35.C habit “习惯 . 查看更多




(注 ,E涂AB,F涂AC, G涂 AD )         

Good study habits

___1___They’ll help you learn the material if you practice over and over again. Play around with them to fit yor own personal needs, and you will make big progress.

Firstly, go to class. You won’t do well if you don’t have the information. 80% of the grades depend on showing up, so be there. This should be your top choice when it comes to building study habits.__2___.

Secondly, make sure that no matter what happens, you review your notes the day you take them.___ 3__.If that means re-working difficult problems, getting tutoring, or reading, then do it. The more review work you do at a time, the better your grades will be. Don’t be one of those who wait until the last minute to study .It’s more fun to get sleep and do well in your exam.

Finally, practicing is very good for you. Classes involving problem-solving require you to work on your problem-solving skills in order to get good grades. So practice working on those physics, math, chemistry, etc. Problems.___4___ Put forward your questions in class, and then you can make progress in a short time.

As you build your habits, get into a groove(成为习惯).__5____

A.If you don’t go to class, you’ll miss need-to-know information and any other important things.

B.Pick up a good habit like exercising or give up an unhealthy one like smoking.

C.I’ve got a list of practical good study habits that you may want to know.

D.Come up with some questions that you could ask your professor.

E. The goal is to understand what you are taught the same day.

F. Good habits, on the other hand, tend to take more time to make.

G. The more you do it, the more natural it’ll feel.




(注 ,E涂AB,F涂AC, G涂 AD  )          

Good study habits

___71___They’ll help you learn the material if you practice over and over again. Play around with them to fit your own personal needs, and you will make big progress.

     Firstly, go to class. You won’t do well if you don’t have the information. 80% of the grades depend on showing up, so be there. This should be your top choice when it comes to building study habits.__72___.

     Secondly, make sure that no matter what happens, you review your notes the day you take them.___73__.If that means re-working difficult problems, getting tutoring, or reading, then do it. The more review work you do at a time, the better your grades will be. Don’t be one of those who wait until the last minute to study .It’s more fun to get sleep and do well in your exam.

Finally, practicing is very good for you. Classes involving problem-solving require you to work on your problem-solving skills in order to get good grades. So practice working on those physics, math, chemistry, etc. Problems.___74___ Put forward your questions in class, and then you can make progress in a short time.

As you build your habits, get into a groove(成为习惯).__75____

A. If you don’t go to class, you’ll miss need-to-know information and any other important things.

B .Pick up a good habit like exercising or give up an unhealthy one like smoking.

C. I’ve got a list of practical good study habits that you may want to know.

D. Come up with some questions that you could ask your professor.

E. The goal is to understand what you are taught the same day.

F. Good habits, on the other hand, tend to take more time to make.

G. The more you do it, the more natural it’ll feel.


(注 ,E涂AB,F涂AC, G涂 AD )
Good study habits
__【小题1】__They’ll help you learn the material if you practice over and over again. Play around with them to fit yor own personal needs, and you will make big progress.
Firstly, go to class. You won’t do well if you don’t have the information. 80% of the grades depend on showing up, so be there. This should be your top choice when it comes to building study habits.__【小题2】__.
Secondly, make sure that no matter what happens, you review your notes the day you take them.___【小题3】__.If that means re-working difficult problems, getting tutoring, or reading, then do it. The more review work you do at a time, the better your grades will be. Don’t be one of those who wait until the last minute to study .It’s more fun to get sleep and do well in your exam.
Finally, practicing is very good for you. Classes involving problem-solving require you to work on your problem-solving skills in order to get good grades. So practice working on those physics, math, chemistry, etc. Problems.___【小题4】___ Put forward your questions in class, and then you can make progress in a short time.
As you build your habits, get into a groove(成为习惯).__【小题5】____

A.If you don’t go to class, you’ll miss need-to-know information and any other important things.
B.Pick up a good habit like exercising or give up an unhealthy one like smoking.
C.I’ve got a list of practical good study habits that you may want to know.
D.Come up with some questions that you could ask your professor.
E. The goal is to understand what you are taught the same day.
F. Good habits, on the other hand, tend to take more time to make.
G. The more you do it, the more natural it’ll feel.


阅读下列短文, 从所给的本个选项中, 选出最佳答案。

       Mr. Black gave his wife money every Friday evening, but she   always spent it before the next Wednesday. For the next three   days she had none.

       Every Tuesday evening Mr. Black asked her, "But what did you   spend all that money on?" and she always answered, "I don't   know."

       One Friday Mr. Black brought home an exercise book and a pencil   and gave them to his wife along with the money." Now look!" he said   to her, "When you get money from me, write it down on this page, and on the next page write down what you spend the money on ."

       When Mr. Black came home the next Tuesday, his wife came to him and showed him the book. "I have done what you told me," she said   happily. On the first page she had written "Friday, 28th June, I got   18 pounds from John, "and on the next page, "Tuesday, 2nd July, I   have spent it all."

1. Mr. Black ____________ how she had spent the money.    [  ]    
  A. wanted to know  B. knew quite well    
  C. was very clear  D. didn't want to know
2. By ___________ evening there was no more money left for Mrs. Black.                                [  ]   
  A. Tuesday      B. Wednesday     C. Thursday     D. Friday  3.Mr. Black told his wife to write down __________ on the next page.                                 [  ]    
  A. when she spent the money   
  B. where she spent the money    
  C. why did she spend so much money  
  D. what she bought with the money
4. _______ Mrs. Black began to write down how much her husband had     given her.                        [  ]    
  A. At the beginning of July   
  B. On Tuesday evening     
  C. On Friday evening       
  D. Every Wednesday
5.In the end, Mr. Black was sure _______.           [  ]
  A. that his wife had a habit(习惯)of saving (节省) money  
  B. that most of the money had been spent on food   
  C. about how the money had been spent  
  D. that his wife spent her money without much care

