A. manage B. put C. try D. organize 查看更多



A good student is always equated to one who gets good grades. But is that all that a good student is? What is a   1 good student? Is he someone who is the teacher's pet? Someone who tops every test? Someone who has the smarts? A good student is all this and more, because, you see, it’s not just about books and repetitive  2 .

Being a good student takes much more than that. There are certain  3 that make him a good student. That is  4 what we shall be looking into – the qualities of a good student. There will help you  5 what a good student is and what are the qualities that one needs in order to become one.

A good student has great   6 skills. He has the ability to plan and organize not only his actions but his  7 as well, for being well organized allows a person to be prepared for all the situations that are to   8 . That could not have been   9 if he had taken up the studies at the last minute.

Knowledge is a key  10 that defines(定义) a student. Possessing knowledge that is not only limited to books but also   11 things about current affairs and other things allows him to draw from all that he possesses and use it in his studies.

There is nothing that comes without hard work and that is exactly what a good student has to possess. A   12 student is not someone who will turn away from work, or try to find   13 s to get the work done  14 or for the sake of finishing it. He is instead someone who will do his work sincerely and put in all his efforts without compromising on quality.

1.                A.Specially        B.nearly          C.mainly    D.really


2.                A.Performing      B.learning        C.Counting  D.guessing


3.                A.Choices        B.Activities        C.Qualities  D.viewpoints


4.                A.simply          B.merely         C.completely    D.exactly


5.                A.Understand     B.predict         C.assume   D.settle


6.                A.Physical        B.Organizational    C.mental   D.traditional


7.                A.Thoughts       B.performances    C.conducts  D.directions


8.                A.share          B.manage         C.follow    D.find


9.                A.Valuable        B.worthy         C.vital D.possible


10.               A.view           B.role           C.aspect D.effect


11.               A.Includes        B.concludes       C.affects    D.matches


12.               A.good-looking    B.hard-working    C.cool-headed    D.warm-hearted


13.               A.Places         B.roads          C.tools  D.ways


14.               A.fast            B.carefully        C.well  D.badly


15.               A.roughly        B.eventually      C.sincerely  D.carelessly





A good student is always equated to one who gets good grades. But is that all that a good student is? What is a   1  good student? Is he someone who is the teacher's pet? Someone who tops every test? Someone who has the smarts? A good student is all this and more, because, you see, it’s not just about books and repetitive  2  .

Being a good student takes much more than that. There are certain  3  that make him a good student. That is  4  what we shall be looking into – the qualities of a good student. There will help you  5  what a good student is and what are the qualities that one needs in order to become one.

A good student has great   6  skills. He has the ability to plan and organize not only his actions but his  7  as well, for being well organized allows a person to be prepared for all the situations that are to   8  . That could not have been   9  if he had taken up the studies at the last minute.

Knowledge is a key  10  that defines(定义) a student. Possessing knowledge that is not only limited to books but also   11  things about current affairs and other things akllows him to draw from all that he possesses and use it in his studies.

There is nothing that comes without hard work and that is exactly what a good student has to possess. A   12  student is not someone who will turn away from work, or try to find   13  s to get the work done  14  or for the sake of finishing it. He is instead someone who will do his work sincerely and put in all his efforts without compromising on quality.

1.A.specially                B.nearly                  C.mainly                 D.really

2.A.performing            B.learning               C.counting              D.guessing

3.A.choices                 B.activities              C.qualities               D.viewpoints

4.A.simply                  B.merely                 C.completely           D.exactly

5.A.understand            B.predict                C.assume               D.settle

6.A.physical                B.organizational       C.mental                 D.traditional

7.A.thoughts               B.performances       C.conducts             D.directions

8.A.share                    B.manage               C.follow                 D.find

9.A.valuable                B.worthy                C.vital                    D.possible

10.A.view                   B.role                     C.aspect                 D.effect

11.A.includes               B.concludes            C.affects                D.matches

12.A.good-looking       B.hard-working       C.cool-headed         D.warm-hearted

13.A.places                 B.roads                  C.tools                   D.ways

14.A.fast                     B.carefully              C.well                    D.badly

15.A.roughly               B.eventually            C.sincerely             D.carelessly


     Every day has just 24 hours - and this applies to all people. Some people are constantly pushed for
time. This article is about how we can learn to manage our valuable time more effectively.
     In reality we cannot manage time. We can only manage ourselves and our relationship with time.   1   
And habits are not that easy to changes.
     Below here are tips that can help you manage your time better.
     Organize your goals.
     Organize your goals based on two criteria: degree of urgency and importance: a. Should be done
today, tomorrow, etc. b. Should be done at "that date". c. Can be put off for so many days. d. Can ask
someone else to do it.    2  
     Clean up your list.
     Make a list of everything you think that is not helping or benefiting you and do not do them!
     Focus on one goal.
     Concentrate only on one goal at a time. Otherwise, if while dealing with something you think about
everything you can do later, most likely you will get bored and disappointed.    3   The boredom (厌倦)
is guaranteed with this way of thinking.
     Identify your deadlines.
        4   Divide the activities per day / week and long-term goals to get a clear
picture of what you have to do and when.
     Find suitable work environment.
     Be realistic.
     Make sure that your goals are realistic and do not try for the impossible.
     Say "NO".
     Learn to say "no" to other activities, requests and people who eat your time
     (unless indeed at that very moment it is necessary for you to help them).

A. Allow time to adjust your list if necessary.
B. After all, how we use our time is largely a matter of habit.
C. Create a suitable environment to work, one that fits your style.
D. Check the list of what you should do and when it must be completed.
E. After organizing your goals, start with the most important and urgent.
F. It is like every time you eat you think all the meals you must eat in your life.
G. Do not let boredom discourage you if what you have to complete is boring.


Money, or the lack of it, changes everything, and that includes how people will be working out in 2010.

In these belt-tightening times  1  , cost-conscious workouts(锻炼)at home and at the gym topped the list of fitness trends for this year in a survey, followed  2   by shorter, more time-efficient regimens, such as  3   boot camp(强力集中训练) and circuit training.

"People are looking  4   for ways to accomplish as much as possible with as little  5   time and money as necessary," said Cedric X. Bryant, chief science officer of the American Council on Exercise (ACE), which conducted the online poll of fitness professionals.

"Last year money was on the list but this  6   year the majority of the respondents put  7   it as one of the top," he added.

Bryant said some 600 ACE-certified fitness  8   professionals responded to the annual poll  9  , which the non-profit organization has been conducting for a decade.

Other money-saving measures  10  , such as the shift from personal training sessions to small group training  11   classes and in-home workouts  12   using smaller, more portable equipment, also made the list.

"Personal trainers are seeing they've got to respond to market needs  13  . Working with two to four clients at a  14   time they can charge less  15   but still get their hourly fee," Bryant said.

Boot-camp workouts and circuit training, both of which burn  16   calories while building strength and endurance(持久性), will be among the most popular trends in 2010, as time-constrained(受压制的) consumers  17   seek shorter, more intense activities.

One bright spot is the rise of exergaming-type systems, like Nintendo's Wii Sports, Wii Fit and the PC-based Dancetown. Bryant says the fitness-based video games are turning up  18   in health clubs and senior centers.

Functional training workouts, which are geared to improving the quality of life and the ability to perform everyday tasks, will remain strong  19  , and the use of computerized tracking and online training and scheduling tools will increase  20   in the coming year.

(   ) 1. A. times           B. years            C. centuries        D. societies

(   ) 2. A. caught          B. followed         C. covered      D. conducted

(   ) 3. A. such like       B. in other words   C. such as      D. that is to say

(   ) 4. A. taking          B. developing   C. opening      D. looking

(   ) 5. A. little          B. much             C. many             D. few

(   ) 6. A. that            B. next             C. this             D. previous

(   ) 7. A. manage      B. put          C. try          D. organize

(   ) 8. A. medicine        B. train            C. economy      D. fitness

(   ) 9. A. poll            B. conference   C. observation D. reception

(   ) 10. A. measures       B. procedures   C. policies         D. systems

(   ) 11. A. speaking       B. training         C. exercising       D. processing

(   ) 12. A. work          B. workouts         C. rest             D. race

(   ) 13. A. changes        B. prices       C. needs            D. habits

(   ) 14. A. some           B. no           C. any          D. a

(   ) 15. A. less           B. fewer            C. more             D. much

(   ) 16. A. produce        B. burn             C. cut          D. add

(   ) 17. A. professionals B. students         C. consumers        D. trainers

(   ) 18. A. turning up         B. turning down     C. turning around   D. turning out

(   ) 19. A. weak           B. useful       C. strong       D. possible

(   ) 20. A. decrease       B. appear       C. increase         D. want


Money, or the lack of it, changes everything, and that includes how people will be working out in 2010.

In these belt-tightening times  1  , cost-conscious workouts(锻炼)at home and at the gym topped the list of fitness trends for this year in a survey, followed  2   by shorter, more time-efficient regimens, such as  3   boot camp(强力集中训练) and circuit training.

"People are looking  4   for ways to accomplish as much as possible with as little  5   time and money as necessary," said Cedric X. Bryant, chief science officer of the American Council on Exercise (ACE), which conducted the online poll of fitness professionals.

"Last year money was on the list but this  6   year the majority of the respondents put  7   it as one of the top," he added.

Bryant said some 600 ACE-certified fitness  8   professionals responded to the annual poll  9  , which the non-profit organization has been conducting for a decade.

Other money-saving measures  10  , such as the shift from personal training sessions to small group training  11   classes and in-home workouts  12   using smaller, more portable equipment, also made the list.

"Personal trainers are seeing they've got to respond to market needs  13  . Working with two to four clients at a  14   time they can charge less  15   but still get their hourly fee," Bryant said.

Boot-camp workouts and circuit training, both of which burn  16   calories while building strength and endurance(持久性), will be among the most popular trends in 2010, as time-constrained(受压制的) consumers  17   seek shorter, more intense activities.

One bright spot is the rise of exergaming-type systems, like Nintendo's Wii Sports, Wii Fit and the PC-based Dancetown. Bryant says the fitness-based video games are turning up  18   in health clubs and senior centers.

Functional training workouts, which are geared to improving the quality of life and the ability to perform everyday tasks, will remain strong  19  , and the use of computerized tracking and online training and scheduling tools will increase  20   in the coming year.

(   ) 1. A. times           B. years            C. centuries        D. societies

(   ) 2. A. caught          B. followed         C. covered      D. conducted

(   ) 3. A. such like       B. in other words   C. such as      D. that is to say

(   ) 4. A. taking          B. developing   C. opening      D. looking

(   ) 5. A. little          B. much             C. many             D. few

(   ) 6. A. that            B. next             C. this             D. previous

(   ) 7. A. manage      B. put          C. try          D. organize

(   ) 8. A. medicine        B. train            C. economy      D. fitness

(   ) 9. A. poll            B. conference   C. observation D. reception

(   ) 10. A. measures       B. procedures   C. policies         D. systems

(   ) 11. A. speaking       B. training         C. exercising       D. processing

(   ) 12. A. work          B. workouts         C. rest             D. race

(   ) 13. A. changes        B. prices       C. needs            D. habits

(   ) 14. A. some           B. no           C. any          D. a

(   ) 15. A. less           B. fewer            C. more             D. much

(   ) 16. A. produce        B. burn             C. cut          D. add

(   ) 17. A. professionals B. students         C. consumers        D. trainers

(   ) 18. A. turning up         B. turning down     C. turning around   D. turning out

(   ) 19. A. weak           B. useful       C. strong       D. possible

(   ) 20. A. decrease       B. appear       C. increase         D. want

