3.17. I tried phoning her office, but I couldn’t . A. get along B. get on C. get to D. get through [答案]D. 考查短语动词辨析 [点拨]按照句意为:我试着给她办公室打电话.但没有打通.get along 进展.相处.get on 上车,get to到达,get through通过.依据句意.选D 查看更多





Once upon a time there was an old general (将军).He liked to drink wine better than anything else. He always __1__ several bottles of good wine in his house. He __2__ go out one day, but he was _3___ his servant would drink his wine. Then he thought of a way to __4_ him doing so.

"I'm going out for the day ." he __5__ his servant. "Please _6___ the house for me.There are some meat and two bottles of _7___ in the kitchen .There is also a hen there.But be careful not to _8___ it because it is poisonous.__9___ you drink it ,it will kill you."

But as soon as he left, his servant killed the hen and __10__ it for dinner. He then ate __11__ the hen and the meat, drank the two bottles of wine and went to bed. The general returned home late that evening.He was __12__ to find that the hen, the meat and the two bottles of wine were gone. He then saw his servant __13___ asleep in bed. There were two empty bottles beside him.He woke the servant up.

"What was happened?" he asked.

"I'm very sorry. "His servant replied." After you __14___,a cat jumped in _15___ the window and ate the meat. A dog took the hen away.I know you would be __16___ with me when you returned,__17___ I tried to _18____myself  by drinking the poison .Please __19__ me." The general didn't believe __20__ he said but there was nothing he could do.

1.A.bought                B.stole            C.kept            D.carried

2.A.had to                B.had better        C.should           D.could

3.A.talking                B.writing          C.pleased          D.worried

4.A.stop                  B.keep            C.notice           D.thank

5.A.ordered               B.told             C.asked            D.invited

6.A.take care of            B.leave            C.sell              D.buy

7.A.wine                 B.milk             C.water           D.ink

8.A.touch                 B.kill                 C.forget           D.drink

9.A.Before                B.If             C.Because           D.Since

10.A.hid                 B.threw                                          C.washed          D.cooked

11.A.both                B.all              C.some            D.either

12.A.sure                B.disappointed      C.surprised        D.sorry

13.A.dying               B.lying            C.singing           D.crying

14.A.left                 B.returned           C.knew            D.drank

15.A.near                B.onto             C.under            D.through

16.A.thankful             B.angry           C.satisfied          D.strict

17.A.but                 B.so              C.though           D.that

18.A.fool                 B.teach            C.kill              D.wake

19.A.excuse              B.drink            C.help             D.kill

20.A.when               B.that             C.what            D.How



                                                                   The Boat
     On my path to the great distant mountain peak, I came to a wide river. Looking far to the right and
the left, I saw no  1  , and pondered how to cross. Suddenly a pretty little   2   appeared, came to the
shore and offered to take me across, to    3   me in completing my journey.
      The trip started   4  , and I was pleased with the little boat, and   5   for the assistance it provided.
There were a few areas of   6   waters, one that even spun us around a few times, but presently we
reached the far  7   .
     The trip had been so   8  , my gratitude and happiness so full, that I    9   to leave that little boat, even
though I knew I must, to continue my journey. Much as I wanted to  10  , to spend more time drifting on
the river in that little boat, the mountain beckoned (举手招唤), and my    11   had been set.
      As I   12   my journey, I kept looking back at that little boat with deep  13   . It  had been so
pleasant and had    14   me across the great river; I had grown to  15    that boat deeply. Yet I knew that
the boat had its   16   in the river, and that it couldn't follow my path to the mountain.   17   I tried to take
that boat along, it could not have made the journey with me, and would have stopped my own  18  .
      And as I watched, the little boat turned around and went back to the far shore, there to assist yet
another   19   the path to the mountain. And I realized how"all   20   together for good", for each part of
this magnificent universe perfectly plays its role in assisting all other parts.
(     )1. A. tree      
(     )2. A. girl      
(     )3. A. assist    
(     )4. A. slowly    
(     )5. A. upset      
(     )6. A. fresh      
(     )7. A. shore      
(     )8. A. tiresome  
(     )9. A. attempted  
(     )10. A. live      
(     )11. A. record    
(     )12. A. stopped  
(     )13. A. comfort  
(     )14. A. guided    
(     )15. A. repair    
(     )16. A. shelter  
(     )17. A. Only if  
(     )18. A. progress  
(     )19. A. choosing  
(     )20. A. works    
B. bridge    
B. angel      
B. encourage  
B. mysteriously
B. grateful  
B. clean      
B. beach      
B. miserable  
B. hated      
B. continue  
B. course    
B. started    
B. sympathy  
B. flied      
B. row        
B. place      
B. If only    
B. preparation
B. blocking  
B. mixes      
C. flower    
C. fish      
C. threaten  
C. happily  
C. greedy    
C. dirty    
C. mountain  
C. wonderful
C. refused  
C. settle    
C. pace      
C. continued
C. regret    
C. forced    
C. love      
C. load      
C. What if  
C. route    
C. following
C. joins    
D. bird          
D. boat          
D. persuade      
D. difficultly    
D. suitable      
D. strong        
D. village        
D. rough          
D. had            
D. stay          
D. standard      
D. remained      
D. sadness        
D. tempted        
D. pity          
D. purpose        
D. Even if        
D. expectation    
D. finding        
D. plays          


                                                              The Boat
     On my path to the great distant mountain peak, I came to a wide river. Looking far to the right and the
left, I saw no __1__, and pondered how to cross. Suddenly a pretty little __2__ appeared, came to the
shore and offered to take me across, to _3_ me in completing my journey.
     The trip started _4_, and I was pleased with the little boat, and _5_ for the assistance it provided.
There were a few areas of _6_ waters, one that even spun us around a few times, but presently we
reached the far _7_.
    The trip had been so _8_, my gratitude and happiness so full, that I _9_ to leave that little boat, even
though I knew I must, to continue my journey. Much as I wanted to _10_, to spend more time drifting
on the river in that little boat, the mountain beckoned (举手招唤), and my _11_ had been set.
     As I   12   my journey, I kept looking back at that little boat with deep  13  . It  had been so pleasant
and had   14   me across the great river; I had grown to   15   that boat deeply. Yet I knew that the boat
had its  16   in the river, and that it couldn't follow my path to the mountain.   17   I tried to take that boat
along, it could not have made the journey with me, and would have stopped my own  18  .
     And as I watched, the little boat turned around and went back to the far shore, there to assist yet
another 19   the path to the mountain. And I realized how"all   20   together for good", for each part of
this magnificent universe perfectly plays its role in assisting all other parts.
(     )1. A. tree      
(     )2. A. girl      
(     )3. A. assist    
(     )4. A. slowly    
(     )5. A. upset    
(     )6. A. fresh    
(     )7. A. shore    
(     )8. A. tiresome  
(     )9. A. attempted
(     )10. A. live    
(     )11. A. record  
(     )12. A. stopped  
(     )13. A. comfort  
(     )14. A. guided  
(     )15. A. repair  
(     )16. A. shelter  
(     )17. A. Only if  
(     )18. A. progress
(     )19. A. choosing
(     )20. A. works    
B. bridge      
B. angel        
B. encourage    
B. mysteriously
B. grateful    
B. clean        
B. beach        
B. miserable    
B. hated        
B. continue    
B. course      
B. started      
B. sympathy    
B. flied        
B. row          
B. place        
B. If only      
B. preparation  
B. blocking    
B. mixes        
C. flower    
C. fish      
C. threaten  
C. happily    
C. greedy    
C. dirty      
C. mountain  
C. wonderful  
C. refused    
C. settle    
C. pace      
C. continued  
C. regret    
C. forced    
C. love      
C. load      
C. What if    
C. route      
C. following  
C. joins      
D. bird              
D. boat              
D. persuade          
D. difficultly      
D. suitable          
D. strong            
D. village          
D. rough            
D. had              
D. stay              
D. standard          
D. remained          
D. sadness          
D. tempted          
D. pity              
D. purpose          
D. Even if          
D. expectation      
D. finding          
D. plays            



It must have been after two o’clock in the morning when the last guest took his leave. __36__ we had enjoyed their stay, my wife and I were quite __37__ to shut the door on them. We __38__ all the dirty dishes and glasses __39__ they were, and after opening a few windows to let some __40__ air in and the smell of food out, we climbed into bed and fell asleep.

I couldn’t have been asleep for more than half an hour __41__ I awoke with a strong smell of smoke. __42__ half asleep, I stepped into the living-room, and there, __43__ heavy clouds of smoke, I saw one of the curtains was on fire. I should have __44__ the windows then without delay, __45_ instead I tried to beat out the fire with a folded newspaper. When this __46__, I hurried into the kitchen to __47__ a bucket of water. At the same time, I shouted to Barbara, who __48__ phoned to summon (请求) the fire brigade (消防队) __49__ coming to help me. We had to work at top speed __50__ buckets of water from the kitchen to __51__ the fire, fanned by the wind from the windows, from __52__. We were unable to put out the fire, but we managed to __53__ it under control until the arrival of the firemen. __54­­­__, they arrived in no time, and they had little difficulty __55_ the fire stop burning.

1. A. Although     B. Because       C. If             D. Since

2.A. pleasant      B. comfortable    C. thankful        D. free

3. A. laid          B. left           C. washed        D. put

4.A. that         B. like           C. which         D. as

5.A. new         B. cool          C. fresh          D. warm

6.A. when        B. until          C. while          D. after

7. A. Thus        B. Still          C. Only          D. Yet

8.A. through      B. with          C. from          D. by

9. A. broken       B. opened        C. removed       D. closed

10.A. and          B. but           C. or            D. so

11. A. finished      B. failed          C. continued    D. succeeded

12.A. bring         B. find           C. pump        D. borrow

13. A. eagerly        B. nervously      C. hurriedly     D. certainly

14. A. besides       B. till            C. before       D. for

15. A. moving        B. taking         C. using        D. carrying

16.A. prevent        B. fight          C. strike        D. kill

17.A. rising         B. developing     C. lighting       D. spreading

18. A. keep          B. place          C. hold         D. catch

19.A. However      B. Therefore      C. Fortunately   D. Especially

20. A. causing       B. getting         C. letting       D. making



Several years ago, while attending a communication course, I experienced a most unusual process. The instructor asked us to list ___1___ in our past that we felt ___2___ of, regretted, or incomplete about and read our lists aloud.

This seemed like a very ___3___ process, but there’ s always some ___4___soul in the crowd who will volunteer. The instructor then ___5___ that we find ways to ___6___ people, or take some action to right any wrong doings. I was seriously wondering how this could ever ___7___ my communication.

Then the man next to me raised his hand and volunteered this story: “Making my ___8___, I remembered an incident from high school. I grew up in a small town. There was a Sheriff ___9___ of us kids liked. One night, my two buddies and I decided to play a ___10___ on him.

After drinking a few beers, we climbed the tall water tank in the middle of the town, and wrote on the tank in bright red paint: Sheriff Brown is a s.o.b.(畜生). The next day, almost the whole town saw our glorious ___11___. Within two hours, Sheriff Brown had us in his office. My friends told the truth but I lied. No one ___12___ found out.”

“Nearly 20 years later, Sheriff Brown’s name ___13___ on my list. I didn’t even know if he was still ___14___. Last weekend, I dialed the information in my hometown and found there was a Roger Brown still listed. I tried his number. After a few ___15___, I heard, “Hello?” I said, “Sheriff Brown?” Paused. “Yes.” “Well, this is Jimmy Calkins.”

“And I want you to know that I did it?”Paused. “I knew it!” he yelled back. We had a good laugh and a ___16___ discussion. His closing words were: “Jimmy, I always felt bad for you ___17___ your buddies got it off their chest, but you were carrying it ___18___ all these years. I want to thank you for calling me...for your sake.”

Jimmy inspired me to ___19___ all 101 items on my list within two years, and I always remember what I learned from the course: It’s never too late to ___20___the past wrongdoings.

1. A. something      B. anything     C. somebody   D. anybody

2. A. ashamed B. afraid  C. sure    D. proud

3. A. private   B. secret  C. interesting  D. funny

4. A. foolish   B. polite  C. simple D. brave

5. A. expected B. suggested   C. ordered      D. demanded

6. A. connect with        B. depend on  C. make apologize to D. get along with

7. A. improve B. continue     C. realize D. keep

8. A. notes      B. list      C. plan    D. stories

9. A. any B. most   C. none   D. all

10. A. part      B. game  C. trick   D. record

11. A. view     B. sign    C. attention     D. remark

12. A. also      B. even   C. still     D. ever

13. A. appears B. considers    C. presents      D. remembers

14. A. angry   B. happy C. doubtful     D. alive

15. A. words   B. rings   C. repeats       D. calls

16. A. cold     B. plain   C. nervous      D. lively

17. A. in case  B. so long as   C. unless D. because

18. A. around  B. out     C. on      D. away

19. A. build up       B. make up     C. clear up      D. give up

20. A. regret   B. forgive       C. right   D. punish

