16. Don’t promise anything you are one hundred percent sure. A. whether B. after C. how D. unless 查看更多



语境填词, 注意动词形式。(每空1分,满分25分)

1.Everyone think it is  _(荒谬的)to predict that the sun will not rise tomorrow.

2.They marked the ________(分界线)of the football fields several days before the game. 

3.We all __________ (渴望)peace and happiness.

4.Flower arrangement ()is an__________ (高雅的)art.

5.The new law__________ (宣告)that this was illegal.

6.She__________ (陪伴)her friend to the concert last night.

7.The theatre has very good access for the _________________ (残疾人).

8.They have made an_________(紧急)request for international aid.

9.The foundation would like to launch programs for providing _____________ (援助) for poor areas in Africa.

10.The novel is an important form of _ ______.(文学)

11.One of her  a ___________ is to become a doctor.

12.Remember not to e______ them by asking personal questions.

13.The girl gave a  v_________description of the event.

14.Hotel  a_________was scarce during the Olympic Games.

15.Did anyone  w________the traffic accident?

16.Don’t  a______yourself  to drinking.

17.When  you _____   ______  trouble and need help, please turn to me .

18.This machine is invented to ______   _____ the quality of the products.

19.I quickly_____   _____ the change  in temperature.

20.She was  _____   _____    _____    when hearing the sound of explosion(爆炸).



单词拼写: 根据首字母或汉语提示写出下列单词(每空0.5分,共计8分)

1. After e__________ was cut off, the lights went out.

2. A man should be ________ (判断)by his deeds, not by his words.

3. I felt highly __________(荣幸)by your trust..

4. Dead and ______ (受伤的)people lay everywhere after the terrible accident.

5. The old left an estate(保险)of two ______(百万)dollars when he died.

6. It is natural for children to have different v_____ from their parents.

7. According to the weather f_______, it’s going to stay cold for the rest of the week.

8.The plane is flying at an _______(海拔)of 25,000 feet.

9. Wish you a pleasant j___________!

10. That old bike is his only means of _________. (交通工具).

11. How many people were p_______ at the meeting?

12.The _______(东部的)coastline of China is very long

13. His interest in maths _________(逐渐地)increases.

14. He said it would rain, but I __________ (不同意)with him.

15. Let me give you some a______ on how to learn English.

16. Don’t stay o________ since the weather is so cold.



单词拼写: 根据首字母或汉语提示写出下列单词(每空0.5分,共计8分)
1. After e__________ was cut off, the lights went out.
2. A man should be ________ (判断)by his deeds, not by his words.
3. I felt highly __________(荣幸)by your trust..
4. Dead and ______ (受伤的)people lay everywhere after the terrible accident.
5. The old left an estate(保险)of two ______(百万)dollars when he died.
6. It is natural for children to have different v_____ from their parents.
7. According to the weather f_______, it’s going to stay cold for the rest of the week.
8.The plane is flying at an _______(海拔)of 25,000 feet.
9. Wish you a pleasant j___________!
10. That old bike is his only means of _________. (交通工具).
11. How many people were p_______ at the meeting?
12.The _______(东部的)coastline of China is very long
13. His interest in maths _________(逐渐地)increases.
14. He said it would rain, but I __________ (不同意)with him.
15. Let me give you some a______ on how to learn English.
16. Don’t stay o________ since the weather is so cold.


单词拼写:  根据首字母或汉语提示写出下列单词(每空0.5分,共计8分)

1. After e__________ was cut off, the lights went out.

2. A man should be ________ (判断)by his deeds, not by his words.

3. I felt highly __________(荣幸)by your trust..

4. Dead and ______ (受伤的)people lay everywhere after the terrible accident.

5. The old left an estate(保险)of two ______(百万)dollars when he died.

6. It is natural for children to have different v_____ from their parents.

7. According to the weather f_______, it’s going to stay cold for the rest of the week.

8.The plane is flying at an _______(海拔)of 25,000 feet.

9. Wish you a pleasant j___________!

10. That old bike is his only means of _________. (交通工具).

11. How many people were p_______ at the meeting?

12.The _______(东部的)coastline of China is very long

13. His interest in maths _________(逐渐地)increases.

14. He said it would rain, but I __________ (不同意)with him.

15. Let me give you some a______ on how to learn English.

16. Don’t stay o________ since the weather is so cold.


     Night after night, as was often the case, she'd lean down and push my long hair out of the __1__, then kiss my forehead.
     I don't remember when it first started __2__ me.But it did.Finally one night, I shouted out at her,
" Don't do that any more-your hands are too __3__!" She didn't say anything in reply.But never again did my mother __4__ my day with that familiar __5__ of her love.
     With the years passing, my thoughts __6__ to that night, when I missed my mother's hands, missed her goodnight __7__ on my forehead.Sometimes the incident seemed very __8__, while sometimes far away.But always it was hidden in the back of my __9__.Now Mom is in her seventies, and those hands that I
__10__ thought to be so rough are still doing things for me and my __11__.And now my own children are grown and gone.One thanksgiving Eve, __12__ I slept in the bedroom of my youth, a __13__ hand
hesitantly run across my face to __14__ the hair from my forehead.Then a kiss, ever so __15__, touched my brow.
     In my memory, for the thousandth time, I recalled the night and my young voice __16__."Don't do that any more-your hands are too rough!" __17__, I caught Mom's hand in hand, saying how __18__ I was
for that night.I thought she'd remember, as I did.But Mom didn't know __19__ I was talking about.She
had forgotten, and forgiven long ago.
     That night, I fell asleep with a new __20__ for my gentle mother and her caring hands.And the guilt that I had carried around for so long was nowhere to be found.
(     )1. A.place      
(     )2. A.pleasing    
(     )3. A.sweet      
(     )4. A.take up    
(     )5. A.expression  
(     )6. A.remained  
(     )7. A.story      
(     )8. A.close      
(     )9. A.brain      
(     )10. A.once     
(     )11. A.husband  
(     )12. A.as        
(     )13. A.rough    
(     )14. A.tidy      
(     )15. A.gently    
(     )16. A.wept      
(     )17. A.On time  
(     )18. A.grateful  
(     )19. A.where    
(     )20. A.memory    
B. way        
B. frightening
B. tough      
B. give up    
B. symbol      
B. returned    
B. greeting    
B. serious    
B. mind        
B. even        
B. children    
B. before      
B. reliable    
B. touch      
B. friendly    
B. whispered  
B. All at once
B. anxious    
B. why        
B. sense      
C. order      
C. satisfying  
C. ugly        
C. end up      
C. promise    
C. occurred    
C. kiss        
C. different  
C. spirit      
C. still      
C. family      
C. although    
C. thin        
C. brush      
C. closely    
C. complained  
C. Once again  
C. sorry      
C. what        
C. pleasure    
D. shape          
D. annoying        
D. rough          
D. break up        
D. experience      
D. missed          
D. song            
D. unusual        
D. heart          
D. always          
D. father          
D. since          
D. familiar        
D. wiped          
D. weakly          
D. struggled      
D. As usual        
D. excited        
D. whom            
D. appreciation    

