Blondin stopped six times during the crossing . A. in order to help Colcord B. in order to get his strength back C. because Colcord clung to his leg and the rope D. because Colcord was heavier than him 查看更多




Antz is a movie that shows young kids how to work as a team. It shows however small a part they may have, what matters most is the team out­come of that small-small effort they all put to make things happen. It tells them never ever to give up the dream and never ever to accept fail­ure. It tells about an ant that is never known by its size but by its team.

Forrest Gump tells a story of a boy who stands for friends and has a strong will power. He never throws his life for chance but makes the best out of it. This story will make your kids feel sure about themselves and their abilities, making them brave enough to stand up to any challen­ges.

Lion King is an American animated (动画的)musical adventure film pro­duced by Wall Disney Feature Animation. The movie will show your kids the importance of having friends in one’s life.

Dumbo will give your child wings to imagine without any boundaries. He doesn’t have to be logical every time. He has to understand that it’s the mental strength rather than the physical strength that brings out the best out of everything. Free for parents who come to see the film with their child.


As a parent we are always caring about our kids but sometimes it’s not helpful for their growth. Finding Nemo, an animated film produced by Walt Disney Feature Animation, shows us how to teach them to over­come their fear by trying things,failing and bouncing back again for the/ry.

The director brings out the best of the characters in the movie Toy Sto­ry. The movie portrays the emotions of the toys. How beautifully the emotions like friendship,togetherness ,leadership,love,care and so on have turned up in this movie!

1.According to the text, the film Forrest Gump is aimed at improving the viewers’ _____.

A. teamwork     B. self-confidence     C. imagination   D. friendship

2.How much do they have to pay if eight-year-old Jason goes to see the film Dumbo with his parents?

A.      $ 10.          B. $ 20.     C. $ 30.     D. $ 45.

3.Who are the main target audience of the movies mentioned in the text?

A.      Parents.    B. Teachers.       C. Children.       D. Clerks.

4.What emotions have appeared in the film Toy Story EXCEPT__________?

A. friendship     B. love     C.   leadership    D.  Generosity



People have been painting pictures for at least 30,000 years. The earliest pictures were painted by people who hun??ted animals. They used to paint pictures of the animals they wanted to catch and kill. Pictures of this kind have been found on the walls of caves in France and Spain. No one knows why they were painted there. Perhaps the painters thought that their pictures would help them to catch these animals. Or per??haps human beings have always wanted to tell stories accord??ing to pictures.

About 5,000 years ago the Egyptians and other people in the Near East began to use pictures as a kind of writing. They drew simple pictures or signs to represent things and ideas, and also to represent the sounds of their language. The signs these people used became a kind of alphabet(字母表).

The Egyptians used to record information and to tell sto??ries by putting picture-writing and pictures together. When an important person died, scenes and stories from his life were painted and carved on the walls of the place where he was bur??ied. Some of these pictures are like modem comic-strip sto??ries. It has been said that Egypt is the home of the comic-strip. But, for the Egyptians, pictures still had magic power. So they did not try to make their way of writing simple. The ordinary people could not understand it.  

By the year 1,000 BC, people who lived in the area a-round the Mediterranean Sea had developed a simpler system of writing. The signs they used were very easy to write, and there were fewer of them than in the Egyptian system. This was because each sign, or letter, represented only one sound in their language. The Greeks developed this system and formed the letters of the Greek alphabet. The Romans copied the idea, and the Roman alphabet is now used all over the world.

These days we can write down a story, or record informa??tion, without using pictures. But we still need pictures of all kinds: drawings, photographs, signs and diagrams. We find them everywhere: in books and newspapers, in the streets, and on the walls of the places where we live and work. Pic??tures help us to understand and remember things more easily, and they can make a story much more interesting.

6. Pictures of animals were painted on the walls of caves in France and Spain because ________.

A. the hunters wanted to see the pictures  B. the painters were animal lovers

C. the painters wanted to show imagination D. the pictures were thought to be helpful

7.The Greek alphabet was simpler than the Egyptian system for all the following reasons EXCEPT that ________.  

A. the former was easy to write         B. there were fewer signs in the former

C. the former was easy to pronounce    D. each sign stood for only one sound

8. Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. The Egyptian signs later became a particular alphabet.

B. The Egyptians liked to write comic-strip stories.

C. The Roman alphabet was developed from the Egyptian one.

D. The Greeks copied their writing system from the Egyp??tians.

9. In the last paragraph, the author thinks that pictures __________.

A. should be made comprehensible         B. should be made interesting

C. are of much use in our life             D. are disappearing from our life


Jean Francis Grander was perhaps the most daring man who ever lived and perhaps the craziest.His greatest desire was to entertain and amaze people.He measured his success by the number of people who fainted dead away after witnessing his death-defying(极其惊险的)feats.

Grander,a blond Frenchman,toured North America in 1850,billing himself as “Blondin”.Blondin’s gift was excellent balance.This talent.coupled with a great desire to surprise and shock his audiences,made Blondin an incomparable performer.

His most famous feat was walking across Niagara Falls on a tightrope.Blondin’s “stage” consisted of a rope tied 1,100 feet across the falls.The rope hung some 160 feet above the rocks and boiling water below the falls.

Simply walking across the falls was not exciting enough for Blondin;he later had to ride across on a bicycle.Then,in another performance,he calmly walked across blindfolded(被蒙住的眼睛).At still another time,he carried his terrified manager on his back and walked over the falls before thousands of breathless audience.

But Blondin was undoubtedly his own worst critic.He was never satisfied with hfs act and always tried to attract his audience with his balancing feat.One of his most daring walks was made in the darkness of night.Blondin became so famous on his tour through North America that his last performance was attended by an admiring Prince of Wales.

60.Why does the author think that Grander may be the craziest man in the world?

A.Because he enjoyed entertaining people by terrifying them.

B.Because many people died after seeing his feats.

C.Because his greatest desire was to entertain people.

D.Because he was an incomparable performer.

61.What does the underlined word “feat” in this passage mean?

A.excellent performance                                 B.tour

C.famous event                                              D.victory

6 2.What can we infer from the first sentence in the last paragraph?

A.Blondin was very content with his own performance.

B.Blondin was not very very good at criticism.

C.Blondin never thought that his performance was satisfy.

D.Blondin didn’t like criticism.

63.The author’S attitude towards“Blondin”is        .

A.critical                   B.admiring                 C.negative                  D.depressed

64.Which of the following can NOT be drawn from the passage?

A.Blondin’s success had something to do with his character.

B.In order to be Successful,one should be a critic of himself.

C.Blondin conquered his audience simply by his talent.

D.People can get pleasure from a terrifying experience.


Jean Francis Grander was perhaps the most daring man who ever lived and perhaps the craziest. His greatest desire was to entertain and amaze people. He measured his success by the number of people who fainted dead away after witnessing his death-defying(极其惊险的)feats.

Grander,a blond Frenchman,toured North America in 1850,billing himself as “Blondin”. Blondin’s  gift was excellent balance. This talent. coupled with a great desire to surprise and shock his audiences,made Blondin an incomparable performer.

His most famous feat was walking across Niagara Falls on a tightrope. Blondin’s  “stage” consisted of a rope tied 1,100 feet across the falls. The rope hung some 160 feet above the rocks and boiling water below the falls.

Simply walking across the falls was not exciting enough for Blondin;he later had to ride across on a bicycle. Then,in another performance,he calmly walked across blindfolded(被蒙住的眼睛). At still another time,he carried his terrified manager on his back and walked over the falls before thousands of breathless audience.

But Blondin was undoubtedly his own worst critic. He was never satisfied with hfs act and always tried to attract his audience with his balancing feat. One of his most daring walks was made in the darkness of night. Blondin became so famous on his tour through North America that his last performance was attended by an admiring Prince of Wales.


60. Why does the author think that Grander may be the craziest man in the world?

A. Because he enjoyed entertaining people by terrifying them.

B. Because many people died after seeing his feats.

C. Because his greatest desire was to entertain people.

D. Because he was an incomparable performer.

61. What does the underlined word “feat” in this passage mean?

A. excellent performance                                   B. tour

C. famous event                                               D. victory

62. What can we infer from the first sentence in the last paragraph?

A. Blondin was very content with his own performance.

B. Blondin was not very good at criticism.

C. Blondin never thought that his performance was satisfy.

D. Blondin didn’t like criticism.

63. The author’s  attitude towards“Blondin”is        .

A. critical                     B. admiring                   C. negative                   D. depressed

64. Which of the following can NOT be drawn from the passage?

A. Blondin’s  success had something to do with his character.

B. In order to be Successful,one should be a critic of himself.

C. Blondin conquered his audience simply by his talent.

D. People can get pleasure from a terrifying experience.


Niagara is an Indian word, which means "roaring water". Indeed, the roar of falling water of Niagara can be heard   1   a distance of 25 km. Imagine   2  of water flowing over a cliff of 90 feet high and you will get an idea of that terrible noise.

   And   3   great power the Niagara River has! It moves big rocks about and throws them into the boiling water below.

      4   ago an old ship without a single person on board was put in midstream. It sailed down the river   5   a toy boat with great speed. Having reached the fall, the ship dropped into the boiling water, never   6   again.

There were some people who wanted to become famous   7   swimming across the most dangerous part of the Niagara River. One of them was Captain Webb. His having said that he would try to swim across the Niagara  8   crowds of people. On the evening of July 21st, 1893, Captain Webb came up to the river and   9   a plunge. His having jumped into the water  10 many people with horror. Soon, he appeared in the middle of the river. A loud shout went up from the crowd, but a moment later there was 11 silence. The man had disappeared under the water. Thousands of eyes 12   on the river, but the man was drowned.

   In 1902, a certain Miss Taylor decided to go over the falls in a barrel. There were different kinds of pillows inside the barrel to prevent her 13  . Having examined the barrel carefully, Miss Taylor got in. The barrel was closed and then   14   into the water. Having reached the falls, it overturned and was shot down by the terrible   15   of the water. When the barrel was finally caught and opened, Miss Taylor came out alive   16   with a frightened look in her eyes.

Once a crowd of visitors saw a rope    17   over them from one bank of the river to the other. Then they saw a man   18   the rope. The man was an actor, Blondin   19  . He managed to cross Niagara Falls on a tight rope. The people on the bank were surprised at his   20   it so well.

1.   A. within             B. inside            C. by               D. on

2.   A. much              B. a great number     C. mass             D. a mass

3.   A. how much         B. what             C. so               D. how

4.   A. Sometimes         B. Many times        C. Much time         D. Some time

5.   A. as               B. as if              C. like              D. likely

6.   A. to appear           B. appearing         C. appeared          D. appear

7.   A. for                B. by               C . through           D. from

8.   A. pulled              B. drew             C. dragged           D. pushed

9.   A. gave              B. made             C. did              D. took

10.    A. filling              B. full              C. filled              D. was filled

11.    A. dead              B. dying             C. died             D. death

12.    A. being stopped       B. were fixing        C. were fixed          D. fixed

13.    A. being hurt          B. having hurt        C . hurting            D. hurt

14.    A. being thrown       B. throwing          C. thrown            D. threw

15.    A. power             B. strength           C. force             D. capacity

16.    A. therefore           B. however          C. so               D. but

17.    A. being put           B. put              C. having put          D. putting

18.    A. step across          B. step out onto        C. step along          D. step on

19   A. under the name of    B. with the name of    C. by the name       D. to the name of

20.    A. done             B. having done       C. having been done    D. being done


