Father was busy in working he often forgot rest or meals. A. very, that B. so, that C. such, as D. enough, as 查看更多



There’s a guy like me in every state and federal prison in AmericaI guess—I’m the guy who can get these for youcigarettesa bag of cigarif you want thata bottle of wine to celebrate your son or daughter’s high school graduationor almost anything else...within reasonthat isIt wasn’t always that way

I came to Shawshank when I was just twentyand I am one of the few people in the prison who is willing to admit what he didI committed murderI put a large insurance policy on my wifewho was three years older than 1 wasand then I fixed the brakes of the car her father had given us as a wedding presentIt worked out exactly as I had plannedexcept I hadn’t planned on her stopping to pick up the neighbour woman and the woman’s son on the way down Castle Hill and into townThe brakes let go and the car crashed through the bushesgathering speedBystanders said it must have been doing fifty or better when it hit the base of the Civil War statue in the town arid burst into flames

I also hadn’t planned on getting caughtbut caught 1 wasI got a pass into this placeMy state has no death penalty(死刑)but I was tried for all three deaths and given three life sentencesto run one after the otherThat fixed up any chance of parole(假释)I might havefor a longlong timeThe judge called what I had done‘an extremely evil crime’, and it was ,but it is also in the past now

Have I transformed myselfyou ask ?I don’t know what that word meansat least as far as prisons and corrections goI think it’s a politician’s wordIt may have some other meaningand it may be that 1 will have a chance to find outbut that is the future...

I was younggood—lookingand from the poor side of townI met a prettyheadstrong girl who lived in one of the fine old houses on Carbine StreetShe got pregnant laterHer father was agreeable to the marriage if 1 would take a job in the company he owned and ‘work my way up’I found out that what he really had in mind was keeping me in his house and under his thumblike a disagreeable pet that has not quite been housebroken and which may biteEnough hate eventually piled up to cause me to do what I did

?? Given a second chance 1 would not do it againbut I'm not sure that means I am transformed

1.What do we know about the man from the passage?

AHe is treated unfairly in the prison

BHe is in charge of the federal prison

CHe is quite an able person as a prisoner

DHe is the most powerful man in the prison

2.By saying that“I got a pass into this place”(in Para3)the man means that________.

Ahe has got to stay in prison

Bhe was allowed to go home

Che was caught by the police without a pass

Dhe has stayed in the federal prison before

3.The man committed such an evil crime because__________.

Ahe had made a secret deal with an insurance company

Bhe had been angry for a long time with his father—in—law

Chis wife’s family members had disapproved of their marriage

Dhis wife had looked on him as a pet and he didn’t feel respected

4.Which of the following is TRUE about the man?

AHe regrets having committed the crime

BHe will be out of prison in the near future

CHe thinks the trial a mistake and is unfair

DHe has found out the



 "Mark Twain" was the name used by Samuel Langhorne Clemens (1835-1910) when he wrote books. His father was a lawyer, but a poor one, who lived at Florida, Missouri. The family was so poor that Samuel did not receive much teaching. He had to learn all that he could from the people whom he met. His father died when he was very young, and then there was even less money than before.

  Many of the men in this part of America worked in the ships on the great River Mississippi, and he did this himself at one time (1857).

  Where did he find the name "Mark Twain"? It came from the great river itself. It was part of one of the cries used by men who worked in the ships. When a man called "By the mark twain!" he meant that the river was "two marks deep" there, that is to say, six feet deep ( "Twain" is an old form of the work "Two".) Samuel Clemens often heard these words when he was young, and he used them as a penname all his life.

  During his work on the Mississippi he met travelers of all kinds, and this helped him a great deal when he started to write. But the number of travelers became smaller when war started in America in 1861. Many of the great ships on the river stopped work. Samuel left then and went to Nevada with his brother, who was at that time Governor of Nevada. There, near the town of Carson, Samuel became a gold miner, but he never made much money at the time. He soon saw that life in the gold mines was not for him. He also tried writing for the newspapers in Nevada, and this seemed more hopeful. He found that he could write.

  He went to Europe in 1867 and visited France and Italy. In 1870 he married Olivia Langdon, and two years later he was spending nearly all his time writing. Among his books is his own story (1908).

  He is now always known as Mark Twain, and many people do not even know that his family name was Clemens. He traveled in America and in England, and went to Oxford in 1907. He was one of the great American writers of the time, and could make his readers laugh – a thing which few writers can do. He died in 1910.

"Mark Twain" was _________.

 A. a famous American writer    B. name of a book      

 C. a great river in America      D. a large ship

As a child, Samuel did not get much education because _________.

 A. his father died too early          B. the family was very poor 

C. he disliked school very much

D. he could learn what he liked from the people he met

What gave him a great deal when he started writing? _______

 A. His poor childhood               B. The Mississippi river   

 C. All kinds of travelers he met        D. His brother

We can infer from the passage that ________.

 A. Samuel loved writing from his early age  

 B. Samuel did not love writing at the beginning

 C. his writings to the newspaper were successful            

 D. his brother encouraged him to write more

According to the writer of the passage, a good writer could _________.

A.write a lot for his readers            B. make a lot of money for his family

C. cause his readers to laugh           D. travel everywhere he wanted


    The incident took place on Sunday,the 25th of June. On that particular day,a south wind had been gusting(劲吹) on and off all morning. It was not strong enough to cause us any concern,so we carried on our daily work, not suspecting what was about to happen.

    The storm gave us very little warning. Black clouds loomed over the distant horizon(地平线) so suddenly that we were taken by surprise. Even then,we were not really worried,as the clouds seemed to be moving over our house and towards the distant mountains. Then,just as the clouds had moved inland,the wind suddenly swung around in a full circle and we were facing a major storm.

    Instantly,we were busily preparing for the worst. The whole family had experienced such a storm before and everyone remembered the damage it had caused to stock and crops. There was very little we could do about the crops. But we needed to protect the animals in case the river flooded again. My older brother called his sheep-dog and began driving our small flock of sheep to higher ground above the river. If the river flooded,they should be safe there.

    In the meantime,my father was mending a shed roof that had partly fallen down after many years of fine service. If the tin flew off,it could damage the house. My younger brother began hurriedly carrying firewood under the shelter. My job was to help Mum board up the windows. If the storm developed into a cyclone(旋风),the boards would protect the glass.

    The storm raged for four hours,pouring more rain on us than we had seen in the last five years. As expected,the river broke its banks and came slowly up towards the house and the stock..

    Then,just as we were beginning to lose hope,the storm stopped as suddenly as it had begun. The animals were safe,and the roof was still nailed on. “All’s well that ends well ,”said my mother.

56.When the black clouds appeared suddenly in the distance,           .

   A. the family were surprised    B. they were extremely worried

   C. they were preparing for the worst    D. they faced the storm bravely

57.“There was very little we could do about the crops” indicates that           .

   A. little damage would be done to the crops           B. they had everything ready for the crops

   C. they felt unable to protect the crops                  D. the crops should be safe enough there

58. The underlined word “ stock” in the third paragraph refers to          .

   A. money owned by the family                      B. goods for sale

   C. supplies for family use                             D. farm animals    .

59.It can be inferred from what the mother said that          ·

   A. they had no damage at all                                B. everything went beyond their expectation

   C. everything was under control                    D. the family could have suffered a greater loss


It was the last day of July and the long hot summer was drawing to a close As for me1 was out of spiritsandif the truth must be told, out of money as wellDuring the past year I had not managed my finances as carefully as usualand 1 was now limited to spending the autumn economically between my mother’s cottage at Hampstead and my own in town.

? My father had been dead for some yearsand my sister and 1 were the sole survivors of a family of five children. My father was a drawing-master before me He had been highly successful in his profession and my mother and sister were left economically independent after his death.

??? The view of London below me had sunk into the black shadow of the cloudy night, when I stood before the gate of my mother’s cottage I had hardly rung the bellWhen the house door was opened violentlyMy worthy Italian friendProfessor Pescaappeared in the servant’s placeand rushed out joyously to receive me

??? I had first become acquainted(熟悉)with my Italian friend at certain great houseswhere he taught Italian and I taught drawing What I then knew of the history of his life was that he had left Italy for political reasons and that he had been respectably established for many years in London as a teacher of languages It once happened that I saved him from certain death by drowning while we

were swimming in the sea at Brighton Afterwards he overwhelmed(淹没)me with the wildest expressions of affection and exclaimed passionately, that he would hold his life at my disposal from then on, and declared that he should never be happy again until he had had the opportunity of proving his gratitudeLittle did I think that the occasion to serve me was soon to come

? Pesca dragged me in by both hands into the parlor, where my mother sat by the open window, laughing and fanning herselfPesca was one of her especial favoritesand his wildest strange acts were always pardonable in her eyes

? “Now, my good dears”began Pesca“listen to me The time has come I recite my good newsI speak at last…'Hear, hear!”said my mother, humoring the joke“I go back into my lifeand I address myself to the noblest of menwho found me dead at the bottom of the seaand who pulled me up to the top. What did I say when l got into my own life and my own clothes again? I said that my life belonged to my dear friendWalter, for the rest of my days Now,”cried the enthusiastic little mall at the top of his voice“happiness bursts out of me at every pore of my skinFor I have found a job for you”

1.The first two paragraphs of the passage serve as an introduction to——

A. the financial situation the writer then faced?

B. the season that the story was set in

C. the family members of the writer????????

D. the successful profession of the writer’s father

2.The underlined word‘‘sole’’in the second paragraph probably means‘‘?????????

Amain??? ????? B. only??? ????? C. lucky ??????? D. possible

3.It can be learned from the passage that Pesca ??????????

A. used to be a politician??? ???????

B. was a successful drawing-master

C. was quite close to the mother ????

D. wanted to give the writer some money in return

4.According to the last paragraphPesca was more than happy because ?????????? ?????

A. he went back into his life????????

B . he met his dear friend again

C. his friend ever saved his life?????

D. he had done something good for his friend



Marie Curie was a Polish physicist and chemist who lived between 1867-1934. Together with her husband, Pierre, she discovered two new elements (radium and polonium, two radioactive elements that they extracted chemically from pitchblende ore) and studied the x-rays they emitted. She found that the harmful properties of x-rays were able to kill tumors. By the end of World War I, Marie Curie was probably the most famous woman in the world. She had made a conscious decision, however, not to patent methods of processing radium or its medical applications.

   Marie Curie was born November 7, 1867 in Poland and died on July 4, 1934. Her co-discovery with her husband Pierre Curie of the radioactive elements radium and polonium(钋) represents one of the best known stories in modern science for which they were recognized in 1901 with the Nobel Prize in Physics. In 1911, Marie Curie was honored with a second Nobel Prize, this time in chemistry, to honor her for successfully isolating pure radium and determining radium's atomic weight.

  As a child, Marie Curie amazed people with her great memory. She learned to read when she was only four years old. Her father was a professor of science and the instruments that he kept in a glass case fascinated Marie. She dreamed of becoming a scientist, but that would not be easy. Her family became very poor, and at the age of 18, Marie became a governess. She helped pay for her sister to study in Paris. Later, her sister helped Marie with her education. In 1891, Marie attended the Sorbonne University in Paris where she met and married Pierre Curie, a well-known physicist.

   Marie Curie contributed greatly to our understanding of radioactivity and the effects of x-rays. She received two Nobel prizes for her brilliant work, but died of leukemia(白血病), caused by her repeated exposure to radioactive material.

What is the main idea of the passage?

A. To give us a general introduction to Madame Curie

B. To show us how Madame Curie discovered radium.

C. To tell us how Madame Curie developed as a scientist.

D. To tell us how Madame Curie received two Nobel Prizes.

Madame Curie was give the Nobel Prize in chemistry because________ .

A. She discovered radium

B. She separated pure radium and calculated its atomic weight

C. She discovered polonium

D. She didn’t patent methods of processing radium

Which of the following statements about Madame Curie is Not True?

A. Madame Curie made great contributions to medical science.

B. Madame Curie was very smart and ambitious when she was a child.

C. Madame Curie received two Nobel Prizes in physics.

D. Madame Curie’s husband helped her a lot in her research.

Which is the right order about Madam Curie according to the passage?

a . married Pierre       b. attended University       c. discovered radium  

d. determined radium’s atomic weight               e. won the Nobel Prize in physics

A. b, c, a, d, e      B. b, a, c, d, e     C. b, a, c, e, d     D. b, c, a, e, d

