A 检测形容词的含义的准确记忆与理解.经过分析.语意是:另一项来自哈佛公共健康学校的对于男人的攻击行为的研究表明:那些有着高比率的攻击行为的男性不仅有糟糕的呼吸问题.而且有着随着他们变老衰老的比率也高.我们不难看出此处应该填上表示较高的之意的形容词.也即是A项.而其余ABD项依次分别所表达的意思是:较低的.较厚的.较少的.这些意思在这儿都不符合此处的上下文之间语言逻辑. 故B项为准确答案. 查看更多



读写任务 (满分25分)    
I have a friend who always smiles even when he’s angry. He even smiles when he has got a headache. I ask him about it and this is the answer, “I try to smile even when I’m breathing or even when I’m sad. Smile is good for your health.”
I’m not a medical student, so I don’t know if there is a medical explanation for why smiling is healthy. But my friend looks younger than his age, maybe because of his habit of smiling. He is a funny, nice, and happy person. He handles all the problems that come to him with a patient smile. He’s not a person in a hurry. His life seems so relaxing but I know for sure, his life is full of problems and his job is full of deadlines, as he lives in a big expensive city on a middle salary… I think hurry and stress is normal, but not for him. He keeps smiling.
I try to do it. I have learnt to smile and it’s fun. Every time a problem comes to me, or I’m stressed, or I’m upset, I try to smile.
[写作内容]  1.以约30词概括上文的主要内容。
[写作要求] 作文中可使用自己的亲身经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容但不得直接引用原文中的句子。
[评分标准] 概括准确,语言规范,内容合适,语篇连贯。


读写任务 (满分25分)    


I have a friend who always smiles even when he’s angry. He even smiles when he has got a headache. I ask him about it and this is the answer, “I try to smile even when I’m breathing or even when I’m sad. Smile is good for your health.”

I’m not a medical student, so I don’t know if there is a medical explanation for why smiling is healthy. But my friend looks younger than his age, maybe because of his habit of smiling. He is a funny, nice, and happy person. He handles all the problems that come to him with a patient smile. He’s not a person in a hurry. His life seems so relaxing but I know for sure, his life is full of problems and his job is full of deadlines, as he lives in a big expensive city on a middle salary… I think hurry and stress is normal, but not for him. He keeps smiling.

I try to do it. I have learnt to smile and it’s fun. Every time a problem comes to me, or I’m stressed, or I’m upset, I try to smile.



[写作内容]  1.以约30词概括上文的主要内容。





[写作要求] 作文中可使用自己的亲身经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容但不得直接引用原文中的句子。

[评分标准] 概括准确,语言规范,内容合适,语篇连贯。








第四部分 单词拼写(每小题1分,满分10分)


56. We all totally _________(敬佩)him for what he does. 21

57. The proud man said he would rather s_______ to death than beg for food.

58. Students are not allowed to enter the lab without teacher’s p_____________.

59. He finished eating the watermelon with u____________ (难以置信的) speed.

60. To keep healthy, we’d better have a _________(均衡的) diet.

61. We thought he disliked eating steak. On the ______________ (相反), he liked it very much.

62. He is a person with good _____________(礼貌). He always says hello to those who he knows.

63. Since tomorrow is your birthday, we will have a ______________ (庆祝) of it.

64. Will you satisfy my __________(好奇心) and tell me where you want to go?

65. He used all his s____________ and lifted the heavy box.









注意: 1. 字数100左右;


Dear Mike,

Thank you very much for your concern.________________________________ _____________



                                                       Li Hua


第四部分 单词拼写(每小题1分,满分10分)


56. We all totally _________(敬佩)him for what he does. 21

57. The proud man said he would rather s_______ to death than beg for food.

58. Students are not allowed to enter the lab without teacher’s p_____________.

59. He finished eating the watermelon with u____________ (难以置信的) speed.

60. To keep healthy, we’d better have a _________(均衡的) diet.

61. We thought he disliked eating steak. On the ______________ (相反), he liked it very much.

62. He is a person with good _____________(礼貌). He always says hello to those who he knows.

63. Since tomorrow is your birthday, we will have a ______________ (庆祝) of it.

64. Will you satisfy my __________(好奇心) and tell me where you want to go?

65. He used all his s____________ and lifted the heavy box.

