A. do with B. deal with C. remove D. ban 答案及解析 本文使用一些有力的数据通过一项调查介绍了一种现在青少年之间互相发送性短信的社会现象.完成此次完形填空时.注重行文逻辑和青少年的心理活动特征是顺利成功的关键. 查看更多



Tom is a worker in my factory and he is a little bit dirty. I have been taking   36   of him for years and years, he always wears an old red hat and carries a   37   bag. He usually spends his break time and his lunchtime by walking around to   38   the unused tins around.
Once I saw him by his   39   , with a lot of rubbish bags, which were full of aluminum(铝) tins. He threw them into the back of his car and then   40   the car. Being very curious, I got into my car to   41   him. He drove   42   he reached the entrance to a wide, empty parking area, but did nothing more.
Today, I was   43   one of the broken machines during lunchtime when this“tin man”came along with his bag. As usual, he   44   the tins around the place. My   45   , who was worried about how the   46   caused by the machine would affect production, was standing there watching me.
When I finished my job, my manager asked the “tin man” about what he would   47    the tin that he had collected. I had    48   even though about asking this kind of question,  49  I had always thought that this “tin man” would sell the   50   to the recycling place
51  ,this “tin man” answered, “I will give them to my neighbor,  52   has epilepsy(癫痫病) and is unable to work.” I was   53   to hear this, and I asked him, “You   54   you are collecting all those tins just to help your neighbor?”
“I know it doesn’t help very much,” he said, “   55   I try my best to help him.” It was the most beautiful moment in my life and made me feel very humble(卑鄙的).
36. A. hold            B. care            C. charge             D. notice
37. A. plastic          B. rubbish          C. paper             D. metal
38. A. collect          B. find            C. hide                D. spread
39. A. house           B. store           C. machine             D. car
40. A. got out of        B. broke up        C. jumped into          D. settled down
41. A. follow          B. block           C. inspect              D. catch
42. A. since           B. until            C. when               D. after
43. A. decorating       B. performing      C. repairing             D. selecting
44. A. turned up        B. put up          C. set up               D. picked up
45. A. manager         B. workmate       C. neighbor             D. friend
46. A. power           B. delay           C. signal               D. harm
47. A. do with          B. deal with        C. go with            D. put up with
48. A. seldom          B. always          C. nearly              D. never
49. A. unless           B. because         C. though              D. if
50. A. machine         B. cars            C. tins                 D. bags
51. A. Certainly        B. Briefly          C. Surprisingly          D. Fortunately
52. A. who            B. whom           C. which               D. that
53. A. shocked         B. interested        C. satisfied             D. concerned
54. A. announce        B. mean          C. say                 D. declare
55. A. instead          B. however        C. but                 D. and





Tom is a worker in my factory and he is a little bit dirty. I have been taking   21  of him for years and years, he always wears an old red hat and carries a  22  bag. He usually spends his break time and his lunchtime by walking around to   23   the unused tins around.

Once I saw him by his  24  , with a lot of rubbish bags, which were full of aluminum(铝) tins. He threw them into the back of his car and then 25 the car. Being very curious, I got into my car to   26   him. He drove 27   he reached the entrance to a wide, empty parking area, but did nothing more.

Today, I was 28 one of the broken machines during lunchtime when this“tin man”came along with his bag. As usual, he  29 the tins around the place. My 30   , who was worried about how the   31 caused by the machine would affect production, was standing there watching me.

When I finished my job, my manager asked the “tin man” about what he would  32    the tin that he had collected. I had   33   even thought about asking this kind of question,  34  I had always thought that this “tin man” would sell the   35  to the recycling place

 36  ,this “tin man” answered, “I will give them to my neighbor,  37  has epilepsy(癫痫病) and is unable to work.” I was  38  to hear this, and I asked him, “You  39 you are collecting all those tins just to help your neighbor?”

“I know it doesn’t help very much,” he said, “  40   I try my best to help him.” It was the most beautiful moment in my life and made me feel very humble(卑鄙的).

21. A. hold            B. care            C. charge             D. notice

22. A. plastic          B. rubbish          C. paper              D. metal

23. A. collect          B. find            C. hide                D. spread

24. A. house           B. store           C. machine             D. car

25. A. got out of        B. broke up        C. jumped into          D. settled down

26. A. follow          B. block           C. inspect              D. catch

27. A. since           B. until            C. when               D. after

28. A. decorating       B. performing      C. repairing             D. selecting

29. A. turned up        B. put up          C. set up               D. picked up

30. A. manager         B. workmate       C. neighbor             D. friend

31. A. power           B. delay           C. signal               D. harm

32. A. do with          B. deal with        C. go with             D. put up with

33. A. seldom          B. always          C. nearly              D. never

34. A. unless           B. because         C. though              D. if

35. A. machine         B. cars            C. tins                 D. bags

36. A. Certainly        B. Briefly          C. Surprisingly          D. Fortunately

37. A. who            B. whom           C. which               D. that

38. A. shocked         B. interested        C. satisfied             D. concerned

39. A. announce        B. mean           C. say                 D. declare

40. A. instead          B. however        C. but                 D. and



Fifteen percent of US teenagers aged 12 to 17 who own mobile phones have received nude(裸体)or nearly nude images of someone they know, according to a survey released on Tuesday.

Only four percent of mobile phone-owning   1  in that age group have sent sexually suggestive pictures of themselves, a practice known as "sexting,"   2  the Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project.

The Pew survey found that girls and boys were equally as likely to have sent a suggestive picture to   3 person and  4   teenagers were more likely to have engaged in "sexting."

Eight percent of 17-year-olds with mobile phones have sent a sexually provocative(刺激的) image  5   texting and 30 percent have  6    a nude or nearly nude image on their phone.

Only four percent of 12-year-olds have sent suggestive images of   7  .

Amanda Lenhart, a senior research specialist at Pew and the author of the report, said sexually suggestive images have become a   8   of "relationship currency" for teens.

"These images are    9  as a part of or instead of sexual activity, or as a way of starting or  10  a relationship with a significant other," she said. "And they are also passed  11   to friends for their entertainment value, as a joke or for   12  ."

"The desire for risk-taking and sexual exploration during the teenage years   13   with a constant connection via mobile devices creates a 'perfect storm' for sexting," said Lenhart.

"Teenagers have always grappled with issues around sex and   14   , but their coming-of-age mistakes transgressions have never been so easily   15   and stored for others to see," she added.

The survey found that teens with unlimited text messaging plans were more likely to receive "sexts"   16   images of people they know. About 75 percent of mobile phone owning teens have unlimited plans.

Among this group, Pew said 18 percent reporting receiving "sexts"    17   with eight percent of teens on    18   data plans and three percent of teens who pay per message.

According to Pew, 58 percent of 12-year-olds own a mobile phone and 83 percent teens aged 17   19    .

Pew noted that a number of US states are grappling with how to  20   "sexting" among minors and some legislatures(立法机关) have stepped in to consider laws that would downgrade charges from felonies(重罪) to misdemeanors(轻罪).

Pew conducted telephone interviews with 800 teens aged 12 to 17 and their parents between June 26 and September 24.

(   ) 1. A. teens                  B. adults                   C. students            D. parents

(   ) 2. A. referring to               B. reporting          C. saying              D. according to

(   ) 3. A. other                 B. another             C. others               D. the other

(   ) 4. A. younger             B. fewer                      C. older               D. more

(   ) 5. A. by                         B. in                    C. on                    D. through

(   ) 6. A. accepted             B. received           C. sent                  D. mailed

(   ) 7. A. others               B. themselves        C. himself             D. herself

(   ) 8. A. habit                  B. system              C. method             D. form

(   ) 9. A. shared               B. limited             C. tasted                      D. controlled

(   ) 10. A. remaining        B. gaining             C. maintaining      D. obtain

(   ) 11. A. along                      B. by                    C. as                    D. for

(   ) 12. A. joy                  B. fun                  C. excitement      D. delight

(   ) 13. A. compared        B. followed           C. combined        D. went

(   ) 14. A. friendships      B. scholarships      C. relatives           D. relationships

(   ) 15. A. transmitted    B. transformed      C. formed             D. switched

(   ) 16. A. containing               B. concluding        C. including          D. concerning

(   ) 17. A. comparing               B. compared        C. connected        D. joined

(   ) 18. A. limited             B. unlimited          C. few                  D. little

(   ) 19. A. have               B. same               C. do                    D. too

(   ) 20. A. do with            B. deal with          C. remove             D. ban


Fifteen percent of US teenagers aged 12 to 17 who own mobile phones have received nude(裸体)or nearly nude images of someone they know, according to a survey released on Tuesday.

Only four percent of mobile phone-owning   1  in that age group have sent sexually suggestive pictures of themselves, a practice known as "sexting,"   2  the Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project.

The Pew survey found that girls and boys were equally as likely to have sent a suggestive picture to   3 person and  4   teenagers were more likely to have engaged in "sexting."

Eight percent of 17-year-olds with mobile phones have sent a sexually provocative(刺激的) image  5   texting and 30 percent have  6    a nude or nearly nude image on their phone.

Only four percent of 12-year-olds have sent suggestive images of   7  .

Amanda Lenhart, a senior research specialist at Pew and the author of the report, said sexually suggestive images have become a   8   of "relationship currency" for teens.

"These images are    9  as a part of or instead of sexual activity, or as a way of starting or  10  a relationship with a significant other," she said. "And they are also passed  11   to friends for their entertainment value, as a joke or for   12  ."

"The desire for risk-taking and sexual exploration during the teenage years   13   with a constant connection via mobile devices creates a 'perfect storm' for sexting," said Lenhart.

"Teenagers have always grappled with issues around sex and   14   , but their coming-of-age mistakes transgressions have never been so easily   15   and stored for others to see," she added.

The survey found that teens with unlimited text messaging plans were more likely to receive "sexts"   16   images of people they know. About 75 percent of mobile phone owning teens have unlimited plans.

Among this group, Pew said 18 percent reporting receiving "sexts"    17   with eight percent of teens on    18   data plans and three percent of teens who pay per message.

According to Pew, 58 percent of 12-year-olds own a mobile phone and 83 percent teens aged 17   19    .

Pew noted that a number of US states are grappling with how to  20   "sexting" among minors and some legislatures(立法机关) have stepped in to consider laws that would downgrade charges from felonies(重罪) to misdemeanors(轻罪).

Pew conducted telephone interviews with 800 teens aged 12 to 17 and their parents between June 26 and September 24.

(   ) 1. A. teens                  B. adults               C. students            D. parents

(   ) 2. A. referring to               B. reporting          C. saying              D. according to

(   ) 3. A. other                 B. another             C. others               D. the other

(   ) 4. A. younger             B. fewer                      C. older                D. more

(   ) 5. A. by                     B. in                    C. on                    D. through

(   ) 6. A. accepted             B. received           C. sent                  D. mailed

(   ) 7. A. others                B. themselves        C. himself             D. herself

(   ) 8. A. habit                  B. system              C. method             D. form

(   ) 9. A. shared                B. limited             C. tasted                      D. controlled

(   ) 10. A. remaining         B. gaining             C. maintaining      D. obtain

(   ) 11. A. along                      B. by                    C. as                    D. for

(   ) 12. A. joy                  B. fun                  C. excitement        D. delight

(   ) 13. A. compared         B. followed           C. combined         D. went

(   ) 14. A. friendships       B. scholarships      C. relatives           D. relationships

(   ) 15. A. transmitted       B. transformed      C. formed             D. switched

(   ) 16. A. containing               B. concluding        C. including          D. concerning

(   ) 17. A. comparing               B. compared         C. connected         D. joined

(   ) 18. A. limited             B. unlimited          C. few                  D. little

(   ) 19. A. have                B. same                C. do                    D. too

(   ) 20. A. do with            B. deal with          C. remove             D. ban



Tom is a worker in my factory and he is a little bit dirty. I have been taking   36   of him for years and years, he always wears an old red hat and carries a   37   bag. He usually spends his break time and his lunchtime by walking around to   38   the unused tins around.

Once I saw him by his   39   , with a lot of rubbish bags, which were full of aluminum(铝) tins. He threw them into the back of his car and then   40   the car. Being very curious, I got into my car to   41   him. He drove   42   he reached the entrance to a wide, empty parking area, but did nothing more.

Today, I was   43   one of the broken machines during lunchtime when this“tin man”came along with his bag. As usual, he   44   the tins around the place. My   45   , who was worried about how the   46   caused by the machine would affect production, was standing there watching me.

When I finished my job, my manager asked the “tin man” about what he would   47    the tin that he had collected. I had    48   even though about asking this kind of question,  49  I had always thought that this “tin man” would sell the   50   to the recycling place

 51  ,this “tin man” answered, “I will give them to my neighbor,  52   has epilepsy(癫痫病) and is unable to work.” I was   53   to hear this, and I asked him, “You   54   you are collecting all those tins just to help your neighbor?”

“I know it doesn’t help very much,” he said, “   55   I try my best to help him.” It was the most beautiful moment in my life and made me feel very humble(卑鄙的).

36. A. hold            B. care            C. charge             D. notice

37. A. plastic          B. rubbish          C. paper              D. metal

38. A. collect          B. find            C. hide                D. spread

39. A. house           B. store           C. machine             D. car

40. A. got out of        B. broke up        C. jumped into          D. settled down

41. A. follow          B. block           C. inspect              D. catch

42. A. since           B. until            C. when               D. after

43. A. decorating       B. performing      C. repairing             D. selecting

44. A. turned up        B. put up          C. set up               D. picked up

45. A. manager         B. workmate       C. neighbor             D. friend

46. A. power           B. delay           C. signal               D. harm

47. A. do with          B. deal with        C. go with             D. put up with

48. A. seldom          B. always          C. nearly              D. never

49. A. unless           B. because         C. though              D. if

50. A. machine         B. cars            C. tins                 D. bags

51. A. Certainly        B. Briefly          C. Surprisingly          D. Fortunately

52. A. who            B. whom           C. which               D. that

53. A. shocked         B. interested        C. satisfied             D. concerned

54. A. announce        B. mean           C. say                 D. declare

55. A. instead          B. however        C. but                 D. and


