Brahma 婆罗门 查看更多



Head on hand and resting his right arm on his left knee,he has sat in silent contemplation(沉思)for more than 100 years. What on earth has he been 1   about?

Well,you may have the 2 to ask him yourself.“The Thinker'’ one of the most famous sculptures(雕塑)of all time,will visit Beijing for the first time on April 4th and he will 3 for one month.

  “The Thinker'is more than a famous sculpture.It 4 a depth of feeling for humanity(人性)and a nobility of  5 ”said Liu Yan,executive director(总策划)of Cyberark Consulting,which has 6 the exhibition. “It deserves artistic and spiritual appreciation."

  “The Thinker"is the masterpiece of French artist August Rodin.Rodin was born in Paris in 1840. At the age of 14 he entered a local school of decorative arts. The teenager wanted to be an artist,but failed to get  7 into the best  8 school in Paris.His application was turned  9 every time.

  As an 1 8一year—old,he worked as a stonecutter to 10 his living.Four years later the death of his sister upset him so greatIy that he joined a monastery(修道院).11  his talent was recognized and he was encouraged to pursue his artist dream.

  Young Rodin spent 10 years working for sculptors.In 1876,he traveIled to Italy

12 he saw the works of Michelangelo(米开朗琪罗)and others.That gave him the push he needed to go from Rodin the gifted artisan(工匠)to Rodin the 13  The trip 14 his sculpture“The Age of Bronze"(青铜时代),which shot him to fame.

  In 1880.he was chosen to create a bronze door for the future Museum of Decorative Arts in Paris.While working on the doors,which are known 15 “The Gates of Hell (地狱之门)”, Rodin read great Italian 16 Dante(但丁),who inspired  17 of his art.

  He always tried to show people as they 18 were. And he refused to ignore the negative part of humanity. His works display sadness and moral weakness,19  passion and beauty.

The irregular 20 of his sculptures sets them apart from the co1d,smoooth surface that was the tradition.

His creativity in form and subject matter(主题)established his reputation as the first master of modern sculpture.

  When Rodin was 76 years old he gave the French Government his entire collection of works.He died one year later.

  1.A.talking  B.thinking    C.discussing    D.expecting

2.A.ability  B.wish     C.chance     D.interest

  3.A.keep   B.appear    C.include     D.stay

4.A.shows  B.describes   C.explains     D.announces

5.A.thought  B.sculpture   C.dream     D.character

6.A.offered  B.organized   C.suggested    D.admitted

7.A.received  B.entered    C.allowed     D.accepted

8.A.culture       D.spirit     B.down    C.up       D.over

10.A.make    B.continue   C.attend      D.begin     B.Thus     C.However    D.There

12.A.where    B.which       D.what

13.A.writer    B.artist    C.reporter     D.maker

14.A.encouraged B.attracted    C.inspired     D.reminded

15.A.on      C.for

16.A.poet     B.singer    C.painter      D.pianist

17.A.more    B.much    C.many      D.too

18.A.possibly   B.easily    C.really      D.already

19.A.rather than  B.other than well as    D.instead of

20.A.theme    B.surface   C.collection    D.material



请以Why should we learn English? 为题,根据以下提示写一篇作文,说明学习英语的重要性。词数100左右。










His son was a good student before he                             computer games.


Let’s think it over and                       a plan for action.


                         these difficulties,I know you will win the game.


They                                     their money.


She stressed the point                       .


The idea                     all the people.


I                     open the door, but I failed at last.


My long and active life must be                   the healthy life I live.




1.With so much work on hand, you                            to see the movie last night. (go)


2.I hear your new boss is not                            , so you should be more careful. (get)


3.You have no idea                             during the last few months, which has affected me for a long time. (go)

你不知道在过去的几个月里我经历了些什么, 而这些影响了我很长时间。

4.Excited by his move to London, John                             begin his new life. (wait)


5.                           of the skill, you will find it easier to solve such problems. (once)


6.She was                             when her daughter didn’t come home on time. (more)


7.He expressed his gratitude to his head teacher, without                            , he wouldn’t have made such great progress in his studies. (help)


8.This is the second time that he                             for speeding this month. (fine)


9.But the one million people of the city,                             these events, were asleep as usual that night. (think)


10.Was it on a lonely island                             one month after the boat went down. (save)




第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)
“Isn’t this exciting?” whispered Janet Porter to the stranger in the next seat as the plane flew through the (36) sky. “Yes, I suppose (37),” he replied, smiling politely, (38) continuing to read his newspaper. She glanced at her watch. It was half past eleven at night.
Janet was just about to start reading her book (39) the man picked up the briefcase and started moving to the (40) of the plane. (41), Janet stood up and started to (42) him. He opened the cockpit door(驾驶舱的门), walked inside, and then closed it behind him. Most of the passengers on the plane were (43) at that time, but those who were (44) were watching (45) that Janet made. She (46)  herself into the tiny space behind the cockpit door and (47). Seconds later the door flew open and (48) came out holding a gun. “ This is a hijack!” he shouted. “ (49),” Janet said calmly. She held her (50) to the back of his head and said, “ (51) your weapon and lie down on the floor.”
As soon as the plane had landed at the airport, Janet felt (52). A police car was waiting for them. They put the man in the car. Janet smiled at her (53) officers and said, “It’s over. Nobody was (54). What’s (55)?”
36. A. dark           B. blue         C. beautiful           D. fine
37. A. we are         B. you are       C. it is               D. this is
38. A. as             B. before        C. after              D. during
39. A. since           B. while        C. for               D. when
40. A. back           B. toilet         C. door             D. front
41. A. Suddenly       B.Quietly        C.Straightly          D. Patiently
42. A. follow          B. watch        C. seize             D. spy
43. A. reading         B. tired          C. asleep            D. talking
44. A. awake          B. interested      C. surprised         D. alert
45. A. everything       B. great progress  C. some mistakes     D. every move
46. A. ran             B. got           C. forced           D. folded
47. A. observed        B. waited         C. shot             D. aimed
48. A. the man         B. a machinist     C. a passenger       D. the pilot
49. A. Oh, it’s your turn  B. Ah, it’s dangerous  C. No, it’s not     D. Dear! How dare you
50. A. story book       B. police gun      C. briefcase         D. small knife
51. A. Drop            B. Pass me       C. Put away         D. Droop
52. A. worried         B. stressed        C. relaxed           D. impressed
53. A. following        B. proud         C. serious          D. fellow
54. A. informed        B. injured         C. organized         D. shocked
55. A. the person        B. wrong         C. the flight         D. next

