12.D 句意:这本书写于1946年.从那时起教育体制开始发生巨大变化.因为多句中时态为现在完成时.故选since when来引导这一定语从句.A.B两项引导的从句应使用过去某种时态,C项只是充当后面从句中的时间状语.而不能充当引导词.来引导该从句.故排除. 此题考查介词+关系副词引导非限制性定语从句的用法. 查看更多



【小题1】To attain a high level of fluency in a foreign language, you need to be _______(环绕,围绕) by it.
【小题2】You should _______(通知,告知) a friend of your targets so they can motivate you.
【小题3】You would probably think that the father was ________(祝贺) his son on doing something well.
【小题4】They might move in an abrupt way ________(像,与…相似) a robot more than a human.
【小题5】Garments will be so strong that they will never get old and ________(磨损的).
【小题6】By the year 2050, people will live together in peace and _______(平等).
【小题7】Tiny, insect-like robots may be sent around the cells of our bodies to ______(评估) our health.
【小题8】Fleming remained modest about the amazing _______(后果,结果) of his discovery.
【小题9】Medical advances ranged from discovering the causes of diseases under microscopes to surgical procedures replacing diseased organs with _______(捐赠)ones.
【小题10】We started flying around the world and _______(同时), scientists figured out how to split the atom.


【小题1】Joan wants to a______ her dream.
【小题2】There are many ______ (景点) in Bengbu.
【小题3】Tom and Lucy got _______ (结婚) in 2000.
【小题4】Mr. Wang is an h_______ man that we all trust him.
【小题5】A cat has some d________ from a tiger.
【小题6】My school is about 35 _______ (分钟)walk from the park.
【小题7】It' is too noisy outside. I want to know what is ________(发生).
【小题8】________(相信)in ourselves is the first step on the road to success.
【小题9】New school year usually begins on the first day of S _______ in China.
【小题10】Henry left his homework at home again. He is always doing everything c_________.


【小题1】By law, the youth under eighteen are not p____________ to enter net bars.
【小题2】Everyone has their own s____________ and weaknesses.
【小题3】The host’s enthusiasm makes a good i____________ on us.
【小题4】These are the o____________ designs of the house, but we changed them later.
【小题5】These goods will be sold at a d____________.
【小题6】Don’t be particular about food. A ____________ (平衡的) diet is very important for health.
【小题7】“What happened?” John’s mother asked him in a ____________ (温和的) voice.
【小题8】He managed to finish the race, ____________ (不像) more than half of the competitors.
【小题9】The results ____________ (证实) what you said was true.
【小题10】Although the work sometimes is boring, the nurse did it ____________ (耐心地).


【小题1】 The little boy held his mother’s hand ___________(牢牢地) when crossing the street.
【小题2】The people of that country are fighting for their__________ (独立 ).
【小题3】 We already know who’s got the job but we haven’t yet been informed _______(官方的).
【小题4】 The ancient buildings in this area are well _________(保护).
【小题5】These snowy mountain tops form a beautiful picture that will make any viewer_______(无法用言语表达的).
【小题6】If b________ in, these viruses can result in illness or even death.
【小题7】His d_________ to his work led to his success and was respected by everyone.
【小题8】Chris does not believe in the e_____________ of Father Christmas.
【小题9】We human beings should protect the environment and live in perfect h ________ with nature.
【小题10】 Don’t h_________ to tell me if you have any requests.



1.To attain a high level of fluency in a foreign language, you need to be _______(环绕,围绕) by it.

2.You should _______(通知,告知) a friend of your targets so they can motivate you.

3.You would probably think that the father was ________(祝贺) his son on doing something well.

4.They might move in an abrupt way ________(像,与…相似) a robot more than a human.

5.Garments will be so strong that they will never get old and ________(磨损的).

6.By the year 2050, people will live together in peace and _______(平等).

7.Tiny, insect-like robots may be sent around the cells of our bodies to ______(评估) our health.

8.Fleming remained modest about the amazing _______(后果,结果) of his discovery.

9.Medical advances ranged from discovering the causes of diseases under microscopes to surgical procedures replacing diseased organs with _______(捐赠)ones.

10.We started flying around the world and _______(同时), scientists figured out how to split the atom.


