In Andrew Carnegie’s opinion, how should a rich person deal with his wealth when he or she dies? 查看更多



Tales From Animal Hospital

David Grant

David Grant has become a familiar face to millions of fans of Animal Hospital . Here Dr Grant tells us the very best of his personal stories about the animals he has treated ,including familiar patients such as the dogs Snowy and Duchess , the delightful cat Marigold Serendipity Diamond . He also takes the reader behind the scenes at Harmsworth Memorial Animal Hospital as he describes his day , from ordinary medical check-ups to surgery (外科手术). Tales From Animal Hospital will delight all fans of the program and anyone who has a lively interest in their pet ,whether it be cat , dog or snake I ! $ 14.99 Hardback 272 pp Simon Schuster

ISBN 0751304417

Isaac Newton : The Last Sorcerer

Michael White

Form the author of Stephen Hawking : A Life in Science , comes this colorful description of the life of the world’s first modern scientist . Interesting yet based on fact , Michael White’s learned yet readable new book offers a true picture of Newton completely different from what people commonly know about him . Newton is shown as a gifted scientist with very human weaknesses who stood at the point in history where magic (魔术)ended and science began.

£8.99 Hardback 320 pp Fourth Estate

ISBN 1857024168

Fermat’s Last Theorem

Simon Singh

In 1963 a schoolboy called Andrew Wiles reading in his school library came across the world’s greatest mathematical problem : Fermat’s Last Theorem (定理). First put forward by the French mathematician Pierre de Fermat in the seventeenth century, the theorem had baffled and beaten the finest mathematical minds , including a French woman scientist who made a major advance in working out the problem , and who had to dress like a man in order to be able to study at the Ecole  Polytechnique . Through unbelievable determination Andrew Wiles finally worked out the problem in 1995 . An unusual story of human effort over three centuries , Fermat’s Last Theorem will delight specialists and general readers alike .

£12.99 Hardback 384 pp Fourth Estate

ISBN 1857025210

1.What is Animal Hospital ?

A.A news story .                          B.A popular book .

C.A research report .                      D.A TV program .

2.In Michael White’s book , Newton is described as        .

A.a person who did not look the same as in many pictures

B.a person who lived a colorful and meaningful life

C.a great but not perfect man old-time magician

3.Which of the following best explains the meaning of the word “baffle” as it is used in the text ?

A.To encourage people to raise questions .

B.To cause difficulty in understanding . provide a person with an explanation .

D.To limit people’s imagination .

4.What is the purpose of writing these three texts ?

A.To make the books easier to read           B.To show the importance of science

C.To introduce new authors                 D.To sell the books .



According to Andrew, it never would have happened if he had not had a flat tire on Highway 10 last night at about 7:30. He was on his way to attend a three-day sales meeting when he had the flat. tyre. Unfortunately, he did not have a spare, so he pushed the car off the road, locked it up, and managed to thumb a ride back to Pine Grove. It was after eleven o'clock when he finally got home, and it was then that his real problems started.
When Andrew left home at about 5:30, he had told his wife not to expect him back until Thursday or Friday. Knowing that his wife was nervous about staying in the house alone at night, Andrew took the precaution of checking all the windows in the house to be sure they were locked, so that he could report to his wife that the house was secure. He convinced his wife that the house was burglar-proof, and that she would be perfectly safe, providing she bolted (闩上)the front door as soon as he drove away.
Andrew's only thought as he made his way in the dark to his front door was how surprised his wife was going to be to see him, since he was not supposed to be back until Thursday or Friday. He had forgotten about the bolt on the front door. When he turned his key in the lock and the door wouldn't budge, he remembered the bolt. And he remembered that he had carefully locked all of the windows.
Although Andrew didn't know it at the time, a next-door neighbor had seen him approaching the house and had watched him go up the steps to the front door. In the dark, it was impossible for the neighbor to recognize Andrew, and, besides, the neighbor knew that Andrew had gone out-of-town for a three-day meeting. As a matter of fact, Andrew had asked the neighbor to keep an eye on the house while he was gone.
Finding that he couldn't get in, Andrew began pounding(砰砰地敲) on the front door to get his wife to open the door. According to Andrew, however, his wife is a very sound sleeper, and he knew it was going to be hard to wake her up. In the meantime, because of all the noise he had been making, the neighbor was convinced that somebody was trying to break into the house; so she called the police.
When we talked to Andrew at the country jail this morning, he said that he still didn't understand how the police managed to circle the house without his seeing them. He stated that he had decided the only way to get in was to break one of the dining room windows, and that he was about, to hurl his briefcase into the window to break it when two of the officers grabbed him from behind.
Andrew could not make the officers believe that he lived there; so they took him off to jail. Apparently, he did succeed in convincing them that they ought to wake up the woman in the house to check his story. But there was no answer when they knocked at the door. He tried to explain to them that his wife was a very sound sleeper, but they concluded there was nobody in the house.
【小题1】As Andrew had a flat tyre on the way, he          .

A.had to take another car to attend the meeting
B.rode on a bike to attend the meating
C.asked for a lift to go back home
D.borrowed a car to go back home
【小题2】When Andrew was approaching the house        .
A.he was sure he would pleasently surprise his wife
B.he was deep in thought
C.he was sure that his neighbor would help him
D.he was worried about how to wake his wife up
【小题3】The  underlined word “budge” in Paragraph 3 probably means           .
A.move slightlyB.lock tightlyC.knock lightlyD.close tightly
【小题4】Why did the police officers take Andrew off to jail?
A.It was too late for them to contact Andrew’s wife.
B.Andrew did not explain clearly why he broke into the house.
C.They thought it unnecessary to check Andrew’s story.
D.they concluded that Andrew’s story was a complete invention.


Tales From Animal Hospital
David Grant
David Grant has become a familiar face to millions of fans of Animal Hospital. Here Dr Grant tells us the very best of his personal stories about the animals he has treated, including familiar patients such as the dogs Snowy and Duchess, the delightful cat Marigold Serendipity Diamond. He also takes the reader behind the scenes at Harmsworth Memorial Animal Hospital as he describes his day, from ordinary medical check-ups to surgery (外科手术). Tales From Animal Hospital will delight all fans of the program and anyone who has a lively interest in their pet, whether it be cat, dog or snake I !
$ 14.99 Hardback 272 pp Simon Schuster
ISBN 0751304417
Isaac Newton: The Last Sorcerer
Michael White
From the author of Stephen Hawking: A Life in Science, comes this colorful description of the life of the world’s first modern scientist. Interesting yet based on fact, Michael White’s learned yet readable new book offers a true picture of Newton completely different from what people commonly know about him. Newton is shown as a gifted scientist with very human weaknesses who stood at the point in history where magic (魔术)ended and science began.
£8.99 Hardback 320 pp Fourth Estate
ISBN 1857024168
Fermat’s Last Theorem
Simon Singh
In 1963 a schoolboy called Andrew Wiles reading in his school library came across the world’s greatest mathematical problem: Fermat’s Last Theorem (定理). First put forward by the French mathematician Pierre de Fermat in the seventeenth century, the theorem (法则)had baffled and beaten the finest mathematical minds, including a French woman scientist who made a major advance in working out the problem, and who had to dress like a man in order to be able to study at the Ecole
Polytechnique. Through unbelievable determination Andrew Wiles finally worked out the problem in 1995. An unusual story of human effort over three centuries, Fermat’s Last Theorem will delight specialists and general readers alike.
£12.99 Hardback 384 pp Fourth Estate
ISBN 1857025210
【小题1】In Michael White’s book, Newton is described as        .

A.a person who did not look the same as in many pictures
B.a person who lived a colorful and meaningful life
C.a great but not perfect man old-time magician
【小题2】Which of the following best explains the meaning of the word “baffle” as it is used in the text?
A.To encourage people to raise questions.B.To cause difficulty in understanding. provide a person with an explanation.D.To limit people’s imagination.
【小题3】If a student wants to read a book about a famous scientist and he doesn’t want it too serious to read, which of the three books in the above is suitable?
A.The first.B.The second.
C.The third.D.Both the first and the second.


Tales From Animals Hospital

David Grant

David Grant has become a familiar face to millions of fans of Animal Hospital. Here Dr Grant tells us the very best of his personal stories about the animals he has treated, including familiar patients such as the dogs Snowy and Duchess, the delightful cat Marigold Serendipity DiamonDHe also takes the reader behind the scenes at Harmsworth Memorial Animal Hospital as he describes his day, from ordinary medical check-ups to surgery (外科手术). Tales From Animal Hospital will delight all fans of the programme and anyone who has a lively interest in their pet, whether it be cat, dog, or snake!

14.99 Hardback 272pp Simon Schuster

ISBN 0751304417

Issac Newton: The Last Sorcerer

Michael White

From the author of Stephen Hawking: A Life in Science, comes this colourful description of the life of the world’s first modern scientist. Interesting yet based on fact, Michael White’s learned yet readable new book offers a true picture of Newton completely different from what people commonly know about him. Newton is shown as a gifted scientist with very human weaknesses who stood at the point in history where magic (魔术) ended and science began.

18.99 Hardback 320pp Fourth Estate

ISBN 1857024168

Fermat’s Last Theorem

Simon Singh

In 1963 a schoolboy called Andrew Wiles reading in his school library came across the world’s greatest mathematical problem: Fermat’s Last Theorem (定理). First put forward by the French mathematician Pierre de Fermat in the seven teenth century, the theorem had baffled and beaten the finest mathematical minds, including a French woman scientist who made a major advance in working out the problem, and who had to dress like a man in order to be able to study at the Ecole Polytechnique. Through unbelievable determination Andrew Wiles finally worked out the problem in 1955. An unusual story of human effort over three centuries, Fermat’s Last Theorem will delight specialists and general readers a like.

12.99 Hardback 384pp Forth Estate

ISBN 1857025210

1.What is Animal Hospital?

AA news story.

BA popular book.

CA research report.

DA TV programme.

2.In Michael White’s book, Newton is de scribed as _____.

Aa person who did not look the same as in many pictures

Ba person who lived a colourful and meaningful life

Ca great but not perfect man

Dan old-time magician

3.Which of the following best explains the meaning of the word “baffle” as it is used in the text?

ATo encourage people to raise questions.

BTo cause difficulty in understanding.

CTo provide a person with an explanation.

DTo limit people’s imagination.

4.The person who finally proved Fermat’s Last Theorem is ______.

ASimon Singh

BAndrew Wiles

CPierre de Fermat

Da French woman scientist

5.What is the purpose of writing these three texts?

ATo make the books easier to read.

BTo show the importance of science.

CTo introduce new authors.

DTo sell the books.



Singing had always been an important part of Gloria Estefan’s life. “Since I was three years old, I sang. I sang everything,” Gloria said. “Cubans,” she added, “are a musical people”.

Gloria was born in Cuba in 1957. Her family left the country just before Fidel Castro came to power. In Miami, where the family settled, many people did not accept Cuban immigrants. In first grade, she spoke little English, but she worked hard to learn the language. Six months after she entered school, she won an award for reading in English!

When Gloria was ten, her father returned from the Vietnam War. Soon, the family realized he wasn’t well. They soon found out that he was badly ill. Her mother went back to teaching at school to support the family. Gloria cared for her father and her younger sister.

She still made the honor roll, and she still had her music, but Gloria was lonely. However, when the band leader Emilio Estefan came to speak at her high school, Gloria sang for him. He asked her to join his band. It was the beginning of the Miami Sound Machine.

Within a few months, the Miami Sound Machine was the top band in Miami. In 1978 Gloria and Emilio married.

At first, the Miami Sound Machine was known only in Miami. Then the band signed with CBS Records. Estefan and his band became stars.

Since then, the Miami Sound Machine has sold millions of records. Gloria has done more than just singing when Hurricane Andrew hit central Florida in 1992. She used only two weeks to organize an all-star concert that raised $2 million for the people who suffered in the hurricane. “We needed a party after that disaster,” she said.

Gloria said, “You have to stay true to the music you really love to do. There will always be people who will tell you, ‘that won’t work.’ You’ve got to be firm in spite of difficulties. Stick to it—that’s the main thing.”

1.Gloria’s father was ill        .

       A. when they settled down in Miami.

       B. before they left their home country

       C. after he returned from Vietnam War

       D. as soon as she finished high school

2.According to the passage, probably Gloria did the following except        .

       A. organizing an all-star concert for Hurricane victims

       B. winning an award for reading in English

       C. teaching at school to support the family

       D. taking care of her father and sister

3.The underlined word “disaster” in this passage refers to        .

       A. the concert          B. the celebration     C. the victims        D. the hurricane

4.This passage mainly tells about Gloria Estefan’s        .

      A. life story   B. happy marriage   C. music style    D. Cuban background


