A巴伦的研究小组对130个年龄从18岁到77岁的双胞胎的面部皮肤进行了研究.分析后我们不难看出此处应该填上表示研究之意的动词.也就是A项examined.而BCD项依次分别所表达的意思是:核对.视察.采访. 查看更多



假设你是某中学“如何治理校旁小河水质污染”课题研究小组组员。请以“How to get rid of the pollution of the river”为题,根据以下提示写出你对开展这一活动的建议。(字数:100左右,标题及开头已给出)


How to get rid of the pollution of the river

Our school has formed a group to study the subject of “How to get rid of the pollution of the river.” Now I would like to say my suggestions of dealing with the subject.







                      A    B    C    D
所加浸出液的体积(mL)  50  100  200  400
小鱼存活的时间(天)    15   12   7    1






假设你是某中学“如何治理校旁小河水质污染”课题研究小组组员。请以“How to get rid of the pollution of the river”为题,根据以下提示写出你对开展这一活动的建议。(字数:100左右,标题及开头已给出)


How to get rid of the pollution of the river

Our school has formed a group to study the subject of “How to get rid of the pollution of the river.” Now I would like to say my suggestions of dealing with the subject.



1. 破损的窗户将会被修好。

________________will be repaired. (break)

2. 昨天买的书的质量很高。

________________ are of high quality. (buy)

3. 这就是在战场上受伤的战士。

This is ________________. (wound)

4. 我对周杰伦的流行歌曲很感兴趣。

I ________________ listening to pop songs sung by Jay Chou. (interest)

5. 他不喜欢在会上讨论这样的问题。

He won’t like such questions ________________. (discuss)

6. 经历过多次失败之后,他变得泄气了。

After so much failure he ________________. (discourage)

7. 形势令人振奋,每个人都感到自豪。

________________, and everyone feels proud. (encourage)

8. 他没注意到他的钱包被偷了。

He didn’t notice ________________. (steal)

9. 睡觉的时候我听到有人喊我的名字。

I was sleeping when I ________________. (call)

10. 使人受尊重的是他的行为。

________________ is his actions. (what)

11. 她通常锁着门在书房工作。

She usually works in her study ________________. (with)

12. 白雪覆盖着万物, 外面的风景看起来很美。

The outside sight looks beautiful ________________. (cover)

13. 和发达国家相比较,我们还有很长的路要走。

________________,we still have a long way to go. (compare)

14. 发言者提高声音也无法让别人听见他。

The speaker raised his voice but couldn’t ________________.(make)

15. 你经常看到她在操场上打排球吗?

Do you often ________________ on the playground?(see)

16. 在1960年建造的教学楼需要修理。

The teaching buildings ________________ need repairing. (build)

17. 他的右手在那场大火中烧伤了。

His right hand ________________ in that big fire. (burn)

18. 第二天早上,人们发现外面的世界完全改变了。

The next morning people found ________________. (change)

19. 我想申请昨天在报纸上刊登的职位。

I would like to apply for ________________. (advertise)

20. 亚历山大努力让他的工作在医学界得到认可。

Alexander tried ________________ in the medical circle. (get)


此题要求改正所给段文中的错误。对标有题号的每一行作出判断:如无错误,在该行右边横线上画出一个勾(√ );如有错误(每行只有一个错误),则按下列情况改正:
该行缺一个词;在缺词处加一个漏字符号(^ ),在该行右边横线上写出该加的词。
My classmates and I worked as volunteer in Beijing                76.________
Paralympics in September 13 . Early in the morning at 7:20 ,            77.________
we gathered at the National Stadium , namely the Bird’s Nest.        78._______      
As soon as we got into it ten minutes late ,we started to do           79.________            
some cleaning . From 9:00 am to 4:00 pm , we tried our best help         80.________      
the disabled athletes to get ready for their competitions , leading the   81.________   
audience to their seats and keep order .It was until 12:00 that we      82.________ 
had lunch and took a rest ,which last about an hour . We stopped           83.________ 
working at 4:00 .Though it was a tired job , We felt                84.________   
that it an honor to serve the disabled friends from all over the world.  85.________

