20.D 句意:在一天的时间里我很少有机会和我的孩子待在一起.本题是when引导的从句作Occasions的同位语.整个句子调整一下顺序:Occasions when I have the time to spend a day with my kids are quite rare.这样就容易理解了. 此题考查when引导同位语从句的用法. 查看更多






1、早起锻炼可使身体健康,强壮。2、早起朗读,有助于记住学过的东西。  3、可为一天的活动做好准备。4、坚持早起对培养好的性格也很有益处。




1.Please have a dinner with us at six if it is c_____________ to you.

2.Stephen Hawking d__________ all his life to studying physics.

3.His life would be in danger if he were not sent to hospital i_____________.

4.With the development of modern agriculture and i________, more and more waste is produced.

5.There was a surprised e____________ on his face.

6.I’m into reading __________(冒险) stories.

7.My uncle is the manager of his ___________(运输) company.

8.Nie Haisheng and Fei Junlong have become ________(熟悉的) faces to millions of fans of space travel.

9.Not surprisingly, praise usually makes children _________(提高) greatly.

10.Large quantities of shoes are on sale in this stop, but few of them are of good ________(质量).



1.Public bicycles in Foshan can help p__________ the development and use of public transport.

2.Both the earthquake and the flood are natural d__________.

3.Anything that is dropped falls towards the ground because of the force of g__________.

4.Because of his hard work, he has got b __________ achievements in the field of physics.

5.You’d better not go to Guilin for Golden Week. It is c__________ at that time.

6.I am sorry to tell you that your son c__________ (犯)a terrible fault just now.

7.During the weekend, I usually go __________ (骑自行车) in suburb areas with some friends.

8.Bill stopped__________(挥手) to us and drove away.

9.He chose Germany, but __________ (就自己而言) I would like to go to Spain.

10.I am fond of classical music now, but in the past I __________ (更喜欢) pop music.



单词拼写. 根据句意,填入正确的单词形式(注意词形的变化;仅限一词).
【小题1】Just two days after we had received our c_________________ orders to join the D-Day landing troops, we found ourselves outside a peaceful village.
【小题2】The boy was one of the _______________(幸存者) of the invasion.
【小题3】The criminal was _________________(判处)to death.
【小题4】Millions of fans admire his athletic ability, ___________ _ (动力)and confidence.
【小题5】E_____________, your child will leave home to lead her own life as a fully independent adult.
【小题6】If you say that something is c____________, you mean it has so many parts or aspects that it is difficult to understand or deal with.
【小题7】He is one of those people               (值得) to make more than the minimum wage.
【小题8】Finally the barber picked up a pair of s           and a comb, and cut my hair.
【小题9】The barber had a magnificent m_____________, which he used wax to keep in shape.
【小题10】In 2003, there were fifteen peacekeeping operations , involving nearly 37,000 p____________(soldiers and civilians).


【小题1】Public bicycles in Foshan can help p__________ the development and use of public transport.
【小题2】Both the earthquake and the flood are natural d__________.
【小题3】Anything that is dropped falls towards the ground because of the force of g__________.
【小题4】Because of his hard work, he has got b __________ achievements in the field of physics.
【小题5】You’d better not go to Guilin for Golden Week. It is c__________ at that time.
【小题6】I am sorry to tell you that your son c__________ (犯)a terrible fault just now.
【小题7】During the weekend, I usually go __________ (骑自行车) in suburb areas with some friends.
【小题8】Bill stopped__________(挥手) to us and drove away.
【小题9】He chose Germany, but __________ (就自己而言) I would like to go to Spain.
【小题10】I am fond of classical music now, but in the past I __________ (更喜欢) pop music.

