The famous Lorelel rock--a well-known scenic spot in Germany, lies between the towns of Koblenz and Mainz. At Koblenz the River Marco joins the Rhine and the River Main does the same at Mainz. The largest town on the Main is Frankfurt, while Heldelberg is a famous town on the Nickar. Upstream on the Rhine is the town of Worms in the part of Germany called the Rhineland. Further upstream in the northern part of the Black forest is the resort of Baden-Baden. The River Rhine forms the border between Germany and France in the west, and Germany and Switzerland in the south. 查看更多



More jobs ______ the school-leavers in the future.

  A. will be supplied with   B. will be supplied to  

  C. were to supply to     D. are supplied to


I was disappointed with the film . I had expected ______ to be much better.

A. that      B. this     C. one  D. it  


Does ______ matter if he can’t finish the job on time?

A. this     B. that    C. he    D. it   


We’ve a lot of things to do. But _____ we must get some sleep.

  A. at first   B. at once  C. first of all   D. the first thing


The coach, because of the driver’s carelessness, was __________ and crashed over the cliff on such a cold December morning. support    B.out of control charge the mercy

