C但已有几项研究显示.而不是建议和说(say). 查看更多




take place  turn up   as though   day and night

get away with    cut down    keep one’s word

1.Tom had thought he could ______________ cheating in the exam, but he was wrong.

2.We are working _______________ to complete the task ahead of time.

3.He had said that he would take me along to Beijing, but he didn’t ___________.

4.Great change__________ in my hometown since 1999.

5.She promised to come to my birthday party,but she hasn't________ yet.

in memory of     earn one’s living   dress up   win back

hold one’s breath  look forward to   have fun with

Hear of    come about   die out      die of     dry up

6.They ____________ and went to the dancing hall together.

7.He ______________ while the results were announced.

8.John hoped to ______________ his father’s trust.

9.When life was difficult in the past, she ______________by singing in a club.

10.The musuem was built ________________ the famous artist.



A. To be seen and noticed by the leaders
B. Learn and use new skills
C. Do what you should do
D. Get useful information and advice
E. Look for someone to guide you
F. Keep it in mind: work hard
Keep in mind that those who play a lot and hard can loose but those who play smart will always win the day. These tips when employed well will be your tickets to the top. The first thing you need to do is look at your performance. Are you doing what you are supposed to be doing? When you know what is expected, you will acquire a momentum that will lead you to the right direction. Otherwise, there is no need to do yourself and others when you are not delivering the right results.
The other tip that will make you stand out from the rest is hard work. You need to do extra and ask for more. The workload might be overwhelming but promotion only comes to those who are excellent or do things that are out of the ordinary or beyond expectation. You must employ extreme dedication to make sure that even as you ask for more, you do not compromise on the quality of work you deliver.
Another tip for promotion(晋升) is that the workplace is to have a presence. You must be seen at work not just by your colleagues(同事) but by leaders in your line of work. Take advantage of every chance to interact and know that people on top keep a keen eye looking out for those who stand out.
【小题4】 ___________
Do not be shy to accept new skills and look for more. Promotions only come to those who know that this is a dynamic world that smiles on those who are willing to use new skills. Devote yourself to doing things that are considered extra and do not be afraid of this. This will go a long way in making you the person for consideration when it comes to promotions in the workplace.
Another tip is to get information first hand from those who are on top. Talk to those who have been promoted in your organizations and seek advice. Remember, you do not have to learn through what they say but can learn through their character and how they do their stuff. Action will speak louder than words. However, you need to be aware that you are doing this to make yourself important and not to become another person. Often times, many workers seeking promotion will pretend to be something they are not.



A. To be seen and noticed by the leaders

B. Learn and use new skills

C. Do what you should do

D. Get useful information and advice

E. Look for someone to guide you

F. Keep it in mind: work hard

56. ___________

Keep in mind that those who play a lot and hard can loose but those who play smart will always win the day. These tips when employed well will be your tickets to the top. The first thing you need to do is look at your performance. Are you doing what you are supposed to be doing? When you know what is expected, you will acquire a momentum that will lead you to the right direction. Otherwise, there is no need to do yourself and others when you are not delivering the right results.

57. ___________

The other tip that will make you stand out from the rest is hard work. You need to do extra and ask for more. The workload might be overwhelming but promotion only comes to those who are excellent or do things that are out of the ordinary or beyond expectation. You must employ extreme dedication to make sure that even as you ask for more, you do not compromise on the quality of work you deliver.

58. ___________

Another tip for promotion(晋升) is that the workplace is to have a presence. You must be seen at work not just by your colleagues(同事) but by leaders in your line of work. Take advantage of every chance to interact and know that people on top keep a keen eye looking out for those who stand out.

59. ___________

Do not be shy to accept new skills and look for more. Promotions only come to those who know that this is a dynamic world that smiles on those who are willing to use new skills. Devote yourself to doing things that are considered extra and do not be afraid of this. This will go a long way in making you the person for consideration when it comes to promotions in the workplace.


Another tip is to get information first hand from those who are on top. Talk to those who have been promoted in your organizations and seek advice. Remember, you do not have to learn through what they say but can learn through their character and how they do their stuff. Action will speak louder than words. However, you need to be aware that you are doing this to make yourself important and not to become another person. Often times, many workers seeking promotion will pretend to be something they are not.




There are several amendments ________.



完成句子根据汉语意思完成下列句子,每空一词 (共20个空格;每空0.5分,满分10分)


The drug has been _____ _____ on humans. _____ is certain now is that it has the _____ to reduce the risk of heart attacks.


Zoos are built to shorten the distance between human society and nature. _____ _____, zoos can _____ _____ local tourism, which is surely _____ _____ the economic development of the local neighborhoods.


In order to find out the truth of the accident, he has been _____ _____ all the newspapers and magazines of that year, along with all the relevant web pages.


The study shows that some students, who spend too much time on the Internet, have _____ _____ and tend to _____ _____ the people and the world around them.


She was _____ _____ after a three-month-long project and has _____ _____ France for her holiday this year for relaxation.


