Scientists found in the experiment that . A. the energy burned up by fat people when they fidget was more than that burned up by thin people when they fidget B. some people’s fidgeting burned up more than 800 calories, but some people’s fidgeting burned up less than 100 calories C. slim women fidget more than fat women but fat men fidget more than thin men D. thin men fidget more than fat men 查看更多



[l] Scientists guess that 80% of a person's weight gain comes from genetics and 20% comes from the person's environment. By 1998, more than 130 genes and gene neighbors were found to have some link to weight gain or weight loss in people. These different genes can either work all together or work in groups. This means that different people may ___________________or lose weight with difficulty for different reasons.

[2] One example of these different kinds of combinations is a family of genes that allows people to change extra fat into heat instead of storing the fat in the body. Animals which have this same family of genes do not gain weight easily as other animals. Other genes may affect how quickly the stomach lets the brain know that it is full. If these genes slow down the passage of this information, people may eat more than they really need. Genes are also thought to be linked with a person’s fidgets in a day. Fidgeting is small movements of a person's hands, feet, arms or legs usually when the person is nervous or excited. Fidgeting actually uses a lot of energy over a day and his energy usually comes from burning fat.

[3] In one experiment about weight gain, researchers wanted to see how much energy different people used when they were resting. People in the experiment were asked to lie on a bed and not move for 40 minutes. Researchers then measured the energy the person used for breathing. They found that different people in the study used very different amounts of energy for this one job, breathing. Researchers calculated that some people in the study burned 1,067 calories per day while others burned up to 3,015 calories. Those people who burn fewer calories doing normal work or exercise have a slow metabolism(新陈代谢).

1.What is the main idea of this passage? ( no more than 10 words. )


2.When may people eat much more than they really need ? ( no more than 12 words )


3.Please fill in the blank in the first paragraph with proper words or phrases to complete the sentence. (no more than 5 words. )


4.What’s the conclusion of the experiment? ( no more than 15 words. )


5.What does the underlined word "it" (in Paragraph 2) probably refer to? (no more than 3 words)





       Scientists guess that 80% of a person’s weight gain comes from genetics and 20% comes from the person’s environment. By 1998, more than 130 genes(基因)and gene neighbors were found to have some link to weight gain or weight loss in people. These different genes can either work all together or work in groups. This means that different people may        or lose weight with difficulty for different reasons.

       One example of these different kinds of combinations(组合)is a family of genes that allows people to change extra fat into heat instead of storing the fat in the body. Animals which have this same family of genes do not gain weight easily as other animals. Other genes may affect how quickly the stomach lets the brain know that it is full. If these genes slow down the passage of this information, people may eat more than they really need. Genes are also thought to be linked with how much a person fidgets(烦躁不安小动作)in a day. Fidgeting is small movements of a person’s hands, feet, arms, or legs usually when the person is nervous or excited. Fidgeting actually uses a lot of energy over a day and his energy usually comes from burning fat.

       In one experiment about weight gain, researchers wanted to see how much energy different people used when they were resting. People in the experiment were asked to lie on a bed and not move for 40 minutes. Researchers then measured the energy the person used for breathing. They found that different people in the study used very different amounts of energy for this one job, breathing. Researchers calculated that some people in the study burned 1,067 calories per day while others burned up to 3,015 calories. Those people who burn fewer calories doing normal work or exercise have a slow metabolism(新陈代谢).

76.What is the best title of this passage?(Please answer within 10 words.)

77.Which sentence in the passage can be replaced by the following one?

       If these genes don’t pass the information that the stomach is full to the brain on time, people may eat much more.

78.Please fill in the blank in the first paragraph with proper words or phrase to complete the sentence.(please answer within 10 words.)

79.What can we learn from the experiment?(Please answer within 30 words.)

80.Translate the underlined sentence in the second paragraph into Chinese.


 Have you eaten too much over the holidays? You should try fidgeting for a while. Those around you might not like it, but scratching (moving your nails against a part of your body) and twitching (moving suddenly and quickly when you don’t want to) is an important way of burning up calories .

 American researchers have found that some people’s squirming (continuously turn your body when nervous) and wigging (move in small movements, especially from side to side) equals several miles of slow running each day.

 The scientists, based at the National Institute of Health’s laboratory in Phenix, Arizona, are studying why some people get fat and other stay slim.

  In one study 177 people each spent 24 hours in a room in the institute where the amount of energy is measured by their oxygen and carbon dioxide levels. By the end of the day, some people had burned up 800 calories in toe-tapping, (moving the front part of your foot up and down) finger-drumming (hitting your fingers continuously and lightly against something hard) and other nervous habits. However, others had burned up only 100 calories.

  The researchers found that slim women fidget more than fat women, but there was no significant difference in men. Heavy people burn up more energy when they fidget than thin people do.

31. Which of the following can be used to explain the meaning of “fidgeting”?

A. scratching and twitching                B. squirming and wigging

C. slow running                              D. moving one’s body nervously

32. According to the scientists, the reason why some people get fat and other people stay slim is that ____ .

A. thin people burn up less calories than fat people

B. fat people burn up more calories than thin people

C. those who burn up more calories than others will be thinner

D. those who fidget more than others will be thinner

33. Scientists found in the experiment that _________ .

A. the energy burned up by fat people when they fidget was more than that burned up by thin people

when they fidget

B. some people’s fidgeting burned up more than 800 calories, but some people’s fidgeting burned up less

than 100 calories

C. slim women fidget more than fat women but fat men fidget more than thin men

D. thin men fidget more than fat men

34. If someone is thin in a pleasant way, we say they are __________.

A. skinny      B. bony        C. slim          D. underweight

35. Scientists think a fidget habit to be ___________.

A. a way to lose fat                     B. a nervous habit annoying the people around

C. a better exercise than slow running      D. a habit of thin people

