排列顺序题 这种试题要求考生根据事件发生的先后顺序和句子之间的逻辑关系.找出事件发生的正确顺序.做这种题时可采用“首尾定位法 .即最先找出第一个事件和最后一个事件.迅速缩小选择范围.从而快速选出正确答案. [考例] 查看更多




1. A: He said, “She left 10 minutes ago.”  (改为间接引语)

B: He said that she ________ _________ 10 minutes _________..

2. Tom is such an honest boy that he never tells a lie.  (改为同义句)

Tom is so _____ ______ _______ that he never tells a lie.

3. I felt that it was time for me to _________ __________. (采取行动)

4. Why not bring your little brother with you? (改为同义句)

Why _______ ________ bring your brother with you?

5. We must think of ways to ______ wild animals _______ being killed. (阻止)

6. A railway is being built by the workers. (变为主动语态).

The workers ______ _______ a railway.

7. I met Kate in the street yesterday. (强调划线部分)

It was _______ _______ I met Kate in the street.

8. He is seldom late for school. (改为同义句)

Seldom_______ ________ late for school.

9. _____ ______ these interruptions, the meeting would have finished half an hour ago. (要不是)

10. When did the Roman Empire ______ _______ ________? (形成)




Do you have a goal for life? What's it? Do you want to become a writer, singer or just become a rich person?

A recent survey shows that in modern society, most people pick up practical goals, such as “earning money to buy a house and a car”, “to improve one's life quality”, “finding a good job”.

Wang You worked in a small firm (商行) in Nanjing. The job was good and he didn't have to work for extra hours. However, he felt the work was not exciting at all and the life was boring. So he gave up his job and went to Beijing in February, 2007. When he arrived in Beijing, he set his new goal as finding a good job.

Nowadays more and more people want to live a better life. This fact shows that the society is making progress and people's life goals have become more practical. One researcher says, “Everybody has his/her own life goal, which will be surely different from people to people. If one is poor, one's life goal will be to earn more money; if one doesn't have a diploma, studying hard to get a diploma will become his life goal; and if one doesn't have love, his life goal will be to look for it. But if one has no life goal, he will idle away (虚度) his lifetime. {007}”

58.What will a poor man’s life goal be according to this passage? ( 回答词数不超过4个)


59.  Why does the writer mention Wang You?    ( 回答词数不超过12个)


60.  Give a short title for this article. (回答词数不超过6个)





Their round bodies, round flat noses and large ears often remind us of bears every time we see koalas. Probably that’s why these animals are often referred to as koala bears. Koalas are natives of Australia. However, they aren’t found all over the continent. The habitat of koala bears spans (横越) over eastern regions of Australia that include states like Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria and also in the state of South Australia.

   Koalas are found where are enough forests of eucalyptus(桉树) trees. The association of koalas and eucalyptus trees is due to the fact that these animals feed on the leaves of eucalyptus trees. But that’s not all. In addition, the trees also serve as the homes of the koalas.

   Koalas grow around 27 to 36 inches tall and weigh 5 to 9 kilograms on average. Male kaolas are larger than the females. Life expectancy can stretch up to 17 years.

   Like many other animals, the habitat of koala bears is fast decreasing due to deforestation and quick urbanization(都市化). However,efforts by some scientists and animal lovers have successfully introduced these creatures back in certain parts of Australia.

Why do Koalas look like bears?      (no more than 12 words)

Where is the main habitat of koala bears in the world?     (no more than 8 words)

How do eucalyptus trees benefit kaola bears?        (no more than 8 words)


简答题(共3小题, 每小题2分, 满分6分)

阅读下面短文, 根据第73至第75小题的具体要求, 简要回答问题, 并将答案转写到答题卡上.

Every January, Breckenridge hosts the International Snow Sculpture Championships. Fourteen teams travel from all over the world to Switzerland to compete. Teams sculpt for sixty-five hours over five days. Each team hopes that when the time is up, its sculpture will be judged the best.

As the championship begins, the fourteen teams are faced with huge blocks of snow that weigh twenty tons each. The sculptors bring out their favorite tools that work best on the hard iced snow, but they are not allowed to employ tools that use electricity.

Most teams are inspired by what they have seen in daily life. For example, one team carved a teapot with tea pouring out. Another team sculpted a little cat on its hind feet(后脚)reaching into a fish bowl complete with water ripples(涟漪) and a crab(螃蟹) trying to attack the cat. In 2006, Team USA sculpted a golden dog looking at its image reflected in a mirror. To create the effect that the little dog saw its reflection in the glass, the artists carved two dogs facing each other with their paws(脚爪)touching.

As the final hours of the competition tick by, exhausted team members add last-minute detail. They use small brooms to brush off snow caught in tiny holes. One team member counts down the last five minutes while others are busy cleaning up the tools. If they leave any tools behind, they will be out. When the whistle bows, everyone must step away from the sculpture. The judges then vote on creativity, technical skills, and visual impact (视觉效果)of the designs.

In 200, Team USA took first place for their golden dog sculpture titled “Discovery”. But the competition is not just about medals and ribbons. “It’s not about the prize,” said Rob Neyland, Team USA’s captain. “It’s about touching the audience. ”

Every year, as the championship ends, each team is already dreaming of the next masterpiece it will design.

What kind of tools are the sculptors Not permitted to use?(回答词数不超过6个)


What gives the sculptors ideas for their creative work? (回答词数不超过9个)


Why did Team USA win the competition in 2006? (回答词数不超过15个)




Their round bodies, round flat noses and large ears often remind us of bears every time we see koalas. Probably that’s why these animals are often referred to as koala bears. Koalas are natives of Australia. However, they aren’t found all over the continent. The habitat of koala bears  is eastern regions of Australia and South Australia.

Koalas are found where there are enough forests of eucalyptus(桉树) trees. The association of koalas and eucalyptus trees is due to the fact that these animals feed on the leaves of eucalyptus trees. But that’s not all. In addition, the trees also serve as the homes of the koalas.

Koalas grow around 27 to 36 inches tall and weigh 5 to 9 kilograms on average. Male kaolas are larger than the females. Life can stretch up to 17 years.

Like many other animals, the habitat of koala bears is fast decreasing due to deforestation and quick urbanization(都市化). However, efforts by some scientists and animal lovers have successfully introduced these creatures back in certain parts of Australia.

1.What do Koalas look like ?      (回答词数不超过3个)

2.Where is the main habitat of koala bears in the world?     (回答词数不超过8个)

3.What do eucalyptus trees provide koalas with ?        (回答词数不超过3个)


