be back this summer,” he said.
Needless to say, I saw an expression of joy and hope on his face as he opened the card. He said he was truly touched to see the messages from the students he worked closely with.
There is one thing I learnt from last week: It is so important to tell people how much they mean to us and what an inspiration they are before it becomes too late. My professor, in spite of being too sick to teach classes, has managed to continue being a great teacher, introducing his last valuable message to us.
【小题1】The professor was admired because _______.

A.he was very intelligentB.he had won many honors
C.he had noble personalitiesD.he was very determined
【小题2】What do the underlined words “our attitude” in paragraph 3 refer to?
A.Our worry about his health.B.Our pray for his health.
C.Our admiration for him.D.Our pity for him.
【小题3】 When the writer visited the professor at hospital, what surprised him was that the professor ________.
A.was suffering form great painB.was still very confident
C.didn’t know he would die soonD.still cared for others
【小题4】 Of the following statements, the writer may agree that _________.
A.the professor loves his job very much
B.few students supported the writer’s decision at first
C.the professor will go back to teach this summer
D.the professor often feels sorry for himself
【小题5】According to the last paragraph, what did the author learn?
A.One should remain optimistic all the time.
B.It is important to let people know about their importance.
C.Teachers should have a positive influence on their students.
D.It is never too late to make a right decision.


A professor I have worked pretty closely with has been diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer. It has been devastating(悲惨的) for his family and heartbreaking for his students.
What made him extraordinary was not only that he was a rising star. He had only recently collected the highest honors for young researchers at the White House. We truly admire him—as someone put it, ‘He always has a smile and a kind word for everyone.” It is very hard to find someone who is extremely intelligent should be so nice a human being.
I decided that we needed him to know our attitude and also how we are all praying for his recovery. I bought him a simple card which read, ‘Healing thoughts and wishes coming your way.” I met all the students he worked closely with and got them to sign on it. Each student in his laboratory signed and also added a message. ‘We love you so much”, ‘We miss you! We need you back here—recover soon”… These were some of the messages that were written. Most of the students were really glad we were doing this and said it was a very good idea to give it to him.
He is still undergoing intense treatment, and along with his family is trying his best to stay optimistic and hopeful. I didn’t see a trace of self-pity or sadness when I met him last week. Instead, he paid attention to every word of my presentation and asked me several questions related to my work. I was amazed at how much he gave his 100% on that day in spite of being in pain because of chemotherapy( 化疗),he did not know if he even had another month to live. “I am trying to focus on staying positive, hoping to be back this summer,” he said.
Needless to say, I saw an expression of joy and hope on his face as he opened the card. He said he was truly touched to see the messages from the students he worked closely with.
There is one thing I learnt from last week: It is so important to tell people how much they mean to us and what an inspiration they are before it becomes too late. My professor, in spite of being too sick to teach classes, has managed to continue being a great teacher, introducing his last valuable message to us

  1. 1.

    The professor was admired because _______

    1. A.
      he was very intelligent
    2. B.
      he had won many honors
    3. C.
      he had noble personalities
    4. D.
      he was very determined
  2. 2.

    What do the underlined words “our attitude” in paragraph 3 refer to?

    1. A.
      Our worry about his health
    2. B.
      Our pray for his health
    3. C.
      Our admiration for him
    4. D.
      Our pity for him
  3. 3.

    When the writer visited the professor at hospital, what surprised him was that the professor ________

    1. A.
      was suffering form great pain
    2. B.
      was still very confident
    3. C.
      didn’t know he would die soon
    4. D.
      still cared for others
  4. 4.

    Of the following statements, the writer may agree that _________

    1. A.
      the professor loves his job very much
    2. B.
      few students supported the writer’s decision at first
    3. C.
      the professor will go back to teach this summer
    4. D.
      the professor often feels sorry for himself
  5. 5.

    According to the last paragraph, what did the author learn?

    1. A.
      One should remain optimistic all the time
    2. B.
      It is important to let people know about their importance
    3. C.
      Teachers should have a positive influence on their students
    4. D.
      It is never too late to make a right decision


    It’s nine o’clock on a Tuesday night.You are trying to finish your maths assignment.

You have only two problems left to go.Almost done!You are looking forward to a nice snack and your favorite TV show.You read the next problem and groan.You don,t have a clue how to do it .You may check your notes from class .Or you may try reading your text-book .But the problem might as well be written in a foreign language.

    Does this sound familiar? Most people who have taken any kind of maths class have had this experience.What do you do when you get stuck? Perhaps you call a friend.Or you ask a family member for help.But what if it’s late at night?

    Years ago there were very few ways to get help if you were stuck on a maths problem. Maths is different from other school subjects.You often cannot find what to do in a book.A dictionary or even an encyclopedia(百科全书)probably won’t help you.You need someone to show you the steps.Learning most kinds of maths is something like learning to play a musical instrument.You need a coach to show you what to do.

    In many areas there are homework telephone lines.These hot lines have volunteers.They can help you do homework in all subjects.A maths volunteer can explain the steps in a maths problem that has you stumped?

    Today you can also get help on the Internet.There are several homework help programs and Web pages .In some,you leave your question on a message board.Or you write it in an e-mail note.In other maths-help programs there are live volunteer teachers.You can wait for a real maths teacher to help you do the problem.


56.This passage is mostly concerned with_.

    A. why maths is difficult to do

    B. ways of getting help with maths homework

    C. using reference books to do maths homework

    D. using a computer to do maths

57. In the first paragraph,the writer asks you to_.

    A. solve a maths problem

    B. recall how you once asked someone to help you with maths

    C. use a computer to get help in maths homework

    D. imagine yourself doing maths homework

58. The passage suggests that people who need maths homework help should_.

    A. not take any more maths classes

    B. try a homework help program on the Internet

    C. watch some television

    D. write an e-mail note to a friend

59. The writer compares learning maths to_.

    A. learning to play a musical instrument

    B. using a computer

    C. finishing a homework assignment

    D. calling a friend to get help on homework



         A Story in Miss Richard's Class

     Miss Richard is my pen friend. She (1) with her parents on the farm in Ashland in the United States. She is a (2) at school for boys and girls. Her school is (3) her home, so she (4) get up early at (5) and drives to school. It takes her about one and a half (6) to get to school.

     Miss Richard is (7) twenty-seven years old, (8) she has taught at a middle school for nearly four years. She teaches chemistry and physics from the lowest to the (9) classes in the school. Sometimes the (10) classes learn quickly, but sometimes they are very (11), and Miss Richard has to repeat things many(12).

     I learn from her (13) that she loves teaching very much (14) it is hard work. The following is one of the (15) stories she told me in her letters.

     One year, the first class had studied chemistry for several weeks when Miss Richard (16) asked : “What is (17)? Hands up!”

     There was (18) for a few seconds, and Miss Richard felt (19), but then one boy (20) his hand.

  “Yes, Dick,” said Miss Richard with a smile. He was not one of the (21) children in the class, so she was glad that he could (22).

  “It is a liquid (液体). It has no (23) until you wash your hands in it .Then it (24) black.” The boy replied with great confidence (信心).

  I couldn’t help (25) when I read this story.

1. A. works B. studies C. teaches D. lives
2. A. student B. teacher C. farmer D. stranger
3. A. far away from B. near to C. next to D. different from
4. A. is going to B. should C. can D. has to
5. A. home B. should C. dawn D. dark
6. A. dollars B. minutes C. hours D. days
7. A. hardly B. only C. certainly D. exactly
8. A. but B. and C. for D. then
9. A. best B. worst C. tallest D. highest
10. A. big B. top C. fast D. low
11. A. cold B. slow C. tired D. late
12. A. results B. hours C. classes D. late
13. A. classes B. talks C. letters D. stories
14. A. until B. because C. although D. if
15. A. interesting B. general C. harvest D. beginning
16. A. once B. suddenly C. usually D. first
17. A. water B. drink C. the matter D. your opinion
18. A. silence B. nothing C. nobody D. something wrong
19. A. sick B. happy C. surprised D. sad
20. A. touched B. showed C. raised D. reached
21. A. oldest B. youngest C. careful D. brightest
22. A. talk B. answer C. speak D. understand
23. A. weight B. taste C. color D. smell
24. A. goes B. looks C. turns D. runs
25.A. laughing B. smilingC. cryingD/


Rules for the University Entrance Examination

●You must be at the examination center ten minutes before the examination starts. If you are more than ten minutes late, you may not enter the examination center. The examination takes place at the same time in different states.

●You must have proof of your name and grade as well as official examination number. Show these when you come to the examination center.

●Depending on which examination you are taking, you may bring certain items into the examination center. Mathematics examinations may allow you to use electronic calculators (计算器). Other sub??jects may allow you to use dictionaries and other reference material. Please read the notes sent with your timetable carefully.

●You must bring your own pencils. None will be provided for you. The following items are not allowed in the examination center: walkmans and radios, head sets, any food or drink, schoolbags, electronic equipment (unless specifically permitted for various subjects), and mobile phones.

●Once in the center, you must sit at the desk with your examination number on it. When you sit down, place your examination number at the top comer of your desk.

●You must remain silent during the examination. You must not disturb other people who are taking the test.

●If you need a drink or toilet break, you should raise your hand and wait for the supervisor (监督者) to speak to you. You will be given water or the supervisor will take you to the bathroom. You are not allowed to talk with anyone during the break.

●You must write your answers in the official answer sheet. Your supervisor will provide extra paper if you wish to make notes.

●You may leave the examination room at any time if you do not plan to return. If you finish early and want to leave, please move well away from the examination center.

●The supervisor will warn you fifteen minutes, five minutes and one minute before the end of the ex??amination. When the supervisor says that the time is up, you must put down your pencil and wait at your desk until you paper is collected.

5. What kind of examination are these rules probably for?

A. A local exam.   B. A final exam.    C. A college exam.   D. A national exam.

6. What are you allowed to have with you when you take mathematics examination?

A. Related material.       B. Proof of yourself.

C. A cell phone.                    D. A dictionary.

7. What should you do if you finish the test early and want to get a better result?

A. Take some notes carefully.              B. Leave the room immediately.

C. Remain in your seat and check again.      D. Raise your hand to inform your teacher.

8. What can be provided for you during the exam?

A. Pencils.        B. Food and drink.    C. Extra paper.      D. Calculators.

