A. mood B. body C. feeling D. mind 查看更多




I shall never forget the night, a few years ago, when Marion J. Douglas was a student in one of my adult-education classes. He told us how tragedy had struck at his home, not once, but twice. The first time he had lost his five-year-old daughter. He and his wife thought they couldn’t bear that first loss; but, as he said, “Ten months later, God gave us another little girl and she died in five days.”

This double bereavement was almost too much to bear. “I couldn’t take it,” this father told us. “I couldn’t sleep, eat, rest or relax. My nerves were entirely shaken and my confidence gone.” At last he went to the doctors; one recommended sleeping pills and another recommended a trip, but neither helped. He said, “My body felt as if it was surrounded in a vice(大钳子), and the jaws of the vice were being drawn tighter and tighter.” The tension of grief(悲伤) — if you have ever been paralyzed(使瘫痪) by sorrow, you know what the meant.

“But thank God, I had one child left — a four-year-old son. He gave me the solution to the problem. One afternoon as I sat around feeling sorry for myself, he asked, ‘Daddy, will you build a boat for me?’ I was in no mood to build a boat; in fact, I was in no mood to do anything. But my son is a persistent fellow! I had to gave in. Building that toy boat took me about three hours. By the time it was finished, I realized that those three hours spent building that boat were first hours of mental relaxation and peace that I had had in months! I realized that it is difficult to worry while you are busy doing something that requires planning and thinking. In my case, building the boat had knocked worry out of the ring. So I determined to keep busy.”

“The following night, I made a list of jobs that ought to be done. Scores of items needed to be repaired. Amazingly, I had made a list of 242 items that needed attention. During the last two years I have completed most of them. I am busy now that I have no time for worry.”

No time for worry! That is exactly what Winston Churchill said when he was working eighteen hours a day at the height of the war. When he was asked if he worried about his huge responsibilities, he said, “I am too busy. I have no time for worry.”

53. The underlined word “bereavement” in the second paragraph refers to _____.

A. having lost a loved one

B. having lost a valuable article

C. having lost a profit-making business

D. having lost a well-paid job

54. Marion felt his body as if it was caught in a vice because _____.

A. he couldn’t earn enough money to support his family

B. he was suffering from sleeplessness disease

C. he couldn’t get out of mental pressure

D. he felt tired of adult-education classes

55. Marion made a list of over 200 items that needed to be repaired because _____.

    A. he hadn’t been able to spare time to mend them

    B. he wanted to kill his free time by repairing them

    C. the items had actually been broken and needed attention

    D. repairing the items helped crowd worry out of his mind

56. At the end of the passage, the author wrote about Winston Churchill in order to _____.

    A. prove that he followed Churchill’s example

    B. support his student’s solution to his problem

    C. show that he was successful in his career

    D. make it clear how his conclusion was reached



Beverley had been feeling dull, bored and a bit out of it. He mentioned his mood (state of mind) when going to Andrew for a sports massage. He wondered whether he should take up Tai Chi. But Andrew didn’t think so.

  “Tai Chi is great for people who want to feel grounded, but that isn’t your problem,” he said. “What you need is something more exciting, like dancing.”

In future, therapists(理疗专家) may well suggest that you fight your sadness with a course in kickboxing, and family doctors might suggest that you take a rest in the mountains instead.

We’ve long been aware that exercise has benefits beyond the physical ones; that activity can relax you, and help psychological well-being by reducing stress, anxiety and sadness.

Now some trainers and sports psychologists are going further and examining how to identify the correct exercise for a client’s(当事人) specific state of mind and personality.

Professor Stuart Biddle, an exercise and sports psychologist based at Loughborough University, England, has researched the effects of exercise on moods.

One of his findings was that, if your problem is low self-esteem, weight training should be your bag. “Working with weights builds strength,” he says, “and creates a stronger body image.”

Anger management, meanwhile, demands bursts of explosive(爆发性的) activity, from sports such as boxing or tennis.

This is because anger makes the body release(释放) adrenaline(肾上腺素), which causes heart rate and blood pressure to rise and muscles to become tighter —— the physiological changes required if you are to defend yourself.

Research shows that the “punch-bag(用拳头击打沙袋)” method of releasing disappointment and anger through hitting a boxing opponent(对手) or tennis ball, can help with fighting issues.

They have also found that teamwork is good for self-esteem and that those who are brought together to work in a social setting become more lively.

Which type of exercise will best help is, of course, down to the individual. Clearly, before you can find the best physical activity for yourself, you have to know your needs.

Ask yourself a few questions such as: What do I need in my life? Which issues are difficult for me? Am I sad or troubled? Only then can you decide whether you need taking up, or taking down.

5.Why did Andrew think Beverley shouldn’t take up Tai Chi?

   A. Because Beverley was too weak.

   B. Because Beverley was too foolish.

   C. Because Beverley’s mind was out of control.

   D. Because Beverley lacked activity.

6. Which of the following is true according to the passage?

   A. Psychologists haven’t realized the relationship between exercise and health.

   B. People have already realized the relationship between exercise and spirits.

   C. Boxing and tennis are the best ways to increase one’s self-esteem.

   D. Trainers and psychologists don’t agree with each other on exercise.

7. Professor Stuart Biddle thinks that ____ .

   A. anger should be examined by doctors

   B. anger should be taken away by medicine

   C. anger should be given off by activities

   D. anger should be held back by oneself

8. The main idea of this passage may be ____ .

   A. sports build up your body

   B. sports are helpful to your mind

   C. heart trouble is due to anger

   D. anxiety and sadness are harmful to you


Beverley had been feeling dull, bored and a bit out of it. He mentioned his mood (state of mind) when going to Andrew for a sports massage. He wondered whether he should take up Tai Chi. But Andrew didn’t think so.
“Tai Chi is great for people who want to feel grounded, but that isn’t your problem,” he said. “What you need is something more exciting, like dancing.”
In future, therapists(理疗专家) may well suggest that you fight your sadness with a course in kickboxing, and family doctors might suggest that you take a rest in the mountains instead.
We’ve long been aware that exercise has benefits beyond the physical ones; that activity can relax you, and help psychological well-being by reducing stress, anxiety and sadness.
Now some trainers and sports psychologists are going further and examining how to identify the correct exercise for a client’s(当事人) specific state of mind and personality.
Professor Stuart Biddle, an exercise and sports psychologist based at Loughborough University, England, has researched the effects of exercise on moods.
One of his findings was that, if your problem is low self-esteem, weight training should be your bag. “Working with weights builds strength,” he says, “and creates a stronger body image.”
Anger management, meanwhile, demands bursts of explosive(爆发性的) activity, from sports such as boxing or tennis.
This is because anger makes the body release(释放)adrenaline(肾上腺素), which causes heart rate and blood pressure to rise and muscles to become tighter —— the physiological changes required if you are to defend yourself.
Research shows that the “punch-bag(用拳头击打沙袋)” method of releasing disappointment and anger through hitting a boxing opponent(对手) or tennis ball, can help with fighting issues.
They have also found that teamwork is good for self-esteem and that those who are brought together to work in a social setting become more lively.
Which type of exercise will best help is, of course, down to the individual. Clearly, before you can find the best physical activity for yourself, you have to know your needs.
Ask yourself a few questions such as: What do I need in my life? Which issues are difficult for me? Am I sad or troubled? Only then can you decide whether you need taking up, or taking down.
5.Why did Andrew think Beverley shouldn’t take up Tai Chi?
A. Because Beverley was too weak.
B. Because Beverley was too foolish.
C. Because Beverley’s mind was out of control.
D. Because Beverley lacked activity.
6. Which of the following is true according to the passage?
A. Psychologists haven’t realized the relationship between exercise and health.
B. People have already realized the relationship between exercise and spirits.
C. Boxing and tennis are the best ways to increase one’s self-esteem.
D. Trainers and psychologists don’t agree with each other on exercise.
7. Professor Stuart Biddle thinks that ____ .
A. anger should be examined by doctors
B. anger should be taken away by medicine
C. anger should be given off by activities
D. anger should be held back by oneself
8. The main idea of this passage may be ____ .
A. sports build up your body
B. sports are helpful to your mind
C. heart trouble is due to anger
D. anxiety and sadness are harmful to you


Beverley had been feeling dull, bored and a bit out of it. He mentioned his mood (state of mind) when going to Andrew for a sports massage. He wondered whether he should take up Tai Chi. But Andrew didn’t think so.

“Tai Chi is great for people who want to feel grounded, but that isn’t your problem,” he said. “What you need is something more exciting, like dancing.”

In future, therapists (理疗专家) may well suggest that you fight your sadness with a course in kickboxing, and family doctors might suggest that you take a rest in the mountains instead.

We’ve long been aware that exercise has benefits beyond the physical ones; that activity can relax you, and help psychological well-being by reducing stress, anxiety and sadness.

Now some trainers and sports psychologists are going further and examining how to identify the correct exercise for a client’s (当事人) specific state of mind and personality.

Professor Stuart Biddle, an exercise and sports psychologist based at Loughborough University, England, has researched the effects of exercise on moods.

One of his findings was that, if your problem is low self-esteem, weight training should be your bag. “Working with weights builds strength,” he says, “and creates a stronger body image.”

Anger management, meanwhile, demands bursts of explosive (爆发性的) activity, from sports such as boxing or tennis.

This is because anger makes the body release(释放)adrenaline (肾上腺素), which causes heart rate and blood pressure to rise and muscles to become tighter —— the physiological changes required if you are to defend yourself.

Research shows that the “punch-bag (用拳头击打沙袋)” method of releasing disappointment and anger through hitting a boxing opponent (对手) or tennis ball, can help with fighting issues.

They have also found that teamwork is good for self-esteem and that those who are brought together to work in a social setting become more lively.

Which type of exercise will best help is, of course, down to the individual. Clearly, before you can find the best physical activity for yourself, you have to know your needs.

Ask yourself a few questions such as: What do I need in my life? Which issues are difficult for me? Am I sad or troubled? Only then can you decide whether you need taking up, or taking down.

1. Why did Andrew think Beverley shouldn’t take up Tai Chi?

A. Because Beverley was too weak.            B. Because Beverley was too foolish.

C. Because Beverley’s mind was out of control.   D. Because Beverley lacked activity.

2. Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A. Psychologists haven’t realized the relationship between exercise and health.

B. People have already realized the relationship between exercise and spirits.

C. Boxing and tennis are the best ways to increase one’s self-esteem.

D. Trainers and psychologists don’t agree with each other on exercise.

3. Professor Stuart Biddle thinks that ____ .

A. anger should be examined by doctors        B. anger should be taken away by medicine

C. anger should be given off by activities       D. anger should be held back by oneself

4 The main idea of this passage may be ____ .

A. sports build up your body                 B. sports are helpful to your mind

C. heart trouble is due to anger               D. anxiety and sadness are harmful to you


A. Smiling builds up confidence.  
B. Smiling changes mood.  
C. Smiling helps stay positive.
D. Smiling defeats diseases.
E. Smiling attracts people.
F. Smiling relieves stress.  

1. _____ 
     Like a flower with a pleasant scent, your smile can draw people close enough to see inside you.
That's Smile Power. A smile has the power to radiate the qualities that make you beautiful on the
inside - kindness, friendship, honesty, respect, patience, and self-control. So please give smiles away
like flowers. Let your smile be an invitation for others to get to know the great person behind the smile.
Then let people see that your smile doesn't stop at your mouth. It goes all the way to your heart. On the
other hand, we are drawn to people who smile and we want to know a smiling person and figure out
what is so good. Frowns, scowls and grimaces all push people away-but a smile draws them in.
2. _____ 
     Next time you are feeling down, try putting on a smile. There's a good chance you mood will change
for the better. Smiling can trick the body into helping you to have good feelings. So smile is a good state
of mind, you have a smile, then you will have better feelings. So when you are smiling you lighten up the
room, change the moods of others, and make things happier.
    The muscles we use to smile lift the face, making a person appear younger. Don't go for a face lift, just
try smiling your way through the day - you'll look younger. Then you will feel better and have more
confidence, thus are more likely to be promoted, and more likely to be approached. Put on a smile at
meetings and appointments and people will react to you differently because of your confidence.
4.  ____
    Stress can really show up in our faces. Smiling helps to prevent us from looking tired, worn down, and
overwhelmed. When you are stressed, take time to put on a smile. This is because when you smile, there
is a measurable reduction in your blood pressure. You can sit for a few minutes, take a reading. Then
smile for a minute and take another reading while still smiling. You will be happy to see your stress
disappears quickly.
5. _____ 
     Now try to think of something negative without losing the smile. It's hard. When we smile our body
is sending the rest of us a message that "Life is Good!" Stay away from depression, stress and worry by
smiling. So smile is a positive state of mind, every time you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift
to that person, a beautiful thing and then other people will also answer your smile.

