C 此题考查动词的词义及用法.语境是:伦哈特说:“青少年时期有冒险和性探索的欲望.加上移动设备可以保持实时联系.这些条件创造了互发性短信的`完美风暴’. 分析句子结构我们得知said的宾语从句的主语是the desire.谓语动词是creates.宾语是storm.而 with a constant connection via mobile devices根据语境只能是定语.又因为此四词中只有combine表示“把-.和-.结合起来 之意.与语境中的“加上 意思相符.combine的逻辑主语是句子的主语the desire,他们之间是被动关系.所以我们用动词的过去分词作后置定语.相当于定语从句:which is combined with constant connection via mobile devices.故选择C项. 查看更多



【小题1】They were in the time to produce carbon, nitrogen, water vapour and other gases.
【小题2】The earth dissolves harm gases and acids into the oceans and seas.
【小题3】Its population are increasing rapidly.
【小题4】According a widely accepted theory, the universe began with a “Big Bang” that threw matter in all directions
【小题5】People say Vancouver is Canada’s most beautiful city, surround by the mountains and the Pacific Ocean.
【小题6】She helped improve prison condition and gave prisoners work and education.
【小题7】By chance I came cross an article about a doctor called Lin Qiaozhi, a specialist in women’s diseases.
【小题8】I looked carefully at the text and realize that it was intended for women in the countryside.
【小题9】Dr Yuan is quite satisfying with his life.
【小题10】As a young man, he saw the great need for increase the rice output.



1.They were in the time to produce carbon, nitrogen, water vapour and other gases.

2.The earth dissolves harm gases and acids into the oceans and seas.

3.Its population are increasing rapidly.

4.According a widely accepted theory, the universe began with a “Big Bang” that threw matter in all directions

5.People say Vancouver is Canada’s most beautiful city, surround by the mountains and the Pacific Ocean.

6.She helped improve prison condition and gave prisoners work and education.

7.By chance I came cross an article about a doctor called Lin Qiaozhi, a specialist in women’s diseases.

8.I looked carefully at the text and realize that it was intended for women in the countryside.

9.Dr Yuan is quite satisfying with his life.

10.As a young man, he saw the great need for increase the rice output.



1. Each boy and each girl were given a chance to compete in the game.
2. The flowers in the field smell sweetly.
3. He made so rapid progress that he was praised by all.
4. This is the tallest building which I have ever seen.
5. What will happen if you don’t have balanced diet.
6. Seeing from the spaceship, the earth is a huge water globe.
7. Great changes have been taken place in my hometown in the past ten years.
8. I think it is wrong for you to stare at others.
9. The doctors did all what they could to save the soldier.
10. The girl became very frightening at the sudden noise.


【小题1】She was boring with her present work.
【小题2】Although he failed again, he would not lose his heart.
【小题3】General speaking, more men smoke than women do.
【小题4】You are sure to have a fun in having a picnic at the weekend.
【小题5】Neither he nor I has finished the experiment.
【小题6】They suggest go out for a picnic on top of the hill.
【小题7】His grandpa died three years before.
【小题8】I think it is wrong for you to stare at others.
【小题9】He convinced me the difficulty of the work.
【小题10】He is very strict in his students.



1.She was boring with her present work.

2.Although he failed again, he would not lose his heart.

3.General speaking, more men smoke than women do.

4.You are sure to have a fun in having a picnic at the weekend.

5.Neither he nor I has finished the experiment.

6.They suggest go out for a picnic on top of the hill.

7.His grandpa died three years before.

8.I think it is wrong for you to stare at others.

9.He convinced me the difficulty of the work.

10.He is very strict in his students.


