重点短语 (1)now and then 偶尔.有时 (2)set about 开始.着手 (3)in case 以防--,万一--- (4)dive into 潜入.迅速把手伸入--- (5)in truth 的确.事实上 (6)hang on 不挂断.紧紧握住,稍等 (7)out of order 次序颠倒,杂乱无章 (8) get through 设法联系上.做完.通过 (9) call up 打电话.使... ...回忆起 查看更多




Thoughts and feelings are usually expressed ___ ______ ___ (以……方式)words.

It is important for every soccer player to _____ ____ ___ (与…..合作)other players in the field.

Fresh flowers can ______ a dull room _____ ___ _____(使……有了生气/活力).

You must find this hard at first, but you will find it _____ _____ (得到回报) when you talk with a foreigner.

. He _____ _____ (开始着手) to write a new book when he was very young.

. I am sorry, but I will have to _____ _____ (挂电话). Someone is calling me.

If you are ___ _____ ___(需要)any support, don’t hesitate to let me know.

. He has eaten so many eggs since his childhood that he is ____ ____ _____ (受够了/厌倦) them now.

. He _______ ________ ____ ____ (把自己扮成) a doctor and asked some questions about her health.

. Doctor Bethune was devoted to treating the sick and wounded soldiers ___________ ___ (不顾) his own safety.


There’s no bus now, and we can’t get home______ by taxi. 【河南省商丘市第一高级中学2010-2011学年第二学期高三第一次考试卷】【介词短语】

A. other than      B. rather than   C. more than   D. less than




hold back    limit to    adapt to    get rid of     give away    dye out    lead to

 give out    hold up      on the edge of         on the way out          run out

1. Short skirts are definitely _______________ now and longer ones are in again.

2. Although they were pretending hard to be young, they ____________by the grey hair and


3. To his mother’s relief, he quickly _________the new school and mixed with other students.

4. With the development of globalization, more and more people identify with the culture and

customs of western countries. The unique characteristics of theirs ____________.

5. At the press conference, the expert explained what it was that __________ the construction of

the subway.

6. Bad emotions, if always __________, may cause serious health problems.

7. The essay ____________ 1000 words, as a result of which none of her arguments was able to

be thoroughly done.

8. Poor communication between parents and children often __________ the generation gap.

9. Staying enraged at other people’s mistake is like burning down your own house ________ a rat.

10. He  kept cool even when his company was ____________ financial ruin.




y brother-in-1aw opened the drawer of my sister’s cupboard and took out a package.He said。“This is a new silk slip(衬裙).Jane bought it in New York nine years ago.She never wore it.She was saving it for a special occasion.I guess this is the occasion.”

It was an exquisite(精美的)handmade silk slip.The price tag on it was still attached.

He took the slip from me and put it on the bed,with the other clothes we were taking to the mortician(殡仪员).His hands fingered on the soft material for a moment, then he shut the drawer and turned to me.“Don’t ever save anything for a special occasion.Every day you’re alive is a special occasion.’’

His words have changed my mind.I’m spending more time with my family and less time on meetings.I’m trying to recognize these moments now and cherish them.I’m not saving anything.I wear my good skirt to the market if I feel like it.I can pay $28·49 for a small bag of  groceries.I’m not saving my good perfume for special parties.If something is worth seeing or hearing or doing,I want to see and hear and do it now.“Someday” has disappeared in my vocabulary

I’m not sure what Jane would have done if she had known she’d not be here for the tomorrow we all take for granted.I’m guessing Jane would have called family members and a few close friends.She might have apologized to her former friends for their past quarrels.She’d have gone out for a Chinese dinner, her favorite food.

I’m trying hard not to put off, hold back。or save anything that would add laughter to our fives.Every morning I open my eyes。I tell myself that every day, every minute,every breath is a gift.

73.Why didn’t Jane wear the brand new silk slip?

A.She meant to wear it on her death.     B.She wanted to save it for her sister.

      C.She thought it was too dear.               D.She saved it for a special occasion

74.After Jane’s death.the author begins to            

A.treasure the simple pleasure of life               B.spend more time having meetings

C.save more money for necessities                 D.care about her special parties

75.What does the underlined sentence “Someday” has disappeared in my vocabulary.”(in Paragraph4)mean?

A.I prefer to leave out the word “someday” in my speech.

B.“Someday” is found missing from my old dictionar.

C.I will not delay enjoying the pleasure of life

D.I decide not to enjoy something good at the moment·

76.It can be inferred from the passage that             

A.it makes sense to follow our dream

B.we tend to leave good things until the last minute

C.we should take pleasure in our work

D.it is meaningless to save something for the future




1.Short skirts are definitely ________ now and longer ones are in again.

2.Although they were pretending hard to be young, they ________ by the grey hair and wrinkles.

3.To his mother's relief, he quickly ________ the new school and mixed with other students.

4.With the development of globalization, more and more people identify with the culture and customs of western countries.The unique characteristics of theirs ________.

5.At the press conference, the expert explained what it was that ________ the construction of the subway.

6.Bad emotions, if always ________, may cause serious health problems.

7.The essay ________ 1000 words, as a result of which none of her arguments was able to be thoroughly done.

8.Poor communication between parents and children often ________ the generation gap.

9.Staying enraged at other people's mistake is like burning down your own house ________ a rat.

10.He kept cool even when his company was ________ financial ruin.

